Have you ever wondered to what depths a man will sink to get his rocks off? [I was going to type "to get laid", but everybody knows that's not going to happen.] Here's AmeriKKKa's least favorite Nazi poet and intellectualoid chanteur with a couple of examples:
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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Friday, September 28, 2012
Frausun: Nazi porn and the exploitation of the vertically challenged from deep in the heart of Texas.
Posted by
4:14 PM
Labels: Orgasm Über Alles
The Michael and Cathryn Borden Memorial Book of the Day.*
Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama
From Goodreads:
“This isn’t a story about black people—it’s a story about the Left’s agenda to patronize blacks and lie to everyone else.”
decades, the Left has been putting on a play with themselves as heroes
in an ongoing civil rights movement—which they were mostly absent from
at the time. Long after pervasive racial discrimination ended, they kept
pretending America was being run by the Klan and that liberals were
black America’s only protectors.
It took the O. J. Simpson
verdict—the race-based acquittal of a spectacularly guilty black
celebrity as blacks across America erupted in cheers—to shut down the
white guilt bank.
But now, fewer than two decades later, our
“postracial” president has returned us to the pre-OJ era of nonstop
racial posturing. A half-black, half-white Democrat, not descended from
American slaves, has brought racial unrest back with a whoop.
Obama candidacy allowed liberals to engage in self-righteousness about
race and get a hard-core Leftie in the White House at the same time. In
2008, we were told the only way for the nation to move past race was to
elect him as president. And 53 percent of voters fell for it.
Ann Coulter fearlessly explains the real history of race relations in
this country, including how white liberals twist that history to spring
the guilty, accuse the innocent, and engender racial hatreds, all in
order to win politically. You’ll learn, for instance, how
--A U.S.
congressman and a New York mayor conspired to protect cop killers who
ambushed four police officers in the Rev. Louis Farrakhan’s mosque.
entire Democratic elite, up to the Carter White House, coddled a black
cult in San Francisco as hundreds of the cult members marched to their
deaths in Guyana.
--New York City became a maelstrom of racial hatred,
with black neighborhoods abandoned to criminals who were ferociously
defended by a press that assessed guilt on the basis of race.
hoax hate crimes were always believed, never questioned. And when they
turned out to be frauds the stories would simply disappear from the
--Liberals quickly switched the focus of civil rights laws from
the heirs of slavery and Jim Crow to white feminists, illegal
immigrants, and gays.
--Subway vigilante Bernhard Goetz was
surprisingly popular in black neighborhoods, despite hysterical
denunciations of him by the New York Times.
--Liberals slander
Republicans by endlessly repeating a bizarro-world history in which
Democrats defended black America and Republicans appealed to
segregationists. The truth has always been exactly the opposite.
where few authors would dare, Coulter explores the racial demagoguery
that has mugged America since the early seventies. She shines the light
of truth on cases ranging from Tawana Brawley, Lemrick Nelson, and
Howard Beach, NY, to the LA riots and the Duke lacrosse scandal. And she
shows how the 2012 Obama campaign is going to inspire the greatest
racial guilt mongering of all time.
*Huh? Look here.
Here's Ann having to deal with the left-fascist illuminati: [From Mediaite via Inquisitr.com]
Posted by
2:35 PM
Labels: Book of the Day, Racist.
You don't have to vote FOR Romney. He can be contained once he's in power. You must vote AGAINST left-fascist terror and control.
Posted by
2:29 PM
The Economic Terrorism President and The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion are trying to frighten you into surrendering your freedoms for a few crumbs.
Posted by
2:26 PM
America's first Economic Terrorist President only needs to buy a majority of votes in a few states. Do you think The Party doesn't know that?
US economy grew only 1.3% in Q2
The US economy was more sluggish than thought in the second quarter, growing only 1.3 percent, Commerce Department data released Thursday showed. - AFP via Yahoo! New Zealand News
- Obama Pitches Platform in New Two-Minute Ad - National Journal via Yahoo! News
- Obama Calls for 'New Economic Patriotism' - ABC OTUS News via Yahoo! News
Posted by
2:23 PM
Labels: Bolshevik The Clown, GOVERNMENT IS THEFT, Lyin'-ass Bitch in the White House, None dare call it treason, Obama-rama, VOTE FOR ROMNEY NOT THE COMMIE
The Catholic crackup continues apace.
In case you needed to be reminded why your ancestors fled Europe and why we used to have a First Amendment, check out this story about The Church [and other churches] laying with dogs.
From AP via Yahoo News:
No tax, no blessing: German church insists on levy
The road to heaven is paved with more than good intentions for Germany's 24 million Catholics. If they don't pay their religious taxes, they will be denied sacraments, including weddings, baptisms and funerals.
The Catholic Church in Germany receives about €5 billion ($6.5 billion) annually from the surcharge. For Protestants, the total is just above €4 billion ($5.2 billion). Donations, in turn, represent a far smaller share of the churches' income than in the United States.
Gonschor added he was also "really fed up with the institution and its failures."
The group We are Church, which claims to represent tens of thousands of grassroots Catholics, said many Germans stop paying the tax because they disagree with the church's policies or simply want to save money — not because they have lost their faith.
"I haven't quit because I still think that I might want to get married in a church one day, even though I know that's absurd," said Anna Ainsley, a 31-old-year banker and a Protestant from Frankfurt. "But when I see my tax declaration, then I think every year that I should finally quit."
Those are the people that Germany's Catholic bishops had in mind when they decreed on Sept. 20 that stopping the payment of religious taxes was "a serious lapse" and those who did so would then be excluded from a range of church activities.
"This decree makes clear that one cannot partly leave the Church," the bishops said in a statement. "It is not possible to separate the spiritual community of the Church from the institutional Church."
Wavering Catholics will now be sent letters reminding them of the consequences of avoiding the church tax, including losing access to all sacraments.
"Maybe you haven't considered the consequences of your decision and would like to reverse this step," a draft of the letter states.
In Italy, tax-payers have the choice of diverting a small part of their income taxes to religious institutions, including the Catholic Church and the country's Jewish community, but the contribution is voluntary.
In none of those countries have the churches taken such a firm stand against dropouts.
So far German courts have stood by the bishops' decision. This week the country's top administrative court threw out a lawsuit against the archdiocese of Freiburg by retired theologian Hartmut Zapp, who has spent years fighting the Catholic Church over the tax.
Zapp argued that a Catholic should be free to stop paying but remain a member of the spiritual community and that his religious beliefs could not possibly be tied to a tax payment.
The archdiocese responded in a statement that "those who lack solidarity bid farewell to the community of believers."
Posted by
1:41 PM
Labels: Catholic crackup
Capitalism Versus Sodomy, or Money can't buy you moral rectitude.
From Roto-Reuters:
Suitors bombard tycoon's 'gay' daughter after marriage bounty offered
The newly married lesbian daughter of a Hong Kong tycoon who offered a $65 million "marriage bounty" to any man able to win her love, on Thursday said she'd been flooded by marriage proposals but harbored no animosity towards her father.
That's either very mature and magnanimous on her part or she thinks she has to play nice to inherit the whole company someday.

"War veterans from the U.S., someone from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, from Istanbul, South America, Portugal, really just from all over the world," said Chao, sifting through emails on a white Apple laptop in her father's high-rise office tower.
One suitor from the United States wrote: "I'm interested in your offer to wed your daughter, who also happens to be gay. I am a male person, who also happens to be gay."
Another put up his brother, a body double to George Clooney in the 2008 sports flick "Leatherheads" as a potential mate: "He could be the picture perfect date that your father craves."
"I've tried my best to respond to well-meaning ones ... but most of them I just try not to open," added the frizzy-haired Chao, who was wearing a silver ring after what she called a "church blessing" with her girlfriend in a Paris church.
Gigi said her billionaire father, who drives a Rolls Royce and flies a helicopter but had a poor early childhood in Shanghai, had been upset when his daughter's longtime lover revealed the couple had wed in Paris in April, leading to his impromptu HK$500 million "marriage bounty" offer to any man able to set her straight.
Wow. Really?
Gigi sounds pretty cool for someone suffering from same-sex attraction disorder.
Her 76-year-old father, rarely seen without sunglasses and brand-name clothes, has never married but has boasted of bedding over 10,000 women including models and starlets.
That explains it. Citizen Chao gets what he deserves. Put away the checkbook, pervert.
BTW, Wilt Chamberlain is not REPEAT NOT a role model, kiddies.

Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: Sodomy: The New Black
Did you ever wonder why and how Democrasses keep black folks in chains? Ann Coulter knows.
From Human Events:
Liberals Can't Break Their 200--Year Racism Habit
By: Ann Coulter
Democrats spent the first century of this country’s existence
refusing to treat black people like human beings, and the second
refusing to treat them like adults.
After fighting the Civil War to continue enslaving black people and
then subjecting newly freed black Americans to vicious, humiliating Jim
Crow laws and Ku Klux Klan violence, Democrats set about frantically
rewriting their own ugly history.
Step 1: Switch “Democrat” to “Southerner”;
Step 2: Switch “Southerner” to “conservative Democrat”;
Step 3: Switch “conservative Democrat” to “conservative.”
Contrary to liberal folklore, the Democratic segregationists were not
all Southern — and they were certainly not conservative. They were
dyed-in-the-wool liberal Democrats on all the litmus-test issues of
their day.
All but one remained liberal Democrats until the day they died. That’s the only one you’ve ever heard of: Strom Thurmond.
As soon as abortion is relegated to the same trash heap of history as
slavery has been, liberals will be rewriting history to make Democrats
the pro-lifers and Republicans the pro-choicers. That’s precisely what
they’ve done with the history of race in America.
In addition to lying in the history books, liberals lied on their
personal resumes. Suddenly, every liberal remembered being beaten up by a
300-pound Southern sheriff during the civil rights movement.
Among the ones who have been caught falsely gassing about their civil
rights heroism are Bob Beckel, Carl Bernstein and Joseph Ellis. (Some
days, it seems as if there are more liberals pretending to have been
Freedom Riders than pretending to be Cherokees!)
In the 1950s and ’60s, Democrats were running segregationists for
vice president, slapping Orval Faubus on the back and praising George
Wallace voters for their “integrity.” (That was Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
in The New York Times.)
But the moment the real civil rights struggle was over, liberals
decided to become black America’s most self-important defenders.
Of course, once we got the Democrats to stop discriminating against
blacks, there was no one else doing it. So liberals developed a rich
fantasy life in which they played Atticus Finch and some poor white cop
from Brooklyn would be designated Lester Maddox (racist Democrat,
endorsed by Jimmy Carter).
White journalists who didn’t know any actual black people (other than
Grady the maid) became junior G-men searching for racists under every
bed, requiring a steady stream of deeply pompous editorials.
You will never see anything so brave as a liberal fighting nonexistent enemies.
Liberals drove the entire country crazy with their endless battles
against imaginary racists, to make up for their having been AWOL during
the real fight over civil rights.
Throughout this period, every black-on-white crime became a
re-enactment of “To Kill a Mockingbird”; every cop who shot a black perp
was Bull Connor; and every alleged racist incident was instantly
presumed true, no matter how preposterous.
When it turned out the hate crime was a hoax, the cop was being
mugged and the black kid was guilty, the whole story would just quietly
disappear from the news, as if the media were reading a bedtime story to
a child, whispering the ending and tiptoeing out of the room.
Then came the O.J. verdict.
Millions of Americans watched as a mostly black jury acquitted an
obviously guilty black celebrity and saw black America cheer the
verdict. The sight of black law students whooping and applauding O.J.’s
acquittal had the same emotional impact as watching Palestinians
celebrate the 9/11 attack.
Overnight, the white guilt bank — once thought “too big to fail” —
was shut down. Henceforth, instead of producing stuttering
embarrassment, liberal moral intimidation on race produced only
eye-rolling. With that, America became a much healthier country,
especially for black people.
Without nonsense claims of racist “code words” to stop them,
Republicans were finally able to implement long-sought reforms on crime
and welfare. The unqualified success of Rudy Giuliani’s crime policies
in New York saved tens of thousands of black lives. Welfare reform was
such a stunning success that Bill Clinton claimed credit for it.
Blacks had won the final civil rights battle: The right to be treated
like adults. Even liberals ceased their oohing and ahhing over every
little thing any black person did.
But the post-O.J. paradise came to a crashing halt with the appearance of Barack Obama.
Obama allowed liberals to return to accusing Americans of being racists and get the most liberal president America has ever seen at the same time.
The only firm evidence that there are any actual racists left in
America is the fact that so many whites voted for Obama as some sort of
racial penance.
More white people voted for Obama in 2008 than had voted for any Democratic presidential candidate in nearly 40 years.
They must have felt guilty about something. Not harboring any racist impulses, I was free to vote Republican.
Now that Obama is up for re-election, liberals are back to their old
tricks. A nation with more child pornographers than racists — a nation
that’s already elected a (half) black president once — is suddenly said
to be bristling with racists again!
My new book, out this week, “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the
Seventies to Obama,” reminds us that nothing good has ever come of
Americans capitulating to liberals’ racial bullying, especially not for
black people. Never. Don’t make the same mistake again, America.
More from Ann and Human Events:
Matthews A Few Race Cards Short Of A Full Deck
Today, we will focus on the outstanding individual performance of the man who, since the departure of Contessa Brewer, is widely regarded by his colleagues as the stupidest on-air personality at MSNBC. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Chris Matthews.
Appearing on “Morning Joe,” Matthews exploded at Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, alleging that Mitt Romney’s harmless birth certificate joke from a few days earlier was a “cheap shot,” “awful,” and an example of the Republicans playing “that card.”
(Discussing his hometown roots while campaigning in Michigan, Romney had cited the local hospitals where he and his wife were born, adding, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.”)
Even the liberals on the show were perplexed. Asked to clarify whether he considered the birth certificate joke “playing the race card,” Matthews angrily said: “Yeah, there’s no doubt he did with his birth certificate. No doubt. Why would he bring it up? Why would he say, ‘I have no problem with my birth certificate’? What’s that supposed to say?”
Joe Scarborough: “Because he misfired badly on the joke?”
But Matthews didn’t have time for alternative explanations. Besides, he had already yelled at Joe and Mika, so the issue was obviously resolved. Chris quickly moved on to Romney’s ads describing the Obama administration’s change to welfare requirements as another example of racism.
Matthews said that Romney’s (factually correct) claim that Barack Obama is weakening the work requirement for welfare was “playing that card,” fuming at the RNC chair, “and you are playing that little ethnic card there.” Priebus, like most people who haven’t spent much time around Matthews, could only laugh awkwardly.
Matthews raged: “You can — you play your games and giggle about it, but the fact is your side is playing that card. You start talking about work requirements, you know what game you’re playing and everybody knows what game you’re playing. It’s a race card.”
Asked by Scarborough if he really believed that the welfare ad was racist, Matthews said: “Of course it is. Welfare? Food stamps?”
On “Hardball” that night, Matthews continued his welfare rant: The Romney ad was “ethnically charged” and a “dog whistle.” (The phrase “dog whistle” is a dog whistle for imaginary sightings of racism.)
For the clincher, Matthews added: “Did you catch Romney following it up by saying this was Obama’s effort to excite and shore up his base, passing out welfare checks? His base.”
As everyone but Chris knows, the “base” Romney referred to consists not of individuals collecting welfare, but those distributing it, i.e.: union-dues-paying government workers. Democrats’ problem with welfare reform always was that if it worked, we would need fewer of these well-pensioned public employees, a fact repeatedly acknowledged by liberals themselves.
When welfare reform was first proposed in 1994:
– Will Marshall of the Progressive Policy Institute said the reforms would sever Democratic ties to the liberal “base,” which he described as: “Congress, the interest groups that cluster around them, the bureaucracies that work closely with them, the social service providers and experts and think tank types.”
– Robert Kuttner of the uber-liberal American Prospect magazine wrote that welfare reform would hurt Bill Clinton with “the Democratic base.”
– Liberal journalist Jeff Greenfield of ABC News said that Clinton’s becoming a third-way, New Democrat would risk “alienating a liberal base.”
I’m sorry, gentlemen, but it is my sad duty to inform you: You’re all racists.
The next night on “Hardball,” Matthews made his most dramatic announcement yet! It seems the mention of “Chicago” in relation to the president is also a racist dog whistle.
Matthews: “They keep saying Chicago, by the way, you noticed?”?
Guest John Heilemann, like an orderly in a mental institution trapped alone with a patient, played along, responding, “Well, there’s a lot of black people in Chicago” — while frantically jabbing at the alarm button.
For the love of Pete, can’t we all acknowledge that a reference to “Chicago” in this context manifestly refers to corrupt, big-city, machine politics and 1920s gangsterism — not race? No one thinks Al Capone was an African-American.
My advice to Chris is: Pace yourself. It’s a long way to Election Day. If you get too crazy, too soon, you’ll have nothing left for the fourth quarter.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Labels: None dare call it treason, Racist.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Lyin'-ass bitch in the White [Racist.] House.
From Karl Rove at Rove.com:
Obama's Biggest Opponent Is the Truth
When George Stephanopoulos asked Mitt Romney in a Sept. 14 "Good Morning America" interview what he's learned about President Obama as a debater, the former Massachusetts governor replied, "I think he's going to say a lot of things that aren't accurate."
One Obama spot says, "To pay for huge, new tax breaks for millionaires like him, Romney would have to raise taxes on the middle class: $2,000 for a family with children."
That claim has been thoroughly discredited, including by PolitiFact Virginia and editorials in this newspaper. Mr. Romney, unlike the president, is committed to cutting taxes for everyone, including the middle class.
Another ad says, "As a corporate raider, [Mr. Romney] shipped jobs to China and Mexico." In response, the Washington Post editorialized, "On just about every level, this ad is misleading, unfair and untrue." As recently as Sept. 17, Mr. Obama claimed in Ohio that Mr. Romney's "experience has been owning companies that were called 'pioneers' in the business of outsourcing jobs to countries like China." But that claim, too, is a fabrication.
There is more. An Obama ad aimed at northern Virginia women intones, "Mitt Romney opposes requiring coverage for contraception." In fact, Mr. Romney opposes the president's unprecedented assault on religious liberties—in this case, the federal government forcing religious institutions (like church-sponsored hospitals, schools and charities) to provide insurance coverage for contraception in violation of their fundamental moral values and, incidentally, the First Amendment.
Candidates always have disagreements, arguing over the meaning of events or evidence. But Mr. Obama has taken ordinary political differences beyond anything we've seen. Every day, it seems, he attempts to disqualify his opponent through deliberate and undeniable falsehoods.
This is only one side of a two-sided coin. The president can't tell the truth about his own record either.
For example, Mr. Obama said at a Univision Town Hall on Sept. 20 that his biggest failure "is we haven't gotten comprehensive immigration reform done." The president then did what is second nature to him: He pinned the blame on Republicans. The problem with this excuse is that the Democrats controlled Congress by huge margins in the first two years of his presidency—and Mr. Obama never introduced an immigration bill or even provided the framework for one.
In the same interview, Mr. Obama claimed that his Justice Department's botched "Fast and Furious" gunrunning program was "begun under the previous administration." This time it was ABC's Jake Tapper correcting the record, pointing out, "it was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency."
The most troubling recent example of Mr. Obama's serial dishonesty is his administration's effort to deny that the attack on our consulate in Benghazi was a premeditated terrorist assault, as if the truth would somehow tarnish Mr. Obama's foreign-policy credentials.
Voters expect politicians to stretch the truth. But when the offender is as persistent with mistruths, half-truths and no-truths as Mr. Obama is, voters expect the other candidate to blow the whistle. They want their leaders to show toughness and be competitive. Which brings us back to the coming Oct. 3 debate, to be followed by two others on Oct. 16 and 22.
During these widely watched events, Mr. Romney must call out the president. That is not so easy: Mr. Romney can't call Mr. Obama a liar; that's too harsh a word that would backfire. Mr. Romney must instead set the record straight in a presidential tone—firm, respectful, but not deferential. And a dash of humor is worth its weight in gold.
While Mr. Romney must point out the president's misrepresentations, he can't take on the role of fact-checker-in-chief. He should deal comprehensively with several of Mr. Obama's untruths and, having done so, dismiss the rest as more of the same.
By carefully calling into question the president's veracity, Mr. Romney will have the opportunity to provide context: Mr. Obama doesn't shoot straight because he can't defend his record and has no agenda for the future except the status quo, stay the course.
What exactly about the past four years do Americans like? And why would they want four more years like them? Mr. Obama knows how most Americans would answer these questions, which is why he is being so fast and loose with the truth. Mr. Romney's job is to shine a light on this for voters.
This article originally appeared on WSJ.com on Wednesday, September 27, 2012.
Posted by
3:32 PM
Labels: Jennifer Love Hewitt Love, VOTE FOR ROMNEY NOT THE COMMIE
Brave Christians look Leviathan in the eye and dare it to throw them to the lions.
Talk to your priests, rabbis, and ministers, kiddies. Beg them to stand up for freedom from government hatred of God.
From Fox News:
Pastors pledge to defy IRS, preach politics from pulpit ahead of election
More than 1,000 pastors are planning to challenge the IRS next month by deliberately preaching politics ahead of the presidential election despite a federal ban on endorsements from the pulpit.
The defiant move, they hope, will prompt the IRS to enforce a 1954 tax code amendment that prohibits tax-exempt organizations, such as churches, from making political endorsements. Alliance Defending Freedom, which is holding the October summit, said it wants the IRS to press the matter so it can be decided in court. The group believes the law violates the First Amendment by “muzzling” preachers.
Stanley said pastors attending the Oct. 7 “Pulpit Freedom Sunday” will “preach sermons that will talk about the candidates running for office” and then “make a specific recommendation.” The sermons will be recorded and sent to the IRS.
“We’re hoping the IRS will respond by doing what they have threatened,” he said. “We have to wait for it to be applied to a particular church or pastor so that we can challenge it in court. We don’t think it’s going to take long for a judge to strike this down as unconstitutional.”
An amendment was made to the IRS tax code in 1954, stating that tax-exempt organizations are “absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”
“Violation of this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise tax,” the IRS says in its online guide for churches and religious organizations seeking tax exemption.
Stanley and others, like San Diego pastor Jim Garlow, say the IRS regularly threatens churches that they will lose their tax-exempt status if they preach politics. But Stanley and Garlow claim the government never acts on the threat because it wants to avoid a court battle.
“It is blatantly unconstitutional,” said Stanley. “They just prefer to put out these vague statements and regulations and enforce it through a system of intimidation … Pastors are afraid to address anything political from the pulpit.”
“The IRS will send out notices from time to time and say you crossed the line,” added Garlow, a senior pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego. “But when it’s time to go to court, they close the case.”
A spokeswoman for the IRS did not comment on the matter and instead referred all inquiries to the government’s online handbook

Garlow and other pastors say their concerns over the code extend well beyond the law.
“I’m very concerned about the spiritual side of this,” Garlow told FoxNews.com. “There’s a phenomenon occurring in America and that’s a loss of religious liberty.”
“If I would have said 50 years that ‘Tearing up a baby in the womb is a bad thing,’ people would have said ‘Of course it is,’” Garlow said. “But If I said that today, people would say ‘Pastor, you’re being too political.”
Posted by
3:22 PM
Labels: GOVERNMENT IS THEFT, Lyin'-ass Bitch in the White House
Emperor Haile Unlikely's fellow travelers believe they have fixed the race by brainwashing the rubes...
"Big Commie Lead in Ohio, Florida, and Virginia" read the stories about the scientific polls paid for by the AmericaLast pinkos, but notice how the national polls they conduct are too close to call.
Take it from someone who's been there, kiddies: polls can be made to say whatever you want them to say.
From National Journal via Yahoo News:
Gripes about the party-ID composition of poll samples are certainly not new: Eight years ago, Democrats were claiming polls showing a surge in Republican identification did not accurately reflect the makeup of the electorate.
Now, it's Republicans making the case their voters are undersampled.
Schwartz, whose institute conducts polls in battleground states for CBS News and The New York Times, asserts that pollsters who weight according to party identification could miss the sorts of important shifts in the electorate that could be determinative.
"A good example for why pollsters shouldn't weight by party ID is if you look at the 2008 presidential election and compared it to the 2004 presidential election, there was a 7-point change in the party ID gap," Schwartz said. Democrats and Republicans represented equal portions of the 2004 electorate, according to exit polls. But, in 2008, the percentage of the electorate identifying as Democrats increased by 2 percentage points, to 39 percent, while Republicans dropped 5 points, to 32 percent.
"The intended effect is to suppress Republican turnout through media polling bias," McLaughlin said.
Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., is unconvinced. "Why would pollsters want to look inaccurate?" Miringoff asked rhetorically in a phone interview.
Miringoff, who is conducting three battleground-state polls each week for NBC News and The Wall Street Journal, called the focus on party identification "too narrow."
Nate Silver: Obama The Clear Favorite, But We Could Be Surprised
Posted by
11:29 AM
Labels: None dare call it treason, Obama-rama, VOTE FOR ROMNEY NOT THE COMMIE
Oliver North on the 'Innocence of Muslims'nand the guilt of Okhrana.
Have you noticed how Mr. Mulatto and the AmericaLast Media depend upon perpetuating the racist stereotype of mohammedans as mindless, bloodthirsty savages who fly into murderous rages at the drop of a cartoon in order to cling to power?
From The Washington Times:
'Innocence of Muslims' was just a cover-up
Ever since the deadly and destructive Sept. 11, 2012, anti-American attacks in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and more than two dozen other countries, the Obama White House has sought to lay blame on someone else. The O-Team — and the perpetrators — have had a lot of help from the useful idiots in the mainstream media. The disinformation campaign being waged by the Obama administration over the cause of this violence would be comedic but for the fact that six Americans have been killed and dozens have been injured.
From the perspective of many “covering” this story, the global jihad we’re witnessing is mostly the fault of an incompetent filmmaker and the “spontaneous outrage” is over a “provocative video.” Notably, the same is being said about protests against French diplomatic posts in the Middle East because “obscene cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad” were published in a French magazine. What’s really obscene is the way all of this has been covered by the potentates of the press — particularly the events in Cairo; Benghazi, Libya; and Afghanistan.
The U.S. Embassy in Cairo was first off the block — issuing an apology for a poorly made Internet video titled “Innocence of Muslims.” Though the video was shot in 2011 — not by an Israeli, as first reported, but by an Egyptian living in the U.S. — it attracted almost no attention when brief segments first appeared on the Internet in July 2012. The Obama administration continues to tell us that the Muslim Brotherhood and a host of other Islamic radical groups in 30 countries just happened to come across the “offensive video” on the 11th anniversary of the devastating Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 of our countrymen.
That alone requires a willful suspension of disbelief by anyone at all familiar with reality. Only a tiny fraction of the young men assaulting our diplomatic posts, military installations and U.S. businesses and killing Americans have seen what the White House and our State Department have described as a “disgusting,” “insulting” and “distasteful” movie. Yet major networks and print outlets continue to parrot the administration’s propaganda. If a Republican were in the Oval Office, the press would be calling it a cover-up.
The failure of the media stars to ask questions and demand answers is particularly egregious in two cases: the “spontaneous” attack on our consulate in Benghazi, in which four Americans were killed on the night of Sept. 11, and the attack in Afghanistan in which two U.S. Marines were killed during a ground assault at Camp Leatherneck/Bastion. Both of those events warrant questions — and answers — as to how they could have happened.
For nine days, the Obama administration — including Susan Rice, our ambassador to the United Nations — refused even to describe what had happened at our Benghazi consulate as a terrorist attack. The White House and State Department insisted that Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed in an “unplanned attack” during a protest prompted by the offensive video and that there “was no intelligence about any threat in Libya.” Of course, that narrative exonerates the administration from a failure to plan for radical Islamic “anniversary attacks” on Sept. 11.
We now know that’s not what happened. As Catherine Herridge at Fox News discovered, there was intelligence about a possible terrorist attack in Libya two days before the event, and it was unrelated to the infamous video. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is investigating the “discrepancies” between the O-Team’s story line and the events on the ground. There are a number of additional questions that should be asked and answered:
Why was our ambassador to Libya in Benghazi, not Tripoli, on the eve of the Sept. 11 anniversary?
Who decided to delay placing U.S. Marine embassy security guards at our Libyan diplomatic missions?
Who made the decision to have our ambassador accompanied by such a small personal security detail on the trip to Benghazi, and when was it made?
Other than the Americans at the consulate, who else knew about the ambassador’s visit to Benghazi?
If the vaunted Obama national security team didn’t prepare adequately for the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks, Congress and the American people deserve to know. But they can’t use “we just didn’t know” or the “spontaneous outrage” excuses for what happened on the night of Sept. 13 at Camp Leatherneck/Bastion.
Nobody is saying the well-executed assault that killed two U.S. Marines was anything but well-planned. The enemy employed well-aimed indirect fire, automatic weapons and a suicide assault against the 1,600-acre U.S.-British base in Helmand province. The number of aircraft damaged and destroyed is staggering.
We were told the Arab Spring was going to make things better. President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize said as much. For all of what has transpired since Sept. 11, 2012, there is one overriding question that needs to be asked and answered: How could this happen?
Oliver North is host of “War Stories” on Fox News Channel, founder and honorary chairman of Freedom Alliance and author of “American Heroes in Special Operations” (Fidelis, 2010).
Posted by
11:07 AM
Labels: None dare call it treason, Racist., Religion of Peace and Love and Et Cetera, VOTE FOR ROMNEY NOT THE COMMIE
America's favorite mass murderer and thief tries to yuck it up.
From Roto-Reuters:
Obama flubs line on jobs, says he's 'channeling' Romney
President Barack Obama
flubbed a line during a campaign speech on Wednesday, mistakenly saying
he wanted to export U.S. jobs, before correcting himself and jokingly
blaming Republican rival Mitt Romney.
Posted by
10:46 AM
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