OMG, this is priceless! Commie stooge with a camera Morgan Spurlock confesses to being a serial sexual predator before the skeletons in his closet even get a chance to look up Gloria Allred's phone number!
Will his bold preemptive strike save what he thinks of as his career? Stay tuned kiddies!
From Washington's other other newspaper:
Morgan Spurlock steps down from his production company...
If SNL had any balls (or they weren't commies too) Spurlick's blog post would make a classic skit.
“Super Size Me” director Morgan Spurlock has stepped down from Warrior Poets, the New York-based production company he founded in 2004. The announcement came on Thursday, a day after he shared a confessional blog post admitting to his long history of sexual harassment.
Harassment? Says you. He sounds like a rapist to me. Or as the late Huge Hefner might call him, a "playboy".
“On behalf of Warrior Poets, (Hee-hee! "His gun's a pen.") we as partners have always supported our company and its endeavors. As of today, Morgan Spurlock will be stepping down effective immediately,” a spokeswoman for the company told The Washington Post in a statement on Thursday. No further explanation was offered.
Spurlock, who wrote that he “built a career on finding the truth,” (Oh, Margaret!) shared the detailed account of his misconduct stretching back to his college days in a post that he tweeted on Wednesday night with the note, “I am Part of the Problem.”
The message came just months after he sold his documentary “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!” to YouTube Red for $3.5 million, according to Deadline. Spurlock also has a forthcoming docu-series titled “Cultureshock” on A&E, set to premiere in 2018.
“As I sit around watching hero after hero, (Who, asshole? Franken? Conyers? Clinton? Roy Moore? What a fuckhead.) man after man, (Ha! Your definition of "man" leaves quite a bit to be desired.) fall at the realization of their past indiscretions, I don’t sit by and wonder ‘who will be next?’ ” he began. “I wonder, ‘when will they come for me?’ ”
He heard the fascist left's Black Mariah driving down his street and confessed like a Menshevik at a Stalinist show trial.
In the blog post, he chronicled his multiple infidelities, verbal sexual harassment in the workplace, battle with depression and decades-long struggle with alcohol abuse.
Booze and sadness makes him hurt girls. I see a future in Country music ahead.
“I can’t blindly act as though I didn’t somehow play a part in this,” Spurlock wrote about the sexual harassment epidemic in Hollywood. “Over my life, there have been many instances that parallel what we see every day in the news.”
To support this statement, he offered several examples of his sexual misconduct throughout the post, always punctuating the harrowing stories with a variation on the phrase “I am part of the problem.”
The first instance he divulged took place in college, when he had a one-night sexual encounter with a girl that he thought was consensual but she later referred to as “rape.”
After a night of drinking, the two went back to his room and “began fooling around,” but she pushed him off her. Still clothed, the two laid in bed for a while laughing and joking. Before long they were “fooling around” again, though this time they took off their clothes.
The girl, whom Spurlock didn’t name, said she didn’t want to have sex, but they eventually did anyway. During intercourse, the girl began crying. The two stopped having sex, and Spurlock tried comforting her.
“I thought I was doing ok, I believed she was feeling better. She believed she was raped,” Spurlock wrote, adding, “That’s why I’m part of the problem.”
Actually Morgan, your giant penis was too much for her. It isn't your fault.
Spurlock next recounted the behavior that led to him settling a sexual harassment allegation with a former female assistant.
He would often yell at her from across the office, using diminutive nicknames like “hot pants” and “sex pants,” which he thought were funny but later realized had “completely demeaned and belittled her to a place of non-existence.”
When his assistant quit, she told Spurlock that he had to pay her to remain silent about his consistent verbal sexual harassment, the director wrote.
“I paid for peace of mind. I paid for her silence and cooperation. Most of all, I paid so I could remain who I was,” Spurlock wrote.
A rich, lying, fascist douche-bag. Congrats. You'll always be that.
Spurlock then wrote that he has “been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend” he’s ever had, adding that his hatred of this behavior “didn’t make me stop.”
That's how playboys find new girlfriends, right? Hello? Hasn't anybody heard of the Fuck-U-All Revolution? You know, girls want it just like guys so it's ok to fuck 'em like blow-up dolls and then throw them away. Anybody?
Musing on what spurred this pattern of infidelity, Spurlock wrote that he was sexually abused “as a boy and as a young man in my teens.” He told only his first wife about the abuse, “for fear of being seen as weak or less than a man.” He also wrote that he suffered from depression and has used alcohol to cope with the mental illness since he was 13 years old and that he hasn’t been “sober for more than a week in 30 years.”
Oh. Drunk, sad, abused, AND crazy. That and the fact he supports Planned Babykilling makes everything good.
Calling himself “someone who consistently hurts those closest to me,” he wrote that “I have helped create a world of disrespect through my own actions.”
He concluded the post by promising to “do better,” to “be better.” To begin, he wrote, “I’m going to be more honest with you and myself.”
The post received mixed reactions, because, as Andrea Mandell wrote in USA Today, “His motive remains unclear: Is Spurlock purely trying to take responsibility for his actions? Get ahead of new allegations? Preserve his reputation as a documentarian? Reassure investors, like those at CBS and A&E?”
One Twitter user said it is “brave to come forward.” Another thanked him for his “honestly and bravery.”
Many didn’t feel like he deserved any praise, however.
“Morgan Spurlock is not brave, he’s trying to get ahead of the story and give you a reason so when you hear about how garbage he is, you think of the reason,” comedian Peter Coffin wrote on Twitter.
One user called him “opportunistic.” Another said that despite his post, “he’s still bad and I want him to go away.”
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Friday, December 15, 2017
Posted by
7:57 PM
Labels: ATTACK FROM THE RIGHT!, Dumbass Cinema, None Dare Call It Sin, Orgasm Über Alles, Penis bad Vagina good, SEX IS DEATH, Sodomy: The New Black, The Theology of the Body
#HimToo Update: Making me look more attractive since 2017.
I must admit this is really a lot of fun for those of us who revere women, because the left-fascist hypocrites driving this "movement" hate manly, decent, and honest gentlemen MORE than they hate the rapists and abusers. Oh, the irony!
Here's the latest from The Perv Wars front:
MeToo spotlight increasingly pointed at past Trump conduct - Washington's other other newspaper -
Donald Trump sailed past a raft of allegations of sexual misconduct in last year’s presidential election.
Now the national #MeToo spotlight is turning back to Trump and his past conduct. Several of his accusers are urging Congress to investigate his behavior, and a number of Democratic lawmakers are demanding his resignation.
With each day seeming to bring new headlines that force men from positions of power, the movement to expose sexual harassment has forced an unwelcome conversation on the White House. In a heated exchange with reporters in the White House briefing room on Monday, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders steadfastly dismissed accusations against the Republican president and suggested the issue had already been litigated in Trump’s favor on Election Day.
But to Trump’s accusers, the rising #MeToo movement is an occasion to ensure he is at last held accountable.
“It was heartbreaking last year. We’re private citizens and for us to put ourselves out there to try and show America who this man is and how he views women, and for them to say, ‘Eh, we don’t care,’ it hurt,” Samantha Holvey said Monday. The former beauty queen claimed that Trump ogled her and other Miss America pageant contestants in their dressing room in 2006.
“Let’s try round two,” she said. “The environment’s different. Let’s try again.”
Holvey was one of four women to make her case against Trump on Monday, both in an NBC interview and then in a news conference. Rachel Crooks, a former Trump Tower receptionist who said the celebrity businessman kissed her on the mouth in 2006 without consent, called for Congress to “put aside party affiliations and investigate Trump’s history of sexual misconduct.”
“If they were willing to investigate Sen. Franken, it’s only fair that they do the same for Trump,” Crooks said.
Franken, the Democratic senator from Minnesota, announced last week that he would resign amid an ethics probe into accusations that he sexually harassed several women. Reps. John Conyers, D-Mich., and Trent Franks, R-Ariz., also resigned after misconduct accusations.
But a Capitol Hill investigation into Trump’s conduct appears unlikely. The Senate and House Ethics Committees investigate members of Congress, not presidents, and Republican-led committees are not apt to investigate Trump on sexual misconduct unless there is some sort of connection to the ongoing Russia probe.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Congress shouldn’t investigate the allegations against Trump.
“I don’t think there’s any forum for us to do that,” he said. “Just think about how that could be abused.”
Nonetheless, several Democratic senators have seized the moment and called for Trump to step down.
“President Trump should resign,” New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand told CNN on Monday. “These allegations are credible; they are numerous. I’ve heard these women’s testimony, and many of them are heartbreaking.”
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley have also called on Trump to resign.
White House aides have warily watched the movement sweep Capitol Hill, opting to repeat rote denials about allegations against the president. The president’s advisers were stunned Sunday when one of the highest-ranking women in the Trump administration broke with the White House line and said the accusers’ voices “should be heard.”
“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said in a CBS interview. “And I think we heard from them before the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”
Haley’s comments infuriated the president, according to two people who are familiar with his views but who spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. Trump has grown increasingly angry in recent days that the accusations against him have resurfaced, telling associates that the charges are false and drawing parallels to the accusations facing Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.
Sixteen women have come forward with a range of accusations against Trump, many after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape last October in which Trump was caught on an open microphone bragging about groping women. One woman, Summer Zevos, a contestant on Trump’s reality show, “The Apprentice,” sued, contending that Trump’s denials of her accusations amount to false and defamatory statements.
Jessica Leeds, who appeared at Monday’s news conference, recalled sitting on an airplane next to Trump in the 1970s when he began to fondle her.
“All of a sudden, he’s all over me. Kissing and groping, groping and kissing,” she said. “Nothing was said. It was just this silent groping going on.”
Trump denied the allegations during the campaign, and Sanders did the same Monday.
“Look, as the president said himself, he thinks it’s a good thing that women are coming forward, but he also feels strongly that a mere allegation shouldn’t determine the course,” Sanders said. “And again, the American people knew this and voted for the president. And we feel like we’re ready to move forward in that process.”
Sanders declined to say whether she believed the accusers or if she herself had been the victim of harassment. She grew impatient with the repeated questions and pledged to provide a list of eyewitnesses whose accounts exonerated the president.
The White House did not provide the list by late Monday.
"For years, he was my monster," Hayek wrote in an op-ed published Wednesday by The New York Times.
Hayek, who regularly starred in films released by Weinstein's Miramax in the 1990s, credited Weinstein with helping her start her career. But she said that the movie mogul would turn up at her door "at all hours of the night, hotel after hotel, location after location."
When Hayek brought "Frida," which she was producing, to Miramax to distribute, Weinstein made outrageous demands as payback. Hayek said he insisted on rewrites, more financing and, most heinously to her, a sex scene with full frontal nudity. He even threatened to kill her, she said.
In order to finish what was a labor of love for Hayek, she agreed. But she said she had a nervous breakdown while shooting the scene. "My body wouldn't stop crying and convulsing," wrote Hayek.
"It was not because I would be naked with another woman," she wrote. "It was because I would be naked with her for Harvey Weinstein."
Even still, Weinstein initially refused to give the movie a theatrical release. He eventually relented after pressure from director Julie Taymor and Hayek. It went on to gross $56.3 million worldwide and land six Oscar nominations, winning two.
In a statement through a spokesperson Wednesday, Weinstein denied Hayek's depiction of their relationship and said the battles on "Frida" were "creative friction."
"All of the sexual allegations as portrayed by Salma are not accurate and others who witnessed the events have a different account of what transpired," said the statement.
"Mr. Weinstein does not recall pressuring Salma to do a gratuitous sex scene with a female costar and he was not there for the filming," read the statement. "However, that was part of the story, as Frida Kahlo was bisexual and the more significant sex scene in the movie was choreographed by Ms. Hayek with Geoffrey Rush."
Dozens of women have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, and numerous women have said he raped them. Weinstein, who is currently under investigation for sexual assault in four cities, has denied all allegations of nonconsensual sex.
"Why do so many of us, as female artists, have to go to war to tell our stories when we have so much to offer? Why do we have to fight tooth and nail to maintain our dignity?" concluded Hayek in her op-ed. "I think it is because we, as women, have been devalued artistically to an indecent state, to the point where the film industry stopped making an effort to find out what female audiences wanted to see and what stories we wanted to tell."
Posted by
7:20 PM
Labels: Are you a fake conservative?, ATTACK FROM THE RIGHT!, Conservative Crackup, None Dare Call It Sin, Orgasm Über Alles, Penis bad Vagina good, SEX IS DEATH
SEX IS DEATH. (Part 123: #HimToo Crossover Episode!)
I came to Carthage, where I found myself in the midst of a hissing cauldron of lusts. I had not yet fallen in love, but I was in love with the idea of it, and this feeling that something was missing made me despise myself for not being more anxious to satisfy the need. I began to look around for some object for my love, since I badly wanted to love something.
— St. Augustine, Confessions
Lawmaker who spun history of heroics ends life in suicide - Washington's other other newspaper ...
FRANKFORT, Ky. — The Kentucky lawmaker’s resume included enough material for an award-winning memoir: He was a peacekeeper at the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, a White House chaplain to three presidents and a 9/11 first responder who gave last rites (WTF?) to hundreds of people at Ground Zero.
What exactly are last rites for heretics? I know what the Catholic rites are. I have a strong feeling that Mr. Johnson is full of regrets (to say the least) now that he knows The Truth.
But Republican Dan Johnson’s carefully crafted history crumbled this week following an extensively reported story from the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting. The story tore down his claims and portrayed him as a con man whose deceptions propped up his ministry of a church of outcasts in Louisville and hid a sinister secret: a sexual assault allegation from a 17-year-old girl.
Johnson denied it all, declaring his innocence from the pulpit of the church where he was the self-appointed “pope.” (He kept moving his reservation in Hell to lower and lower circles.) By Wednesday night, he was dead, his body found on the side of a secluded road with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Rock bottom. Let us hope he was insane as well, for the sake of his immortal soul.
The death of the 57-year-old jolted Republican leaders, who were already struggling with a sexual harassment scandal that toppled the state’s first GOP House speaker in nearly 100 years plus three other Republican committee chairmen. Most in the party had already turned their back on Johnson, calling for his resignation following the sexual assault allegation and his history of posting racist photos on Facebook that depicted President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama as monkeys.
By Thursday, many were offering messages of sympathy while acknowledging Johnson’s complex life.
“He was passionate about others, I saw it often yet he needed help himself,” GOP state Rep. Jim DuPlessis, who sat beside Johnson on the House floor, posted on Twitter.
Johnson’s wife, Rebecca Johnson, said her husband was the victim of a “high-tech lynching” and announced she would run to replace him in the Legislature.
Actually, madam, it was a gunshot wound to the head, complicated by a false religion that offers no hope to sinners.
Elected in 2016, he was part of a wave of Republican victories that gave the GOP a majority in the Kentucky House for the first time in nearly 100 years. But before that, he was the pastor of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, which prided itself on welcoming “real people.”
“It was a biker church, so there was lots of leather jackets, lots of long hair and people that if you ran into them on the street, you might have a different first impression,” said David Adams, a political operative who worked with Johnson on his campaign.
On the church’s website, Johnson claimed to have healed sick people during a visit to South America in 1991, including the incredible story of raising a woman from the dead. The miracles were detailed in a letter from David Fischer, pastor of a church in California. Fischer told the investigative reporting center that he did not witness those events and could not point the agency to anyone who had.
Shame, shame, shame.
On his financial disclosure forms, Johnson listed his only source of income as workers compensation from the state of New York. He said that money was from injuries he sustained while working as a chaplain immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City. But the reporting center, after a seven-month effort, could find no evidence that Johnson was in New York that day.
In a Facebook message posted hours before his death, Johnson hinted that he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder relating to what he witnessed in New York, details that he shared with friends through the years, including Republican state Sen. Dan Seum.
“He struggled with that. I know he did. The fact it was so horrific that he was involved in praying over these people,” Seum said. “I believed him. I had no reason not to.”
The sexual assault allegation came from Maranda Richmond, a former member of Johnson’s church. Richmond told the reporting center she was spending the night at Johnson’s house on New Year’s Eve 2012 when she awoke several hours after midnight to find Johnson standing over her. She said he stuck his tongue in her mouth and put his hands down her pants and into her vagina. She said she begged him to stop and eventually he did.
The Associated Press does not generally identify victims who report sexual assault but is doing so because Richmond has gone public with her story.
Richmond’s public comments match what she told police two years ago, according to police documents obtained by the reporting center. In 2013, police investigated the matter, including a secretly recorded phone call between Johnson and Richmond’s father. But a detective later closed the case, saying Richmond refused to cooperate. Richmond denied that.
As a result of the center’s reporting, the Louisville Metro Police Department re-opened its investigation.
Johnson held a news conference Tuesday at his church, denying the allegations with his wife by his side. He said he would not resign, calling the accusations part of a strategy to attack conservative Republicans nationwide. He saved his criticism for the media, saying he did not “want to blast this girl. I have compassion for .. I’m very sorrowful she is in this dark place in her life.”
Well, if the Orange Stain can call itself "conservative" I guess any thing can.
The reporting center interviewed people who were at the Rodney King riots and spoke with an expert on religious faith and the presidency. All of them said Johnson’s claims were false.
He insisted it was all true.
“This whole piece was so outrageous. It was as though I had never lived or never done anything I had ever done,” he told reporters.
At the end of the news conference, a reporter asked if he had ever raised anyone from the dead. Johnson stopped, turned to face the journalist and said, “God has,” before walking out of the pulpit for the final time.
That was one bold blasphemer.
Part 1: SEX IS DEATH. (Stories for boys) is here.
Part 2: SEX IS DEATH. (Distaff death) is here.
Part 3: SEX IS DEATH. (Joyously dispensing death) is here.
Part 4: SEX IS DEATH. (Sex is depression) is here.
Part 5: SEX IS DEATH. (When self-pleasuring becomes self-destruction) is here.
Part 6: SEX IS DEATH. (Sex is theft) is here.
Part 7: SEX IS DEATH. (A review of Bareback Mountain) is here.
Part 8: SEX IS DEATH. (What is the ultimate penalty?) is here.
Part 9: SEX IS DEATH. (Haven from reality) is here.
Part 10: SEX IS DEATH. (Sin-redemption-reasons-reason) is here.
Part 11: SEX IS DEATH. (Mommy loves you) is here.
Part 12: SEX IS DEATH. (George Gilder offers a clue) is here.
Part 13: SEX IS DEATH. (Post-killem depression) is here.
Part 14: SEX IS DEATH. (Whither womanhood) is here.
Part 15: SEX IS DEATH. (Saving psychology 1) is here.
Part 16: SEX IS DEATH. (Saving psychology 2) is here.
Part 17: SEX IS DEATH. (Fear of the boomers) is here.
Part 18: SEX IS DEATH. (The battle continues apace) is here.
Part 19: SEX IS DEATH. (Hot for teacher) is here.
Part 20: SEX IS DEATH. (Kids do the darndest things) is here.
Part 21: SEX IS DEATH. (Defects) is here.
Part 22: SEX IS DEATH. (Privates' privacy) is here.
Part 23: SEX IS DEATH. (National Condom Week) is here.
Part 24: SEX IS DEATH. (Wegenics) is here.
Part 25: SEX IS DEATH. (White wedding) is here.
Part 26: SEX IS DEATH. (Literally) is here.
Part 27: SEX IS DEATH. (Can't get me no satisfaction) is here.
Part 28: SEX IS DEATH. (Wrestle with mania) is here.
Part 29: SEX IS DEATH. (Press one for death/Presione uno para la muerte) is here.
Part 30: SEX IS DEATH. (Raunch culture) is here.
Part 31: SEX IS DEATH. (Gimme some of that sweet zombie lovin') is here.
Part 32: SEX IS DEATH. (The devil made me eat my baby) is here.
Part 33: SEX IS DEATH. (Mind control = womb control) is here.
Part 34: SEX IS DEATH. (The expense of playing with yourself) is here.
Part 35: SEX IS DEATH. (You can't always get what you want) is here.
Part 36: SEX IS DEATH. (Whom does a master serve?) is here.
Part 37: SEX IS DEATH. (Shootin' 5 for 8) is here.
Part 38: SEX IS DEATH. (Being a never-wed mom of four and an illegal alien is no picnic either) is here.
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
Posted by
6:26 PM
Labels: None Dare Call It Sin, Orgasm Über Alles, Penis bad Vagina good, SEX IS DEATH, The Theology of the Body
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Cal Thomas and Abe Lincoln aren't my favorites, but they'll do.
Personally, I think it is a waste of breath trying to get protestants to live real Christianity instead of the shit they make up every day to justify whatever sin they happen to be enjoying at the time, but I am not permitted to believe in invincible ignorance, so...
I'd like to think the following thinking did some good yesterday in Alabama and helped 22,000 Alabamians write in a name other than that of one of the two major-party fascist perverts.
The Choice In Alabama for Christians
No king but Caesar
By Cal Thomas
In September 1862, a group of Chicago ministers sent a “memorial” (or long letter) to President Abraham Lincoln in which they made a theological argument for the elimination of slavery.
Lincoln had also heard from Southern clergy who used the same scriptures to justify slavery’s preservation.
In response, Lincoln wrote the Chicago group with words that today’s Christians might consider when it comes to matters involving sexual harassment and the setting aside of moral and biblical principles to achieve temporary political goals.
“I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and that by religious men, who are equally certain that they represent the Divine will. I am sure that either the one or the other class is mistaken in the belief, and perhaps in some respects both. I hope it will not be irreverent for me to say that if it is probable that God would reveal his will to others, on a point so connected with my duty, it might be supposed he would reveal it directly to me; for, unless I am more deceived in myself than I often am, it is my earnest desire to know the will of Providence in this matter. And if I can learn what it is I will do it! These are not, however, the days of miracles, and I suppose it will be granted that I am not to expect a direct revelation. I must study the plain physical facts of the case, ascertain what is possible and learn what appears to be wise and right. The subject is difficult, and good men do not agree.”
Lincoln eventually made the right decision that culminated in The Emancipation Proclamation. The divided nation shed much blood over slavery, and the fallout from that war continues today in racial conflict.
I have listened to arguments on both sides of the sexual harassment issue by “good men” (and women). There are those who believe allegations of sexual harassment of teens and young women by Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore are sufficient to deny him a seat in the Senate. Others say that maintaining a 52-seat Republican majority is critical to advancing President Trump’s agenda, which includes seating more conservative judges on federal benches. This, they say, supersedes what Moore may or may not have done 40 years ago.
By cleaning house (and the Senate) of their own bad boys, many Democrats think they will gain a previously hidden moral authority to win back the House and impeach President Trump for his alleged past (and they believe more recent) misdeeds.
The Democrats’ agenda might be true, but for evangelical Christians should either argument matter more than the King and Kingdom they are supposed to serve?
Some biblical wisdom might be instructive. In the Old Testament, Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup. He later regretted his decision, but at the time he was hungry and said his birthright meant little to him.
In the ultimate church-state moment where the crowd was forced to choose between demanding that Pilate give the order to crucify Jesus of Nazareth, or let Him go, there was this sobering exchange:
Pilate: “Shall I crucify your king?”
The chief priests: “We have no king but Caesar.” (John 19:15)
As then, today’s “chief priests” and church members are being asked to make a choice. One choice might give short-term satisfaction, as Esau experienced with his temporarily filled stomach, but it leads to a loss of credibility in the eyes of the world. It demonstrates that for Christians attaining earthly and temporal power is paramount.
Another verse that might help evangelicals: “Choose this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15).
Bob Dylan contemporized it this way: “Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”
It’s time to choose.
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
Posted by
6:59 PM
Labels: Are you a fake conservative?, ATTACK FROM THE RIGHT!, Conservative Crackup, None Dare Call It Fascism, None Dare Call It Sin, None dare call it treason
How Orange Clump & The Establishfucks lost Alabama...
...when they could have run a criminally insane liar and thief with an "R" behind his name (Hey, wait just a minute...that sounds eerily familiar...) and won handily.
Clump: 'I Said Roy Moore Will Not Be Able to Win' in Alabama - The Old Gray Whore...
From Washington's other other newspaper:
Roy Moore tested white evangelical allegiance to the Repansycan Party...
From The Daily Bust:
'I Think Bannon Made an Ass of Himself': Republicans Rejoice...
Kiddies, let me cut through all the crap from both groups of fascists, left and right.
1) The Orange Genius made Senator (hint, hint) Sessions AG while playing politics. (payback for Sessions being the first big-name pol to endorse it.) Hubris, as always with this clown, was also a factor(believing it is a political genius and nobody it backs could lose in a state it won by landslide)
2) Mo Brooks was the Real Conservative in the primary. Clump, the Clumpskyites, McConnell, and The Establishfucks whacked him in favor of the Repansycan Establishfuck Luther Stranglove (though his love is not as strange as ol' Roy Moore's) and Alabamians said NO and picked Moore, a vile heretic who has been wrapping himself in The Ten Commandments for decades while ignoring most of them.
3) Then there is the NAPZI Party's favorite trans gal, @GermaineGreerInDrag. This dumb cow charged all over Alabama, spreading methane and her faux-populism, which is nothing more than a power-mad ego trip from an ignorant nobody trapped in a donated armadillo penis.
P.S. God bless the 22,000 Alabamians who wrote in "NONE OF THE ABOVE MOTHERFUCKERS", giving a giant Bronx (Birmingham?) cheer to the Repansycan right-fascist sex pervert and the Democrass left-fascist baby-eater.
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
Posted by
6:28 PM
Labels: Are you a fake conservative?, ATTACK FROM THE RIGHT!, Clump lies and freedom dies, Clump über alles, Conservative Crackup, FUCK TRUMP IN THE RUMP, Germaine Greer In Drag, None Dare Call It Fascism
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- TheChurchMilitant
- First of all, the word is SEX, not GENDER. If you are ever tempted to use the word GENDER, don't. The word is SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! For example: "My sex is male." is correct. "My gender is male." means nothing. Look it up. What kind of sick neo-Puritan nonsense is this? Idiot left-fascists, get your blood-soaked paws off the English language. Hence I am choosing "male" under protest.
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- In an insane society a sane man must appear to be insane (19)
- In vitro no one can hear you scream (54)
- It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit (112)
- Jennifer Love Hewitt Love (11)
- Lyin'-ass Bitch in the White House (138)
- Mayor McTerror (2)
- Mittens The Pompadoured Pussy (16)
- NeverClump (39)
- None Dare Call It Fascism (263)
- None Dare Call It Sin (70)
- None dare call it treason (274)
- Obama-rama (161)
- Orgasm Über Alles (114)
- Penis bad Vagina good (82)
- Power Is Love (65)
- Racist. (93)
- Real Mensches Of Genius (39)
- Reel Cinema (12)
- Religion of Peace and Love and Et Cetera (196)
- SEX IS DEATH (126)
- Shakespearean insults (15)
- She With The Unmentionable Straightened Hair (6)
- Sodomy: The New Black (54)
- Stop me if you've heard this one. (20)
- The face of things to come (4)
- The First Hair Straightener (22)
- The King Abdullah Gazette (306)
- The Long Hot Zombie Summer (36)
- The Theology of the Body (178)
- Third World problems (11)
- Totalitarian Pennsylvania (71)
- What Would Giffords Do? (35)
- Words don't kill People do (127)
- Zardoz (8)
- Major K. - He's home now, but his blog from Iraq remains.
- The Mudville Gazette
- Iraq The Model
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- 365 and a Wakeup - He's home now, but his blog from Iraq remains.
- Iowahawk
- theOneRepublic
- Captain's Quarters
- Michael Yon - old blog here
- A Star From Mosul
- Peeve Farm-Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets.
- BlameBush! Because Bush is to Blame for Everything.
- CRISIS Magazine
- Disaffiliates-Think Twice
- Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan?
- (Get your own "Wars Prevented by the UN" counter here.)
- WI Catholic Musings
- Network of College Conservatives
- The Musings of David Amulet
- Stop The ACLU
- Crossed The Tiber
- R2K
- I link what I like. Show me what you've got.
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