I came to Carthage, where I found myself in the midst of a hissing cauldron of lusts. I had not yet fallen in love, but I was in love with the idea of it, and this feeling that something was missing made me despise myself for not being more anxious to satisfy the need. I began to look around for some object for my love, since I badly wanted to love something. —St. Augustine, Confessions
ABOVE: Rachel, Lillian Rose, and the insatiable Mr. Entwistle.
If you've seen this one on "Adult (Ha!) Friend (Ha!) Finder", I don't think he'll be available anytime soon:
SWM(kind of)M seeks WF for discreet bedroom fun (but not too fun, I'm British) and adultery. Likes include walks in the park, cuddling, kids, (most of the time) and firearms.
USA Today: Entwistle pleads not guilty to murdering wife and daughter
Prosecutors had previously said that Entwistle expressed dissatisfaction with his sex life.
A British man accused of killing his wife and infant daughter in their Massachusetts home and then fleeing the country pleaded not guilty Tuesday to murder.
Neil Entwistle, 27, is charged with two counts of murder and firearms charges in the Jan. 20 slayings of his wife, Rachel, 27, and their daughter, Lillian Rose, who would have turned 1 on Sunday.
Prosecutors also released new details Tuesday about troubles in the Entwistles' marriage and inconsistencies in stories that Neil Entwistle told about the killings.
According to documents filed by prosecutors, Entwistle's computer records showed an exchange of e-mails with a woman he found through a website called "Adult Friend Finder." He told the woman he was in a relationship "but looking for a bit more fun in the bedroom" and "a very discreet relationship just for fun."
Hmmmmmm...SEX IS what, now?
Prosecutors have said Entwistle shot his wife and daughter after racking up tens of thousands of dollars in debts that his wife apparently didn't know about.
Golly, I wonder what he spent all that dough on...
I'll bet you $20 it wasn't gifts for the wife and child.
Entwistle allegedly told a state police detective that he found the bodies of his wife and daughter when he returned to the Hopkinton home they had rented after running errands. He said he drove 50 miles to his father-in-law's house to get a gun so he could kill himself but couldn't get inside the house and decided to go home to England to be with his parents.
In England, Entwistle told friends a different story, according to a summary filed by prosecutors Tuesday.
Entwistle allegedly said he drove to his mother-in-law's work place, told her he had found the bodies, and then gathered with his wife's family in Carver to "mourn the news." He said he "began to feel left out" and went straight to his parents' home in Worksop, England, according to the summary.
Prosecutors said they have evidence that Entwistle rented a car when arrived in England, spent a night in a hotel and drove almost 800 miles before going to his parents' home.
According to investigators, Entwistle had also done research online about ways to kill people and how to commit suicide. Investigators say he may have planned a murder-suicide but couldn't go through with it after killing his wife and daughter.
Silver lining? He still has the chance to repent...
In court Tuesday, he stood silent as his lawyer asked the judge to enter a not guilty plea to all counts, including murder and weapons charges.
...but I won't hold my breath.
Rachel Entwistle's mother and stepfather, Priscilla and Joseph Matterazzo, and about a dozen friends and family members watched the short proceedings.
"They miss Rachel and Lillian Rose every minute of every day," said family spokesman Joseph Flaherty. "It doesn't bring them any comfort to see him standing there and know that their daughter and granddaughter are gone."
Have mercy on all souls, Lord.
Superior Court Judge Peter Lauriat set a goal of starting the trial by April 2007. If convicted, he faces a mandatory life sentence; Massachusetts does not have a death penalty.
He's a lucky guy. No wonder he didn't fight extradition.
Part 1: SEX IS DEATH. (Stories for Boys) is here.
Part 2: SEX IS DEATH. (Distaff Death) is here.
Part 3: SEX IS DEATH. (Joyously dispensing death) is here.
Part 4: SEX IS DEATH. (Sex is depression) is here.
Part 5: SEX IS DEATH. (When self-pleasuring becomes self-destruction) is here.
Part 6: SEX IS DEATH. (Sex is theft) is here.
Part 7: SEX IS DEATH. (A review of Bareback Mountain) is here.
Part 8: SEX IS DEATH. (What is the ultimate penalty?) is here.
Part 9: SEX IS DEATH. (Haven from reality) is here.
Part 10: SEX IS DEATH. (Sin-redemption-reasons-reason) is here.
Part 11: SEX IS DEATH. (Mommy loves you) is here.
Part 12: SEX IS DEATH. (George Gilder offers a clue) is here.
Part 13: SEX IS DEATH. (Post-killem depression) is here.
Part 14: SEX IS DEATH. (Whither womanhood) is here.
Part 15: SEX IS DEATH. (Saving psychology 1) is here.
Part 16: SEX IS DEATH. (Saving psychology 2) is here.
Part 17: SEX IS DEATH. (Fear of the boomers) is here.
Part 18: SEX IS DEATH. (The battle continues apace) is here.
Part 19: SEX IS DEATH. (Hot for teacher) is here.
Part 20: SEX IS DEATH. (Kids do the darndest things) is here.
Part 21: SEX IS DEATH. (Defects) is here.
Part 22: SEX IS DEATH. (Privates' privacy) is here.
Part 23: SEX IS DEATH. (National Condom Week) is here.
Part 24: SEX IS DEATH. (Wegenics) is here.
Part 25: SEX IS DEATH. (White wedding) is here.
Part 26: SEX IS DEATH. (Literally) is here.
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