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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!

It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...

"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

From The No Matter Who You Vote For, The Politicians Get In Department:

ABOVE: State Senator Noah Wenger of Pennsylvania (R-Lancaster County) pays the price for violating the state's constitution: Public humiliation.

From Human Events Online comes this story of perfidious politicians pillaging and pilfering the pay of the poor people of Pennsylvania:

Young Conservatives Facing Heat for Billboard Campaign

Pennsylvania Republicans are threatening the Young Conservatives of Pennsylvania (YCOP) for sponsoring a public information campaign exposing a hefty pay raise passed for lawmakers, judges and top executive-branch officials.

On July 7 at 2 a.m., state legislators voted to give themselves a pay increase of more than 30% without debate. YCOP is demanding repeal.

Lawmakers offended by the group, made up of Pat Toomey supporters—whose efforts nearly ousted U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter last fall—want legal action to name those funding YCOP’s plans and stop the campaign.
The legislators also granted themselves access to “unvouchered expenses” as a part of the plan, which immediately went into effect.

This is the part of the scam that violates the Commonwealth's constitution. Lawmakers are allowed to raise their own pay, but the raise may only take effect in the next legislative term, presumably to let voters punish the greedy bastards who vote for a raise and then run for re-election.

The unvouchered expenses are an attempt to bypass this constitutional safeguard. Take the kleptocrats to court, you say? Our moral and intellectual superiors included raises for state judges in the bill. (Clever bastards.) Think those judges will vote against that summer home in the Poconos? Think again.

YCOP’s project, InformedPA, was unleashed a week ago to educate voters of their lawmakers’ voting record on the pay raise. YCOP is posting black billboards with bold white type and red accents in the home districts of lawmakers who voted yes on the bill.

Targeted lawmakers are: President Pro Tempore Robert Jubelirer, Senate Majority Leader David J. “Chip” Brightbill (R.-Lebanon), Sen. Noah Wenger (R.-Lancaster), Senate Minority Leader Robert Mellow (D.-Lackawanna) and House Minority Leader H. William DeWeese (D.-Greene).

Each billboard features a large black and white photo of the lawmaker on the left. The billboards say things such as, “Senator Wenger voted to raise his own pay to $115,000. A 36% increase.”

Radio ads are made to accompany the billboards. Jubelirer, the first to be attacked, said he is offended by the campaign. A spot that aired in his Altoona district notifies constituents that Jubilee upped his pay to $145,553 a year, with an increase of 34%. It ends, “Sen. Bob Jubilee: Raising our taxes and his salary, since 1975.”

In response, Jubelirer today launched his own radio campaign in defense. YCOP member Mark Harris says people like Jubelirer view YCOP as an outside special interest group. “Their tactic is to paint us as crazy extremists,” he said.

If you think the majority R's are bad, take a look at the D's. If you voted against the pay raise (and the D leadership) you lost your committee leadership position.

Chris Lilik, who directs the campaign, says he has been contacted by Ron Harper, a contract Senate employee directed to “research people and subjects important to the Senate,” on three separate occasions. Lilik says Harper implied he could face jail time for his campaign.

Harper appears to be a Repansycan first, and a conservative somewhat farther down the list. Check out his site, 5thestate.com.

Jubelirer aide Mike Long says YCOP can expect a lawsuit. Although Jubelirer will not file it, one of his supporters is likely to make the motion. He told Capitol Wire, “I think it is absurd that a conservative group would target Republican leaders who have helped maintain the Republican majority in the senate for almost 25 years and maintained Republican leadership. It is a stupid mission if one believes in conservative principals and conservatism because it is the Republican Party that preserves those ideas.”

So, Bob, you're going to sue citizens for exercising their right to tell the world what a fat, theiving, hypocritical blowhard you really are. The sick truth is, you'll probably win.

BTW, what exactly has Repansycan leadership done for the Keystone State? I don't see conservatism running wild in PA, Bobby boy.

Lilik’s denies these charges. “This isn’t a Republican issue. This isn’t a Democrat issue,” he says. “This is a matter of trust and our state legislature violated that trust when they voted themselves a massive unconstitutional pay increase in the dead of night without debate.”

Today, YCOP announced their campaign will be extended in Lancaster County, home of Wenger, chairman of the Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus.

Get him, boys.

You can follow YCOP’s campaign at http://www.informedpa.com/.

That looks like a good candidate for Website of the Day.

A Harrisburg talk show host, Bob Durgin, is leading a petition drive against the theives and their theft. It probably won't do any good, but it sounds like it be a major smile when he delivers the thousands of signature to the capitol on September 26.


Here's an alphabetical list of those who voted. The bad guys have a Y in the second position. Will Pennsylvanians actually do anything to punish them? Of course not.

But that is not the point.

Representative (Party-County) / Budget Vote / Pay Raise Vote

Adolph (R-Delaware) Y Y
Allen (R-Schuylkill) Y Y
Argall (R-Schuylkill) Y Y
Armstrong (R-Lancaster) N N
Baker (R-Tioga) N Y
Baldwin (R-Lancaster) Y Y
Barrar (R-Delaware) Y Y
Bastian (R-Somerset) Y N
Bebko-Jones (D-Erie) Y Y
Belardi (D-Lackawanna) Y Y
Belfanti (D-Northumberland) Y Y
Benninghoff (R-Centre) Y N
Biancucci (D-Beaver) Y N
Birmelin (R-Wayne) N Y
Bishop (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Blackwell (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Blaum (D-Luzerne) Y Y
Boyd (R-Lancaster) N N
Bunt (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Butkovitz (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Buxton (D-Dauphin) Y Y
Caltagirone (D-Berks) Y Y
Cappelli (R-Lycoming) N Y
Casorio (D-Westmoreland) Y N
Causer (R-McKean) Y N
Cawley (D-Lackawanna) Y Y
Civera (R-Delaware) Y Y
Clymer (R-Bucks) Y N
Cohen (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Cornell (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Corrigan (D-Bucks) Y Y
Costa (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Crahalla (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Creighton (R-Lancaster) N Y
Cruz (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Curry (D-Montgomery) Y Y
Daley (D-Washington) Y Y
Dally (R-Northampton) Y N
DeLuca (D-Allegheny) Y N
Denlinger (R-Lancaster) N N
Dermody (D-Allegheny) Y Y
DeWeese (D-Greene) Y Y
DiGirolamo (R-Bucks) Y N
Diven (D-Allegheny) Y N
Donatucci (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Eachus (D-Luzerne) Y Y
Ellis (R-Butler) N N
Evans, D. (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Evans, J. (R-Erie) Y Y
Fabrizio (D-Erie) Y N
Fairchild (R-Union) Y Y
Feese (R-Lycoming) N Y
Fichter (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Fleagle (R-Franklin) Y Y
Flick (R-Chester) Y Y
Forcier (R-Crawford) N N
Frankel (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Freeman (D-Northampton) Y N
Gabig (R-Cumberland) N N
Gannon (R-Delaware) Y Y
Geist (R-Blair) Y Y George (D-Clearfield) Y Y
Gerber (D-Montgomery) Y N
Gergely (D-Allegheny) Y N
Gillespie (R-York) N N
Gingrich (R-Lebanon) Y N
Godshall (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Good (R-Erie) Y Y
Goodman (D-Schuylkill) Y Y
Grell (R-Cumberland) N N
Grucela (D-Northampton) Y N
Gruitza (D-Mercer) Y Y
Habay (R-Allegheny) Y N
Haluska (D-Cambria) Y N
Hanna (D-Clinton) Y N
Harhai (D-Westmoreland) X X
Harhart (R-Northampton) Y N
Harper (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Harris (R-Juniata) Y Y
Hasay (R-Luzerne) Y Y
Hennessey (R-Chester) Y Y
Herman (R-Centre) Y Y
Hershey (R-Chester) Y Y
Hess (R-Bedford) Y Y
Hickernell (R-Lancaster) Y N
Hutchinson (R-Venango) N N
James (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Josephs (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Kauffman (R-Franklin) N N
Keller, M. (R-Perry) N N
Keller, W. (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Kenney (R-Philadelphia) Y Y
Killion (R-Delaware) Y Y
Kirkland (D-Delaware) Y Y
Kotik (D-Allegheny) Y N
LaGrotta (D-Lawrence) Y Y
Leach (D-Montgomery) Y Y
Lederer (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Leh (R-Berks) N Y
Lescovitz (D-Washington) Y Y
Levdansky (D-Allegheny) Y N
Mackereth (R-York) N N
Maher (R-Allegheny) N Y
Maitland (R-Adams) Y Y
Major (R-Susquehanna) Y Y
Manderino (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Mann (D-Lehigh) Y N
Markosek (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Marsico (R-Dauphin) N N
McCall (D-Carbon) Y Y
McGeehan (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
McGill (R-Montgomery) Y Y
McIlhattan (R-Clarion) Y N
McIlhinney (R-Bucks) N N
McNaughton (R-Dauphin) N Y
Melio (D-Bucks) Y N
Metcalfe (R-Butler) N N
Micozzie (R-Delaware) Y Y
Millard (R-Columbia) Y N
Miller, R. (R-York) N N
Miller, S. (R-Berks) Y Y
Mundy (D-Luzerne) Y Y
Mustio (R-Allegheny) Y Y
Myers (D-Philadelphia) Y N
Nailor (R-Cumberland) N N
Nickol (R-York) N N
O'Brien (R-Philadelphia) Y Y
Oliver (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
O'Neill (R-Bucks) Y N
Pallone (D-Westmoreland) Y N
Payne (R-Dauphin) N N
Perzel (R-Philadelphia) Y Y
Petrarca (D-Westmoreland) Y N
Petri (R-Bucks) N N
Petrone (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Phillips (R-Northumberland) Y Y
Pickett (R-Bradford) N Y
Pistella (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Preston (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Pyle (R-Armstrong) N N
Quigley (R-Montgomery) N N
Ramaley (D-Beaver) Y N
Rapp (R-Warren) N N
Raymond (R-Delaware) Y Y
Readshaw (D-Allegheny) Y N
Reed (R-Indiana) N N
Reichley (R-Lehigh) N N
Rieger (D-Philadelphia) X X
Roberts (D-Fayette) Y Y
Roebuck (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Rohrer (R-Berks) N Y
Rooney (D-Northampton) Y Y
Ross (R-Chester) Y N
Rubley (R-Chester) Y N
Ruffing (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Sainato (D-Lawrence) Y N
Samuelson (D-Northampton) Y N
Santoni (D-Berks) Y Y
Sather (R-Huntingdon) Y Y
Saylor (R-York) N N
Scavello (R-Monroe) Y Y
Schroder (R-Chester) N Y
Semmel (R-Lehigh) Y Y
Shaner (D-Fayette) Y N
Shapiro (D-Montgomery) Y N
Siptroth (D-Monroe) Y N
Smith, B. (R-York) N Y
Smith, S. (R-Jefferson) Y Y
Solobay (D-Washington) Y Y
Sonney (R-Erie) Y N
Staback (D-Lackawanna) Y Y
Stairs (R-Westmoreland) Y N
Steil (R-Bucks) Y N
Stern (R-Blair) Y N
Stetler (D-York) Y Y
Stevenson, R (R-Mercer) N N
Stevenson, T. (R-Allegheny) Y Y
Sturla (D-Lancaster) Y Y
Surra (D-Elk) Y Y
Tangretti (D-Westmoreland) Y N
Taylor, E. (R-Chester) Y Y
Taylor, J. (R-Philadelphia) Y Y
Thomas (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Tigue (D-Luzerne) Y Y
True (R-Lancaster) X X
Turzai (R-Allegheny) N N
Veon (D-Beaver) Y Y
Vitali (D-Delaware) Y N
Walko (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Wansacz (D-Lackawanna) Y Y
Waters (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Watson (R-Bucks) Y N
Wheatley (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Williams (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Wilt (R-Mercer) N N
Wojnaroski (D-Cambria) Y N
Wright (R-Bucks) Y Y
Yewcic (D-Cambria) N N
Youngblood (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Yudichak (D-Luzerne) Y N
Zug (R-Lebanon) Y Y Senator(Party-County) / Budget Vote / Pay Raise Vote
Armstrong (R-Lancaster) Y Y
Boscola (D-Northampton) Y N
Brightbill (R-Lebanon) Y Y
Browne (R-Lehigh) Y N
Conti (R-Bucks) Y Y
Corman (R-Centre) Y Y
Costa (D-Allegheny) Y Y
Earll (R-Erie) N N
Erickson (R-Delaware) Y Y
Ferlo (D-Allegheny) Y N
Fontana (D-Allegheny) Y N
Fumo (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Gordner (R-Columbia) Y N
Greenleaf (R-Montgomery) Y Y
Hughes (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Jubelirer (R-Blair) Y Y
Kasunic (D-Fayette) Y N
Kitchen (D-Philadelphia) Y N
LaValle (D-Beaver) Y Y
Lemmond (R-Luzerne) Y Y
Logan (D-Allegheny) Y N
Madigan (R-Bradford) Y Y
Mellow (D-Lackawanna) Y Y
Musto (D-Luzerne) Y Y
O'Pake (D-Berks) Y Y
Orie (R-Allegheny) Y N
Piccola (R-Dauphin) N N
Pileggi (R-Delaware) Y Y
Pippy (R-Allegheny) Y N
Punt (R-Franklin) Y Y
Rafferty (R-Chester) Y N
Regola (R-Westmoreland) Y N
Rhoades (R-Schuylkill) Y Y
Robbins (R-Mercer) Y Y
Scarnati (R-Jefferson) Y Y
Stack (D-Philadelphia) Y N
Stout (D-Washington) Y Y
Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) Y N
Thompson (R-Chester) Y Y
Tomlinson (R-Bucks) Y N
Vance (R-Cumberland) N N
Washington (D-Philadelphia) Y N
Waugh (R-York) Y N
Wenger (R-Lancaster) Y Y
White, D. (R-Indiana) Y N
White, M.J. (R-Venango) Y N
Williams, A. (D-Philadelphia) Y Y
Williams, C. (D-Montgomery) Y Y
Wonderling (R-Montgomery) Y N
Wozniak (D-Cambria) Y Y

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First of all, the word is SEX, not GENDER. If you are ever tempted to use the word GENDER, don't. The word is SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! For example: "My sex is male." is correct. "My gender is male." means nothing. Look it up. What kind of sick neo-Puritan nonsense is this? Idiot left-fascists, get your blood-soaked paws off the English language. Hence I am choosing "male" under protest.


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