"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture."
-- Pope Sixtus III
Yahweh is indeed merciful beyond all measure! Not only did He allow the Orange Fruitcake to touch the Wailing Wall without melting him like those Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark, he also gives Jew-haters like the sodomites that frequent the blog below (not to mention Jimmy Carter!) many chances to repent and not suffer eternal damnation! What a wonderful God! I would have smoked these assholes generations ago...Yet more evidence I am not Him. Next stop, Rome, where Pope Francis will undoubtedly pray for the Miscreant-In-Chief and these cretins will mutter "papist stooge" and "the real anti-Christ". Do you think the Messiahdent took its dear mama's bible with it on this trip? Luckily for it, Jesus is a real nice guy too...
I will just leave this here: Note: You have probably noticed there have been significantly fewer Trump posts. I lost interest in covering his every move over a month ago now. Since then, there have been more airstrikes in Syria, an arms deal with Saudi Arabia worth over a hundred billion dollars and now this.
Steve Berman is Erick Erickson's Jewish right hand man
January 27, 2016
In "Cuckservatives"
“Oh my gosh! Who could have ever have predicted that might happen!” DUH…
Does it seem strange to you that American nationalists, are the only nationalists in the world that say, don’t support our candidate, support Republicans?
I know nothing will be learned from this, WN will be back supporting Republicans next election and the ones after that. Makes me seriously think that WN is a scam set up by Republicans, to get dopey Whites to campaign for them for FREE.
An astonishing set of photos. Could you imagine Ike, Churchill, or any other leader of a major power in the past donning a yarmulke, kissing that wall and pledging eternal fealty to these creeps?
Also on this tour– ramping up hostility to “extremist” and “terrorist” Iran while playing best friends with the Saudis, who provided the manpower for 9-11, funding for ISIS and Wahhabi mosques throughout the world and more. (Of course Iran is hostile to Israel and Saudi Arabia is not.)
Either its a big conspiracy or these people, really are that incompetent.
Hillary never had the chance of winning. Candidate Hillary helped flip 5 blue states.
May 22, 2017 at 6:12 pm
“An astonishing set of photos. Could you imagine Ike, Churchill, or any other leader of a major power in the past donning a yarmulke, kissing that wall and pledging eternal fealty to these creeps?”
Brother Nathaniel says its a ritual where they’re pretending to have sex with a goddess who lives behind the wall. lol
@RB No, nationalists in the USA simply have no viable candidates. The choice is between not voting at all (I abstained from a number of elections because I couldn’t stand either choice) or voting for the slightly lesser of two evils.
Trump was a gamble. He talked like a civic nationalist. He was voted for not because he was a Republican, but because he promised the Wall, suspension of immigration from Muslim countries, and other “moderately nationalist” policies. I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick here.
Also, voting for him wasn’t useless — his campaign really kicked the lid off the Uniparty, exposed how much the press is just a creature of the Vampiric Globalist State, and allowed disenfranchised Whites to exercise their political muscle together for the first time a long time.
You can sit here and OD on Black Pills if you want, but Trump’s campaign and election already served some major nationalist purposes. Another thing it did was rile up the Left into a rabid frenzy that still hasn’t abated — they’re showing their true colors, blurting out their actual purposes, because they’re so ticked off. Never interrupt the enemy when he’s making a mistake — and if Trump gets them spun up so much that they throw caution to the winds — which appears to be the case — then he’s worth it unless he turns directly in Hillary Clinton.
The image of Trump sucking up to jews at the ‘Wailing Wall’ is stomach turning.
Seems like all the leaders of the West are shabbas goys.
Hmm: “You have probably noticed there have been significantly fewer Trump posts. I lost interest in covering his every move over a month ago now.”
At http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2016/10/14/nevertrumps-historically-unprecedented-stab-in-the-back/comment-page-1/#comments is an Occidental Dissent post dated October 14, 2016, and headed “#NeverTrump’s Historically Unprecedented Stab In The Back.” Therein, our host, Mr. Wallace, wrote as follows:
“As I sensed at the time, we were watching a major historical event unfold on Saturday when 1/3 of the #NeverTrump Senate repudiated Trump …
[Quote from Atlantic article including the following: “By comparison, only a handful of GOP senators rejected Barry Goldwater in 1964; former President Dwight Eisenhower, despite private doubts, publicly campaigned for him. Even in 1912, when Roosevelt launched an independent candidacy, the Republican leadership remained more unified behind Taft than their modern-day counterparts are behind Trump.”]
“To my knowledge, nothing of this scale has ever happened before in American history on the eve of a national election. The #NeverTrump stab in the back was bigger than TR’s revolt that led to the Bull Moose Party in 1912.”
In response to that, I commented as follows:
“These comparisons are meaningless. The earlier events–with Goldwater and T. Roosevelt–were true political events, involving disputed visions of America and of its place in the world. Trump is just an oddity, who has lodged himself, formally, as the Republican nominee but is not a real political figure. This is historic only in the way that, say, the crashing of an asteroid into Earth is historic. It can’t be ignored, but the only thing it reveals is that unusual things happen.”
In response to that comment of mine, one of Occidental Dissent’s gracious Southern commenters wrote as follows:
“Sure, pal. Trump is an oddity? No, Trump is the result of the liberal/left policies of the last 60 or so years. He is an imperfect vessel but he is the guy who has emerged, like it or not, to represent the real America. … Trump is the only person in my lifetime who has had the stones to take the national stage and call the Democrats, the Progressives, the RINO’s and all the rest out, for what they really are. And you sniff that he is an “oddity”. You are the oddity, Bonaccorsi, the poindexter sitting in his overstuffed chair who just does not get it. This is not just another election. if you do not understand that then for God’s sake go in the bathroom and hang yourself, because you won’t like what is coming down the pike.”
Fuck u south fruitcakes. You’re gonna lose bigtime racist wankers
May 22, 2017 at 7:01 pm
“@RB No, nationalists in the USA simply have no viable candidates. Lesser of two evils”
That is the exact talking point they repeated on Stormfront, to ignore the Pro White candidate and to support the Zionist one. They refuse to use the White Genocide talking point, nor use anti-White, but they use memes to ignore Pro White candidates and support Zionist ones.
Yesterday someone over there with a low post count, posted a single comment. “All White Nationalist websites are run by AshkeNAZI”.
You know what? The incompetence of a group that ignore their own, and supports their biggest enemy, is something I find really hard to believe. The conspiracy looks far more likely.
They will never have a viable candidate, because they never support their own candidates. Not now, not ever.
Ann Coulter frustrated nothing getting done back home she ‘ll flip anytime soon say fukin Jews.
If she was serious, she would stop supporting Zionists and run for office herself. If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself.
Too bad Trump didn’t wear an American Indian headdress—How Jew Face?
PM Netanyahu and the Likud have lots of friends from republican party now majority house and senate.Short supply at the Department of Defense are streched globally. The army pork barrel welfare to wage war against Iran by land disastrous .The’ll carpet bomb, risk of nuclear fall out.
Isn’t it time for another “holocaust” speech? It’s been weeks since the last one.
I MUST keep repeating "There is no such thing as invincible ignorance, there is no such thing as invincible ignorance, there is no such thing as invincible ignorance, there is no such thing as invincible ignorance...
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
First of all, the word is SEX, not GENDER. If you are ever tempted to use the word GENDER, don't. The word is SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! For example: "My sex is male." is correct.
"My gender is male." means nothing. Look it up.
What kind of sick neo-Puritan nonsense is this? Idiot left-fascists, get your blood-soaked paws off the English language. Hence I am choosing "male" under protest.
Does it seem strange to you that American nationalists, are the only nationalists in the world that say, don’t support our candidate, support Republicans?
I know nothing will be learned from this, WN will be back supporting Republicans next election and the ones after that. Makes me seriously think that WN is a scam set up by Republicans, to get dopey Whites to campaign for them for FREE.
Also on this tour– ramping up hostility to “extremist” and “terrorist” Iran while playing best friends with the Saudis, who provided the manpower for 9-11, funding for ISIS and Wahhabi mosques throughout the world and more. (Of course Iran is hostile to Israel and Saudi Arabia is not.)
May 22, 2017 at 6:12 pm
“An astonishing set of photos. Could you imagine Ike, Churchill, or any other leader of a major power in the past donning a yarmulke, kissing that wall and pledging eternal fealty to these creeps?”
Brother Nathaniel says its a ritual where they’re pretending to have sex with a goddess who lives behind the wall. lol
Trump was a gamble. He talked like a civic nationalist. He was voted for not because he was a Republican, but because he promised the Wall, suspension of immigration from Muslim countries, and other “moderately nationalist” policies. I think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick here.
Also, voting for him wasn’t useless — his campaign really kicked the lid off the Uniparty, exposed how much the press is just a creature of the Vampiric Globalist State, and allowed disenfranchised Whites to exercise their political muscle together for the first time a long time.
You can sit here and OD on Black Pills if you want, but Trump’s campaign and election already served some major nationalist purposes. Another thing it did was rile up the Left into a rabid frenzy that still hasn’t abated — they’re showing their true colors, blurting out their actual purposes, because they’re so ticked off. Never interrupt the enemy when he’s making a mistake — and if Trump gets them spun up so much that they throw caution to the winds — which appears to be the case — then he’s worth it unless he turns directly in Hillary Clinton.
Seems like all the leaders of the West are shabbas goys.
At http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2016/10/14/nevertrumps-historically-unprecedented-stab-in-the-back/comment-page-1/#comments is an Occidental Dissent post dated October 14, 2016, and headed “#NeverTrump’s Historically Unprecedented Stab In The Back.” Therein, our host, Mr. Wallace, wrote as follows:
“As I sensed at the time, we were watching a major historical event unfold on Saturday when 1/3 of the #NeverTrump Senate repudiated Trump …
[Quote from Atlantic article including the following: “By comparison, only a handful of GOP senators rejected Barry Goldwater in 1964; former President Dwight Eisenhower, despite private doubts, publicly campaigned for him. Even in 1912, when Roosevelt launched an independent candidacy, the Republican leadership remained more unified behind Taft than their modern-day counterparts are behind Trump.”]
“To my knowledge, nothing of this scale has ever happened before in American history on the eve of a national election. The #NeverTrump stab in the back was bigger than TR’s revolt that led to the Bull Moose Party in 1912.”
In response to that, I commented as follows:
“These comparisons are meaningless. The earlier events–with Goldwater and T. Roosevelt–were true political events, involving disputed visions of America and of its place in the world. Trump is just an oddity, who has lodged himself, formally, as the Republican nominee but is not a real political figure. This is historic only in the way that, say, the crashing of an asteroid into Earth is historic. It can’t be ignored, but the only thing it reveals is that unusual things happen.”
In response to that comment of mine, one of Occidental Dissent’s gracious Southern commenters wrote as follows:
“Sure, pal. Trump is an oddity? No, Trump is the result of the liberal/left policies of the last 60 or so years. He is an imperfect vessel but he is the guy who has emerged, like it or not, to represent the real America. … Trump is the only person in my lifetime who has had the stones to take the national stage and call the Democrats, the Progressives, the RINO’s and all the rest out, for what they really are. And you sniff that he is an “oddity”. You are the oddity, Bonaccorsi, the poindexter sitting in his overstuffed chair who just does not get it. This is not just another election. if you do not understand that then for God’s sake go in the bathroom and hang yourself, because you won’t like what is coming down the pike.”
May 22, 2017 at 7:01 pm
“@RB No, nationalists in the USA simply have no viable candidates. Lesser of two evils”
That is the exact talking point they repeated on Stormfront, to ignore the Pro White candidate and to support the Zionist one. They refuse to use the White Genocide talking point, nor use anti-White, but they use memes to ignore Pro White candidates and support Zionist ones.
Yesterday someone over there with a low post count, posted a single comment. “All White Nationalist websites are run by AshkeNAZI”.
You know what? The incompetence of a group that ignore their own, and supports their biggest enemy, is something I find really hard to believe. The conspiracy looks far more likely.
They will never have a viable candidate, because they never support their own candidates. Not now, not ever.