Mental health risk no higher after abortion - 3news
Killing your children also prevents cavities and firms up your abs.
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Mental health risk no higher after abortion - 3news
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2:06 PM
Labels: Big Babykilling
From omg!:
Jennifer Love Hewitt Has 3 Engagement Rings Picked Out Just in Case
Unlike a slew of Hollywood stars, Jennifer Love Hewitt isn't engaged yet -- but she's got her Tiffany engagement ring all picked out. Three of them, in fact.
"I actually have three because I feel like I'm doing the guy a favor," Hewitt, 31, explains during a Tuesday appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.
No, I don't think she sounds crazy. Desperate maybe, but not crazy.PHOTOS: What Jennifer and other stars wore to the Globes
"Women are very confusing. We never know what we want and we're not very good at nailing that down for them. I feel like I don't want to be upset if he picks a bad ring" explains the Lost Valentine star, who's been dating Alex Beh for about 7 months.
But not desperate enough to call ol' Fyodor.
Hewitt has never been married before -- but broke off her engagement to actor Ross McCall in early 2008.
PHOTOS: Stars' blingy engagement rings
But she's all set should Beh or another suitor bring up matrimony. "If it gets to that conversation. If marriage comes up, I'm like, "You know what's so weird. There is this store [Tiffany's] and there are three rings in it... And if you chose one of these three, I'm going to be really excited. And if you go off on your own, we can have an awful, awkward moment. So why would you want to do that?"
BTW, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Jen's backside.
Hewitt gushed about her new guy Beh, who had a great time as her date at the Golden Globes. "It was exciting! He's never been to anything like that. "
Posted by
12:36 PM
Labels: Jennifer Love Hewitt Love
Ed Rendell Finalizing Deal To Be A MSNBC Pundit - Mediaite
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12:28 PM
'Honor killing' trial starts Monday in Phoenix
An Iraqi immigrant accused of killing his daughter because he believed she was too Westernized is going on trial in a case prosecutors call an " honor killing."
An Iraqi immigrant accused of killing his daughter because he believed she was too Westernized is going on trial in a case prosecutors call an "honor killing."Police allege Faleh Almaleki slammed his Jeep into his 20-year-old daughter, Noor Almaleki, and her boyfriend's mother in the parking lot of a state Department of Economic Security office in the Phoenix suburb of Peoria in 2009.
The mother lived, but Noor was in a coma for two weeks before she died from her injuries.
Almaleki, 50, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault and leaving the scene of a serious injury accident.
A jury will hear opening statements Monday in the murder case. Plea negotiations that had been under way for weeks failed just before jury selection began last week. His attorneys have not disclosed their defense strategy publicly.
The case caused outrage after prosecutors deemed Noor's death an "honor killing" because Almaleki had said his daughter dishonored his family and became too Westernized.
Posted by
3:02 PM
From Fox News:
Democratic Rep Steve Cohen Defends Comparison of GOP Health Law Attacks to Nazi 'Lies'
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2:55 PM
Let's see how long it takes any of these fine humans to mention the wasteful practice of turning people food into automobile fuel...
EPA decision to allow more ethanol gets mixed reviews - Winona Daily News
The ethanol industry has won another round in its fight to put more of the corn-based bio-fuel into gasoline. The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday cleared use of 15 percent ethanol/gas blends for all vehicles made between 2001 and 2006.
But there's still a lot of opposition to "E15," as it's known.
Ethanol industry officials have been trying for almost two years to push E15 to the marketplace. Last October, the EPA approved the 15 percent blend for vehicles made in 2007 and later.
The agency's latest decision allows the fuel to be used in vehicles manufactured in 2001 or later, and is a significant step forward in boosting ethanol use, said Brian Jennings, executive vice president of the American Coalition for Ethanol.
"We're really pleased that EPA finally came forth with a decision regarding E15, that indicates a majority of the cars on the road can use the product," Jennings said.
That's about 150 million vehicles. But Jennings acknowledges there are still many hurdles to clear before E15 shows up at gas stations.
Several groups have sued to block sale of the fuel. They include some financially powerful organizations tied to the oil industry, such as the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association. It contends the EPA's testing of E15 has not been extensive enough to prove the 15 percent blend is safe for car and truck engines.
Another issue is how E15 will be labeled at the pump. The EPA has proposed a label which starts with the word ‘caution' followed by an exclamation point. Ethanol industry officials say that wording would scare consumers away from using the new ethanol blend.
Jennings expects the legal and labeling issues to be resolved. That would allow E15 to appear in the marketplace before year's end.
"I think it would be October of this year perhaps at the soonest," he said.
When E15 does reach the marketplace, it's unknown how many gas stations will decide to sell it.
Jeff Lenard, a spokesman for the National Association of Convenience Stores, which represents about 50,000 U.S. gasoline sellers, said many now sell 10 percent ethanol. He said stores will have to install new pumps, at $20,000 each, to handle the 15 percent blend.
Lenard said about 60 percent of the convenience stores in the U.S. are owned by individuals with limited financing. He doubts many will want to risk the money it will take to sell E15.
"It's probably well beyond their resources," Lenard said. "So you're looking at a fairly limited audience for the concept of selling E15 down the road."
Even with the hurdles though, ethanol supporters say the EPA's E15 decision is beneficial. Last year, the industry produced about 13 billion gallons of the fuel, consuming more than a third of the nation's corn crop.
By allowing more ethanol per gallon of fuel, the E15 decision will boost production and sales of ethanol, leaving the industry with another potential headache, supporters say.
With food prices already on the rise, more ethanol production could reignite complaints that the industry's demand for corn is fueling inflation.
Posted by
2:43 PM
Sen. Williams loses powerful post after fatal crash in Texas
State Sen. Suzanne Williams, D-Aurora, won't be promoted, as was expected, to chairwoman of the powerful Transportation Committee because of the fatal crash she caused in Texas last month, Majority Leader John Morse, D-Colorado Springs, said Monday.
We now move to further action.
The Dec. 26 crash critically injured Williams' 41-year-old son, Todd Edward Williams, and killed a pregnant woman, Brianna "Brie" Gomez, 30, of Amarillo, Texas, a passenger in the sport utility vehicle that Williams hit. Doctors were able to deliver Gomez's son, 3-pound Curran Blaec Gomez.
Ok, kiddies, here comes the good stuff.
The findings of the investigation into why Williams swerved into the path of oncoming traffic are expected to be presented to a grand jury.
Williams has said she doesn't remember what happened. Her son and two grandsons were passengers in her Honda CR-V when it collided with the Gomez family's GMC Yukon on U.S. 385 in Hartley County, Texas, about 40 miles northwest of Amarillo.
Brianna Gomez, who was seven months pregnant, grew up in the town of Ouray before moving to Dalhart, Texas, in her senior year in high school to live with her father.
Williams, an advocate for seat-belt laws, especially for children, was buckled in, but none of her passengers were. [Emphasis mine. - F.G.] Texas law requires all occupants to wear seat belts. A violation is punishable by a $500 fine.
In an initial report, Texas troopers found that Williams had returned her 3-year-old grandson to his car seat after he was ejected from the vehicle. [Emphasis mine - F.G.]
Posted by
2:34 PM
From Reuters via Yahoo! News:
Semen allergy suspected in rare post-orgasm illness
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2:28 PM
This all happened during homeroom — that fleeting period when teachers take attendance, principals make announcements and students, usually, don't do much of anything.
Not at McCaskey East.
Every junior at the school has been paired with an adult homeroom mentor who tries to squeeze as much information and activities as possible into six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month.
The intent of the program, implemented in mid-December, is simple, principal Bill Jimanez said: "Let's make these guys think for six minutes about their future."
Every junior — the class that will take PSSA tests this year — was matched with a teacher who already had a relationship with that pupil.
But in the case of T'onna's class, there are other ties that bind the homeroom.
Every pupil is a black female. And their mentors are both female African-Americans. Across the hall, two homerooms of black male students are led by black men.
The all-black homerooms are part of an experiment to determine if grouping students homogeneously for a brief period each day will help them socially and academically.
"At first I was kind of like iffy because why would we be in homeroom together?" T'onna recalled. "But we work together and we do problems together, so I like it.
"Here we learn about how we can basically make a difference and how we don't have to settle for less."
The idea originated with Angela Tilghman, a McCaskey East instructional coach who was alarmed at the poor academic performance of the school's black students.
Only about a third of McCaskey's African-Americans scored proficient or advanced in reading on last year's PSSAs, compared with 60 percent of white students and 42 percent of all students.
Math scores were even worse, with just 27 percent of black pupils scoring proficient or advanced.
Research has shown, Tilghman said, that grouping black students by gender with a strong role model can help boost their academic achievement and self-esteem.
She and fellow instructional coach Rhauni Gregory volunteered to mentor the African-American girls, and Michael Mitchell and Willie Thedford each took a homeroom of black males.
No other students were divided by race, Jimanez said, although pupils enrolled in the school's English language learners program were paired with ELL teachers.
Initially, some McCaskey East students and staff objected to separating out black students. Some juniors asked to go back to their old homerooms. Others complained that the experiment ran counter to the culture of McCaskey, long a melting pot of students and staff from many diverse backgrounds.
But Jimanez said the academic data dictated the school take a different approach with its black students.
"One of the things we said when we did this was, 'Let's look at the data, let's not run from it,' " he said. "Let's confront it and see what we can do about it."
In all homerooms, teachers are tracking their students' grades, test scores and attendance and encouraging them to engage in discussions around "goal setting and self-actualization," Jimanez said.
If the "data" do indeed indicate this is the proper course of action, why don't we build exclusively black schools and exclusively latino public schools? Then we would need white schools, asian schools, and schools only for Pacific Islanders.
I am only following the "data" to its logical conclusion. It seems the left-fascists can't even keep their own ignorant party line straight in their tiny little brains.
The lesson to be learned here, kiddies, is an oldie but a goodie. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT INDOCTRINATION CENTERS AT ALL COSTS.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Peep Übermensch, the most mendacious jackass nobody ever watched finally got whacked by the losers at MSNBC.
From KARE 11 Minneapolis-St. Paul:
Keith Olbermann gives abrupt goodbye to MSNBC show
Posted by
1:33 PM
Rendell ‘flabbergasted’ by abortion clinic horrors
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1:16 PM