*Thanks to Mark Levin (My third
favorite Jew...Go ahead and try to guess. Here's a hint: Bob Dylan is
Number 4.) for that one.
I know you Clumpskyites and AWUGs
(Angry White Unemployed Guys) out there don't want to read the truth,
but you've got yourselves tangled up in a genuine cult of personality
with this orange psychopath and you are either too proud or too
ignorant to admit it.
I know you voted for it because you
thought it would wreak vengeance on those who have wronged you. That
is just stupid on so many levels. The thirst for revenge blinds you
and makes you weak and vulnerable. A cold and calculating victory
strategy that would put your enemies to flight is what is called for.
But no, you'd rather rage and scream at the darkness because it makes
you feel better now. Meanwhile, the creature you consider your hero
is giving your enemies power to rule over you while you applaud it
for its wondrous "honesty" and "outsider"
For example, the guy who is about to
become your Treasury Secretary is a George Soros bootlicker. And you
claim to be an anti-commie anti-globalist American patriot! You are
a sucker and a dumbass.
How about your new Secretary of State?
He's been sucking Czarina Putina's strap-on for years and getting
rich in return. He' s also a baby-eater, a "climate change"
freedom and job destroying fascist and the very definition of
globalist elite insider. But I'm sure he loves his long as
it doesn't produce too much methane. Can't wait for those robot
You suckers.
All you'll need to do is watch the
Democrass senators at the confirmation hearings. They will only
attack the REAL CONSERVATIVES, the true anti-power,
anti-establishment outsiders. Beware of those to whom they give a
And one more thing before I forget.
What sane human thinks that creepy little sodomite opressing poor
Russia deserves anything more than a .22 to the back of his fat head?
(As an amateur Russian historian, I think a bomb thrown at his
motorcade is more likely. However, my Russian cousins have proved
themselves more than adept at both.)
And I do mean sodomite. All that
photo-op judo and hunting and deep sea diving is certainly over-compensating for something. (I wouldn't be surprised if Germaine Greer in drag knows exactly what.) And WTF is up with all that
barechested bareback riding? That sort of thing attracts a specific
sub-genre. You can look it up.
Of course, Clump may simply be a Putina sycophant. I'm not saying that Clump itself definitely is a
homosexual, but you must admit there appears to be quite a lot of
over-compensation going on there, too. (It is a world famous
jock-sniffer. Maybe it's just a big sports fan. Maybe it likes to pay
powerfully built young men to urinate on it while it reclines naked
in its solid gold bathtub. Who knows?)
Has anybody really given any thought to
that whole "grab her by the pussy" thing? It doesn't make
any sense. It can buy all the pussy it wants and then some. Plus,
there are oodles of females all over the world willing to debase
themselves just for a contact high from all that money and power. So
why the badass predator act? Could it be that l'il Clumpy can't rise
to the occasion?
Even if it does like girls, it seems
reasonable to assume it needs some kind of violence and/or
degradation to get off.
We'll probably never know for sure,
because money definitely can buy you happiness, kiddies...or at least the silence
of your victims.
Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Laura
Ingraham entered her daughter in a Clump beauty contest? Not funny
for the child, of course. But then again, who cares about children?
Certainly not her mommy, the alleged Catholic, who now votes the
straight (and perhaps not so straight) BabyEater ticket.