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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!

It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...

"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

No Repansycans they.

From CNSNews.com come this story of dozens of "conservatives" who don't have enough power to become Repansycans. Yet.

Dozens of House conservatives will gather on Wednesday to suggest specific ways of paying for hurricane relief with "offsets" -- hundreds of billions of dollars in spending cuts to offset the cost of hurricane relief.

The plan includes diverting money from other government projects and programs and it targets pork-barrel spending.

It's time to sharpen the pencils and make tough choices, said Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.). "Katrina breaks our hearts, but we can't let Katrina break the bank," Pence told Fox & Friends Wednesday morning.

The New York Times reported that programs ripe for cuts include the recently passed, pork-laden highway bill; eliminating NASA's moon-Mars program; (NO! - F.G.) ending government support for public broadcasting; delaying Medicare prescription drug coverage for one year; and even charging federal employees for parking.

Asked if House conservatives plan to name specific "porkers" at Wednesday's press conference, Pence said the point is not to embarrass people -- it's to find big-ticket items to offset the enormous cost of Katrina.

Speaking for himself, Pence said he's confident that the people of eastern Indiana will be glad to forego the $16 million earmarked in the highway bill for their roads and infrastructure if it would help the Gulf Coast recover.

But, he added, "Even if we set aside 100 percent of the [pork] in the highway bill, that would only be a fraction of what we need to deal with the cost of Katrina."

Pence said major spending restraint is needed over the next ten years to "prevent this from either forcing a tax increase or a bigger national debt."

"House conservatives are coming today in response to the president's call for cuts last Friday at the White House; and in response to our own leadership."

"So you're literally going to see dozens of men and women -- House conservatives -- trying to lead the charge to say, 'Here's some ideas where over the next ten years there's more than enough in savings to pay for Katrina."

"Operation Offset" is getting rave reviews from taxpayer watchdog groups.

"Given the huge run-up in wasteful federal spending over the past several years, there is simply no need for Congress to compound natural disasters with a fiscal disaster," said John Berthoud, president of the National Taxpayers Union.

"If relief from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita are at the top of the federal agenda, sound budgeting demands that taxpayers likewise be relieved from costly programs at the bottom of the list."

NTU is applauding Members of the Republican Study Committee for proposing a "sensible set of recommendations" for slowing down, reducing or eliminating government programs that could offset the federal spending increases triggered by Congress's response to Hurricane Katrina.

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