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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!

It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...

"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III

Friday, April 28, 2006

Talk about abuse...

Dating-Abuse Class Tells Kids to Rely on Peers, Not Parents

(CNSNews.com) - A curriculum dealing with dating abuse among teenagers was endorsed by two members of the U.S. Senate this week as a way to stop a "frightening and deadly cycle of children hurting children," but the leader of a pro-family group called the program "a waste of school time" because it teaches teens to seek help from peers before turning to their parents. Full Story

MTV Head Touts Network's Ability to 'Inspire' Youth

(CNSNews.com) - MTV has "empowered and educated" America's youth for the last 25 years, said Christina Norman, president of MTV networks, who told an audience at the National Press Club Thursday that her organization's role is to "inspire a generation." Full Story

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First of all, the word is SEX, not GENDER. If you are ever tempted to use the word GENDER, don't. The word is SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! For example: "My sex is male." is correct. "My gender is male." means nothing. Look it up. What kind of sick neo-Puritan nonsense is this? Idiot left-fascists, get your blood-soaked paws off the English language. Hence I am choosing "male" under protest.


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