Business Wire: Jones Soda Co. Bottling the Flavors of Christmas and Chanukah to Benefit Charity
Jones Soda Co. (the “Company” or “Jones Soda” or “Jones”), announces today that it is tossing aside the Turkey & Gravy and bringing Christmas Ham and Latke Sodas to the table this year with two new limited edition holiday themed packs. The Christmas Pack includes flavors such as: Sugar Plum, Christmas Tree, Egg Nog and Christmas Ham Sodas. While the Happy Chanukah Pack includes: Jelly Doughnut, Apple Sauce, Chocolate Coins and Latke Sodas. As always, both packs are kosher and contain zero caffeine.
Consistent with limited edition packs of past years, Jones Soda is teaming up with two great children’s charities donating a portion of proceeds from the sale of the Christmas Pack and Chanukah Pack to Toys for Tots and Vitamin Angels respectively this year.
The Christmas Pack provides everyone with a variety of Christmas flavors, both delicious and obscure. And through the creation of this pack, Jones is able to partner with Toys for Tots for the fourth consecutive year in a row helping children around the country have a merrier holiday. Jones Soda will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Christmas Pack to this charity with a minimum contribution of $10,000. Toys for Tots is one of the nation’s flagship and most visible Holiday Season charitable causes with local Toys for Tots campaigns conducted from October through December each year, in 456 communities nationwide.
The Chanukah Pack, complete with dreidel, was created with an audience of Rabbis and in the true spirit of the Jewish tradition. In continued support of this charity, Jones Soda will be donating a portion of the sales of the Chanukah Pack to Vitamin Angels with a minimum contribution of $10,000. Vitamin Angel Alliance is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization created in 1994 to fight malnutrition and childhood blindness around the world. For more information, please visit
”With the anticipation of a child at Christmas, our team here at Jones looks forward to this tradition every year. Not only do we get to make some fun holiday flavors, but we get to raise money for some great charities,” said Peter van Stolk President & CEO. “How often do you get to sit back with family and friends and toast the season with Christmas Tree Soda?”
These limited edition packs will be available in select stores through the Jones Soda distributor network the week of November 11th. They will also be available for sale on The packs will only be available in limited quantities, and on a first come, first served basis.
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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Monday, November 12, 2007
Best (as well as Worst) Idea of the Day.
Posted by
10:11 AM
Headline of the Day.
AP: Free Korea's 'Mr. Toilet' builds commode-shaped house in campaign to bolster worldwide hygiene
He's known as South Korea's "Mr. Toilet" for his campaigns as a politician to beautify public restrooms. Now, Sim Jae-duck is taking the lavatory life to a new level _ and moving into a toilet.
Sim is building a two-story toilet-shaped house set to be finished Sunday to commemorate the inaugural meeting later this month of the World Toilet Association. The group, supported by the South Korean government, aims no less than to launch a "toilet revolution," by getting people to open their bathroom doors for the sake of improving worldwide hygiene.
Uh...I beg your pardon...There seems to be a problem with the translation from Korean.
Representatives from 60 countries will gather in Seoul to spur the creation of national toilet associations of their own and spread the word about hygiene. Organizers argue the issue deserves greater attention and cite U.N. figures that some 2.5 billion people live without proper sanitation or water supplies.
"The toilet revolution should start with talking about toilet issues freely," said Song Young-kwon, head of the organizing committee for the five-day conference that opens Nov. 21.
The Seoul conference will be accompanied by a toilet expo featuring exhibits to excite the public about the cause: including a "Hansel and Gretel" bathroom made from cookies and candy that gives presents to children when they flush, and a "toilet gallery cafe" where people can sit on colorful commodes while drinking tea.
Sim, a lawmaker in the National Assembly, hopes his house in his hometown Suwon, some 45 kilometers (30 miles) south of Seoul, will help bring attention to the cause and is seeking a guest to pay US$50,000 to stay one night with the proceeds to benefit the association that hopes to work with developing nations to build more and better toilets.
Several candidates have already expressed interest, but Sim said he would choose someone who can appropriately represent his cause _ with the proceeds set to fund his foundation's work.
Visitors just wanting a glimpse inside the bowl will be charged a US$1 donation.
"Toilets stand central to people's lives," Sim said as workers scurried to put the finishing touches on the home _ including installing the final toilet inside.
Hmmm...Some people, apparently.
The toilet theme is central to the house named Haewoojae, or a "place to solve one's worries," shaped like a 7.5-meter-tall (24.6-foot-tall) toilet bowl. Thinking of how to push forward his cause of having better hygiene and sanitation, Sim tore down his former home to build the 1 billion won (US$1.1 million ) building.
In case they had any doubt about who would choose to live here, a plaque inscribed "Mr. Toilet's House" greets visitors. As a former mayor of Suwon, Sim spearheaded a campaign to beautify the city's restrooms _ part of a national push to spruce up the country's facilities for hosting events such as the 1988 Summer Olympics and 2002 World Cup.
A showpiece bathroom at the center of the 420-square-meter (4,520-square-foot) house is on display through a floor-to-ceiling window made of glass that turns opaque at the touch of a button. When guests enter to do their business, a motion sensor activates classical music.
Handel's Wassermusik, if there is any justice in this world.
The bathroom emerges into a spacious living room featuring a grand staircase and lined by windows curving around the rounded facade of the building.
The home has four bathrooms that include a whirlpool bathtub, urinals and large glass showers.
Occupants gain access to the roof balcony around the rim of the "bowl" by climbing up stairs through what would be a toilet drain _ which is equipped to collect rain for some functions to conserve drinking water. The home is encased in smooth, white-painted steel that appears similar to the ceramics used to make toilets.
Already, the home is drawing toilet pilgrims.
Visiting the house Friday all the way from Italy was Giuliano Pecorari, who came to show Sim his firm's stainless steel (US$3,670) digitally controlled toilets with lids that rise automatically when a person enters the bathroom and are fully self-cleaning.
Sim said he hopes visitors will be reminded of those living a life with less flush.
"The person who sits here and uses the toilets will have to think about those who don't have toilets," he said. "I believe all people can feel happiness in toilets."
Seriously, kiddies, hygiene is a matter of life and death in poor countries. That is why we must do all in our power to bring these countries freedom, representative government, and capitalism. The toilets will surely follow.
Posted by
9:40 AM
If we don't get that Kansas versus Hawaii title matchup, heads will roll! [???]: UPI:LSU leads latest BCS poll
LSU was the No. 1 team Sunday night when college football's latest BCS poll was released, while Ohio State fell from the top sport to No. 2.
The Tigers (9-1) -- who routed non-SEC foe Louisiana Tech, 58-10, Saturday -- assumed the top spot after Ohio State (10-1) was beaten at home, 28-21, by Big Ten opponent Illinois.
LSU had an average total of .9802.
Despite being idle, Oregon (8-1) was second with an average of .9383.
Spots 3-10 were occupied by Kansas (10-0), Oklahoma (9-1), Missouri (9-1), West Virginia (8-1), Ohio State (9-1), Arizona State (9-1), Georgia (8-2) and Virginia Tech (8-2).
Southern California headed the second 10, followed by Florida, Texas, Virginia, Clemson, Hawaii [9-0], Boston College, Boise State, Illinois and Tennessee.
Rounding out the BCS top 25 were Michigan, Cincinnati, Kentucky, Connecticut and Wisconsin.
The final BCS standings will be released Dec. 2. The BCS title game, featuring the top two teams, will be played Jan. 7 at New Orleans. [All emphasis mine.]
Posted by
9:25 AM
F Minus (and you) may or may not get it.
Posted by
9:19 AM
Labels: Big Babykilling
Norman Mailer, Requiescat in pace.
Ol' Normie, enabler of murderers and the dumbest dumbass of an entire generation of dumbass writers now knows The Truth. I doubt Mr. Mailer is pleased.
His friends all tell similar stories: Norman Mailer at a dinner party, awards ceremony or afternoon gathering, hobbling on canes up or down a few steps or a flight of stairs, short of breath, as if getting from one place to another was a struggle even greater than finding the right word to finish a paragraph. Then, he would be seated, and was himself again.
"We would talk about everything," novelist William Kennedy said of Mailer, who died Saturday at age 84 after spending more than two months in and out of hospitals. "He knew he wasn't going to live very much longer, but he would still talk of taking on the greatest subjects. He always was working on something."
"He was absolutely dauntless," said Jason Epstein, who edited several of Mailer's books at Random House. "He was quite weak in the end, but he still planned to write a seven-volume novel about Hitler."
Oy vey.
The Pulitzer-Prize winning Mailer, the eminent literary journalist, drama king and gentleman, eternal striver for the Great American Novel, seemed to embody in recent years not just one writer, but a generation for whom the printed word was a noble and endangered way of life.
More than such peers as Gore Vidal, William Styron or Kurt Vonnegut, Mailer was the writer as Writer, not a career to be printed on a business card, but a calling, an identity, with all the follies and privileges to which a man alert to his own gifts felt entitled.
Mailer made Vonnegut look like a genius and a humanitarian.
He wrote letters to the president, sounded off on talk shows, likened himself to Picasso, placed himself on a "plateau" with Jacqueline Kennedy.
More like a ditch.
"Some part of me knew that I had more emotion than most," Mailer, who married six times and stabbed one of his wives, once wrote. He cautioned himself not to "exhaust the emotions of others."
Dumbass. May God have mercy on his soul.
"He was interesting, because he was interested," said Vidal, a longtime friend and occasional rival. "He had a radical imagination, a way of approaching subjects that was never boring."
"He was by nature bound to a style of excess," said E.L. Doctorow, who worked with Mailer in the 1960s as an editor at the Dial Press. "There were times when you would be fed up with him, but if you could conceive of American culture of the past 50 years without Norman Mailer, you would find it a lot drearier."
Lightning struck early for Mailer, and he struck back. In his 20s, he was the prodigy behind "The Naked and the Dead," the World War II novel that made him instantly, and prematurely famous. He came back in his 30s as the master self-advertiser, the anointer of John F. Kennedy as "Superman" at the supermarket. In his 40s, he was the fighting narrator-participant in "The Armies of the Night"; in his 50s, the cool chronicler of killer Gary Gilmore.
His hero was the authentic, autonomous man — the boxer, or graffiti artist, or maestro of jazz, or the "Norman Mailer" who starred in "The Armies of the Night" and other works of journalism. The bureaucratic mind was his enemy, from the military leaders of "The Naked and the Dead" to the Kleenex box-like skyscrapers that appalled him when looking out from his Brooklyn town house, to the processed presidency of Richard Nixon.
"Nixon's crime is his inability to rise above the admiration for the corporation," Mailer wrote in 1974, commenting on the Oval Office tapes that would help drive Nixon from office.
Positively brilliant! No doubt Shakespeare wept when that was written.
"Throughout the transcripts, he is acting like the good, tough, even-minded, cool-tempered, and tastefully foul-mouth president of a huge corporation — an automobile man, let us say, who has just discovered that his good assistants have somehow, God knows how, allowed more than a trace of tin to get into the molybdenum."
It was easy to make fun of Mailer, with his chesty and sometimes foolish pronouncements, his nerve as a man in his 80s to write a 450-page novel about the childhood of Hitler, as told by an underling of Satan, with a bibliography citing Milton, Tolstoy and Freud.
But mocking Mailer was really just a way of putting down ourselves. Mailer's greatest risk was to presume that writing — and writers — mattered. To argue with him was good sport. To dismiss him was to dismiss literature itself.
Nope. Trust me, it really is a way of mocking Normie and all the other fruitless infantile rebels against reality.
Though he believed in reincarnation, we shouldn't count on such luck again. He was a man who saw the world whole and still forgave it.
If the Hindus are correct, and there is justice in the universe, little Normie Mailer will come back as a toilet plunger made in Slave China.
We have only started to miss him.
[Thanks to the AP for this obituary.]
Posted by
8:44 AM
The Catholic and Jewish crackups continue apace (and hand in hand)...
The Old Gray Whore of Babylon: Two Faiths Divided on Women's "Ordination" Ceremony
The Archdiocese of St. Louis and the Central Reform Congregation are on the same side when it comes to advocating for immigrants and the poor, often finding common ground in a zeal for social justice.
I blame the "reformed" Jews in this thing less than the idiot apostate broads who think they are still Catholic. There is no reason to expect liberal Jews to know or care about Catholicism.
But when the Jewish congregation offered its synagogue for an ordination of two women in a ceremony disavowed by the Roman Catholic Church, it drew the ire of archdiocese officials, who vowed never again to work with the congregation.
Amen to that. Actions have consequences, after all.
Maybe the Jews can call some unitarians nxt time.
The two women, Rose Marie Dunn Hudson, 67, of Festus, and Elsie Hainz McGrath, 69, of St. Louis, are scheduled to be ordained Sunday by a former nun as part of Roman Catholic Womenpriests, a small movement that began in 2002 and is independent from the Roman Catholic Church.
May God have mercy on their souls.
The Reform congregation’s rabbi, Susan Talve, informed the Rev. Vincent Heier, director of the archdiocese office for ecumenical and interreligious affairs, of the decision.
You too, Sue.
Mr. Heier told her it was unacceptable. “It’s not appropriate to invite this group, to aid and abet a group like this, which undercuts our theology and teaching,” Mr. Heier said he told Ms. Talve.
The Roman Catholic Church is framed in hierarchy, which sets rules and offers guidance for the faithful. The Jewish tradition has no centralized leadership, and congregations operate autonomously, answering to their own mission statement.
Thanks for the news flash, genius.
It was that mission that Ms. Talve and her congregation’s board relied on when considering the issue.
Ms. Talve said the women approached her this fall. “They said they were looking for a sanctuary, and that got my attention,” she said. “As Isaiah said, we are a house of prayer for all people.”
Dumbass. Isaiah is not pleased.
There are particularly nasty places in Hell reserved for those who dare mock Almighty God. That goes for rabbiesses as well as priestesses.
The congregation’s board voted unanimously to serve as host.
But the ceremony defies Catholic Church doctrine that allows only men to be ordained as priests and deacons.
The women are ignoring the warnings of Archbishop Raymond Burke, who said they would be excommunicated if they proceeded with the ceremony.
They have excommunicated themselves. All that is left is the paperwork.
Of the roughly 100 women who have been ordained as priests or deacons worldwide in the Womenpriests movement, including 37 in the United States, only the first seven were officially excommunicated by the Vatican, said a spokeswoman for the group, Bridget Mary Meehan.
Mr. Heier and Archbishop Burke pressed Ms. Talve and the board to withdraw their offer, saying the act would “cause pain” to the church.
“It’s akin to us inviting a group that is contrary to Jewish life,” Mr. Heier said.
Yeah. What if we had Neo-Nazi Bingo Night every Tuesday, eh, rabbi? How understanding would you and your congregation be?
Ms. Talve said she regretted that the church was pained by the decision, but added that denying the women would have hurt others. She said hundreds of practicing Catholics have called to thank her for taking a stand.
I doubt there were "hundreds". I know they were not Catholics.
But the archdiocese has clearly drawn a line with Ms. Talve and her congregation.
“This is not a lack of forgiveness,” Mr. Heier said, “but we have to stand for something. It’s a matter of principle.”
Amen to all that, Brother.
Posted by
8:22 AM
Labels: Catholic crackup
Some Sunnis seem to have figured it out.
The Philadelphia Inquirer: Ex-insurgents and al-Qaeda battle
Sunni former insurgents asked U.S. forces to stay away, then ambushed members of al-Qaeda in Iraq, killing 18 in a battle that raged for hours north of Baghdad, an ex-insurgent leader and Iraqi police said yesterday.
Let us hope this outbreak of reality quickly spreads.
The Islamic Army in Iraq sent advance word to Iraqi police requesting that U.S. helicopters keep out of the area since its fighters had no uniforms and were indistinguishable from al-Qaeda in Iraq, according to the police and a top Islamic Army leader known as Abu Ibrahim.
Abu Ibrahim said his fighters killed 18 al-Qaeda in Iraq members and captured 16 Friday in the fight southeast of Samarra, a mostly Sunni city about 60 miles north of Baghdad.
"We found out that al-Qaeda intended to attack us, so we ambushed them," Abu Ibrahim said. He would not say whether any Islamic Army members were killed.
Much of the Islamic Army in Iraq, a major Sunni Arab insurgent group that includes former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party, has joined the U.S.-led fight against al-Qaeda in Iraq along with Sunni tribesmen and other former insurgents repelled by the group's brutality and extremism.
Golly. Now we just have to convince The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion that Our Boys are the good guys.
An Iraqi police officer corroborated Abu Ibrahim's account, but said police were not able to verify the number of bodies because the area was still too dangerous to enter.
Before the battle, the insurgent commander personally contacted Iraqi police in Samarra to tell them his plans, according to the officer and Abu Ibrahim. He asked that Iraqi authorities inform the American military about his plans, and requested that no U.S. troops interfere, they said.
The U.S. military said yesterday that it had no record of U.S. troops ever being informed about the operation, and that it was unclear whether Iraqi police followed through on Abu Ibrahim's request.
The police officer said the al-Qaeda in Iraq captives would not be transferred to Iraqi police.
Instead, he said, he believed the Islamic Army would offer a prisoner swap for some of its members held by al-Qaeda in Iraq. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because of the situation's sensitivity.
Meanwhile, farther east, in Diyala province, members of another former insurgent group, the 1920s Revolution Brigades, launched a military-style operation yesterday against al-Qaeda in Iraq there, the Iraqi army said.
About 60 militants were captured and handed over to Iraqi soldiers, an army officer said on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to speak to media.
Afterward, hundreds of people paraded through the streets of Buhriz, about 35 miles north of Baghdad, witnesses said. Many danced and fired their guns into the air, shouting, "Down with al-Qaeda!" and "Diyala is for all Iraqis!"
Like the Islamic Army, the 1920s Revolution Brigades includes former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party and officers from his army. Hundreds of 1920s members now work as scouts and gather intelligence for American soldiers in Diyala.
Heck, maybe the Baath Party should run one of these guys for US president. They seem smarter than the dimwits the Democrass Party is offering us. Especially Chris Dudd.
And at Baghdad's most revered Sunni shrine, the Abu Hanifa mosque, voices blasted from loudspeakers yesterday urging residents to turn against al-Qaeda in Iraq: "We are your sons, the sons of the awakening, and we want to end the operations of al-Qaeda. . . . We call upon you not to be frightened, and to cooperate with us."
"Awakening councils" have sprouted up in communities across Iraq, where members swear allegiance to Iraq's U.S.-backed government and disavow the insurgency. U.S. officials say the councils have been key to tamping violence in recent months.
The backlash against al-Qaeda in Iraq among the Sunni Arab community began in Iraq's western Anbar province last year. Americans recruited Sunni sheikhs to help oust al-Qaeda from their home turf, and the movement spread to former insurgents who once fought U.S. and Iraqi soldiers.
Posted by
8:02 AM
The next generation offers a glimmer of hope.
USA Today: H.S. junior wins legal battle over right to create 'The Pro-Life Club'
When school administrators told Stephanie Hoffmeier they wouldn't recognize The Pro-Life Club, the 16-year-old junior prayed to God and went to court.
"The suit put a spotlight on an often-misunderstood legal arena involving religion in public schools. Even some advocates of strict separation of church and state say religious speech by students at public school is protected under the Constitution and federal law," Washington's other newspaper reports. "School officials, conceding they were wrong, officially recognized the club Oct. 24, and Hoffmeier dropped the suit."
About 20 students showed up at the group's first meeting, which took place a few weeks ago at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford, Va.
Their mission, according to Hoffmeier's original proposal, was to "educate people about the biggest holocaust that is going on right here in the United States. To come together and pray to end abortion. To be a voice for my generation and a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves."
Click on the image to read a PDF of the complaint she filed in federal court in Alexandria, Va.
Notice the difference in the headlines from the organs of Big Babykilling...
MSNBC: Teen starts antiabortion club at school
UPI: Teen’s antiabortion club gets green light
Posted by
7:54 AM
Labels: Big Babykilling
Veterans Day
Today is Veterans Day [observed]. As you can see from the Department of Veterans Affair website, even they can't keep the day and date straight. It is time to get rid of the three day weekend nonsense.
Find a veteran and buy him a beer. Or, at the very least, shake his hand and thank him for risking his life so you don't have to.
Above: U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Gadson works with physical therapist Bob Barr during his rehabilitation at the Military Advanced Training Center at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington November 6, 2007. [Roto-Reuters]
Posted by
7:40 AM
Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings.
Today is the Feast of Saint Paternus, Benedictine monk of Saint Pierre le Vif, near Sens, France. He was slain by evildoers whom he severely chastised. Pray for us, all you angels and saints.
Today's reading is Wisdom 1:1-7.
Today's Responsorial Psalm is Psalms 138:1-10.
Today's Gospel reading is Luke 17:1-6.
Everyday links:
The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Rosary
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Prayers from EWTN
National Coalition of Clergy and Laity (dedicated to action for a genuine Catholic Restoration)
The Catholic Calendar Page for Today
ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome
Just in case you are wondering what exactly Catholics believe, here is
The Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession,was left unaided.Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen.
St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse, pray for us.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from Christ's side, wash me; Passion of Christ, strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; Within Thy wounds hide me; Suffer me not to be separated from Thee; From the malicious enemy defend me; In the hour of my death call me; And bid me come unto Thee; That I may praise Thee with Thy saints and with Thy angels Forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to St. Anthony, Martyr of Desire
Dear St. Anthony, you became a Franciscan with the hope of shedding your blood for Christ. In God's plan for you, your thirst for martyrdom was never to be satisfied. St. Anthony, Martyr of Desire, pray that I may become less afraid to stand up and be counted as a follower of the Lord Jesus. Intercede also for my other intentions. (Name them.)
Prayer To Saint Michael The Archangel
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the divine power, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Prayer to End Abortion
Lord God, I thank You today for the gift of my life, and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part to end abortion. Today I commit myself never to be silent, never to be passive, and never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice, not just for some, but for all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer For Vocations
Send forth your Spirit, Lord, into the hearts of your faithful people, that we may be conscious of our vocation to holiness and sevice to others. Grant that many of us may dedicate ourselves to You through the priesthood and the religious life.We pray especially for the needs of our own parish and diocese. Grant that we may always have sufficient good and holy priests, and dedicated Sisters to serve our commumities.We pray, too, for religious orders; that generous men may join them to become zealous missionaries in preaching the Gospel in word and action, especially to the poor and abandoned.We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.
Prayer Before The Crucifix
Behold, O kind and gentle Jesus, I kneel before Thee and pray that Thou would impress upon my heart the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins and a firm purpose of amendment. At the same time, with sorrow I meditate on Thy five precious wounds, having in mind the words which David spoke in prophecy: "They have pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones."
Divine Praises
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.
May the Heart of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament
Be praised, adored and loved
With grateful affection at every moment
In all the tabernacles of the world
Even to the end of time. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Benedict
Sanctissime Confessor Domini, monachorum Pater et dux,
Benedicte, intercede pro nostra omniumque salute.
V. Domine Deus virtutum converte nos.
R. Et ostende faciem tuam et salvi erimus.
Excita, Domine, in Ecclesia tua Spiritum cui beatus Pater noster Benedictus Abbas servivit: ut eodem nos repleti, studeamus amare quod amavit, et opere exercere quod docuit.
Da nobis, quaesumus, Domine, perseverantem in tua voluntate famulatum: ut in
Diebus nostris et merito et numero populus tibi serviens augeatur. Per Christum Dominum Nostrum. Amen.
For those whose Latin is a bit rusty:
O most holy Confessor of the Lord, Benedict, father and guide of monks, intercede for our salvation and that of everyone.
V. Lord, God of armies, convert us.
R. Show us Thy Face and we shall be saved.
Let us pray.
Awaken, O Lord, in Thy Church the Spirit that our blessed Father Saint Benedict
obeyed, so that, filled with the same Spirit we may strive to love what he loved and practice what he taught.
Grant us the grace to persevere in the service of Thy will, so that our days may
see the people of Thy servants grow in merit and number. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Posted by
7:19 AM
About Me

- TheChurchMilitant
- First of all, the word is SEX, not GENDER. If you are ever tempted to use the word GENDER, don't. The word is SEX! SEX! SEX! SEX! For example: "My sex is male." is correct. "My gender is male." means nothing. Look it up. What kind of sick neo-Puritan nonsense is this? Idiot left-fascists, get your blood-soaked paws off the English language. Hence I am choosing "male" under protest.
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- None Dare Call It Sin (70)
- None dare call it treason (274)
- Obama-rama (161)
- Orgasm Über Alles (114)
- Penis bad Vagina good (82)
- Power Is Love (65)
- Racist. (93)
- Real Mensches Of Genius (39)
- Reel Cinema (12)
- Religion of Peace and Love and Et Cetera (196)
- SEX IS DEATH (126)
- Shakespearean insults (15)
- She With The Unmentionable Straightened Hair (6)
- Sodomy: The New Black (54)
- Stop me if you've heard this one. (20)
- The face of things to come (4)
- The First Hair Straightener (22)
- The King Abdullah Gazette (306)
- The Long Hot Zombie Summer (36)
- The Theology of the Body (178)
- Third World problems (11)
- Totalitarian Pennsylvania (71)
- What Would Giffords Do? (35)
- Words don't kill People do (127)
- Zardoz (8)
- Major K. - He's home now, but his blog from Iraq remains.
- The Mudville Gazette
- Iraq The Model
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- 365 and a Wakeup - He's home now, but his blog from Iraq remains.
- Iowahawk
- theOneRepublic
- Captain's Quarters
- Michael Yon - old blog here
- A Star From Mosul
- Peeve Farm-Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets.
- BlameBush! Because Bush is to Blame for Everything.
- CRISIS Magazine
- Disaffiliates-Think Twice
- Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan?
- (Get your own "Wars Prevented by the UN" counter here.)
- WI Catholic Musings
- Network of College Conservatives
- The Musings of David Amulet
- Stop The ACLU
- Crossed The Tiber
- R2K
- I link what I like. Show me what you've got.
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11/11 - 11/18
- Best (as well as Worst) Idea of the Day.
- Headline of the Day.
- If we don't get that Kansas versus Hawaii title ma...
- F Minus (and you) may or may not get it.
- Norman Mailer, Requiescat in pace.
- The Catholic and Jewish crackups continue apace (a...
- Some Sunnis seem to have figured it out.
- The next generation offers a glimmer of hope.
- Veterans Day
- Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings.
- ► 11/04 - 11/11 (61)
- ► 10/28 - 11/04 (38)
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11/11 - 11/18
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