From the pages of The King Abdullah Gazette:
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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Friday, April 20, 2012
Several gratuitous photos of the bedazzling Jennifer Love Hewitt, who will remain so always and forever.
Posted by
11:47 AM
Labels: Jennifer Love Hewitt Love, The King Abdullah Gazette
Say it ain't so, Jen!
If you're really upset about this, you can always watch Heartbreakers again. That'll fix you right up.
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11:33 AM
Labels: Jennifer Love Hewitt Love
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Michael and Cathryn Borden Memorial Book of the Day.*
Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Coverup
by Katie Pavlich
Haven't heard of it? That's not a surprise.
Here's David Limbaugh's review from HUMAN EVENTS:
Of all the myriad scandals of the Obama administration, there is one, largely ignored by the mainstream media, that could actually be its worst.That scandal is the operation run from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, under the Justice Department, known as "Fast and Furious," through which the federal government actually encouraged and even ordered American gun shops to sell guns -- against the store owners' better judgment -- to "straw" purchasers who were funneling guns to Mexican drug gangs while the ATF sat back and watched and did nothing.
As Katie Pavlich shows in her remarkable and eye-opening new book, "Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up," the whole scheme was either absolutely harebrained or, as some have more ominously theorized, intentionally designed to manufacture "evidence" for tightening gun control legislation.
Pavlich exposes how extreme gun control measures have been a top political goal for President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and other important leaders within the administration -- and she draws the lines that link this goal directly to the implementation of Fast and Furious. Just as importantly, she shows how the administration has shamelessly tried to obscure those links.
The operation resulted in the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the murder or wounding of some 200 Mexican citizens.
In the operation, there was no attempt to track the weapons sold, and some agents who tried to follow the purchasers were told to stand down. Not only that, but our government kept Mexican authorities wholly in the dark about the operation. Allowing these guns to "walk" into Mexico without surveillance and behind the backs of Mexican authorities guaranteed they would end up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels and only be recovered after crimes had been committed, which is exactly what occurred.
As one ATF agent testified to Congress, "you can't allow thousands of guns to go south of the border without an expectation that they are going to be recovered eventually in crimes and people are going to die."
In their reports on Fast and Furious, congressional investigators concluded that the Department of Justice "had much greater knowledge of, and involvement in, Fast and Furious than it has previously acknowledged." Indeed, Attorney General Holder claimed that he had been unaware of Fast and Furious until a few weeks before May 3, 2011, but it was shown that he had received numerous memos about it much earlier, which he later insisted he had not read.
Rep. Darrell Issa has said that the DOJ has spent more time and resources trying to protect the careers of its officials who knew about the operation than in holding accountable those who were involved. In fact, the evidence shows that the only ones who have been punished are those who blew the whistle on the operation, while those who were engaged in wrongdoing have been rewarded -- reassigned or promoted with their pensions still intact.
Meanwhile, the DOJ, according to the committee report, "has blamed everyone except for its political appointees for Fast and Furious." Ken Melson, then the ATF's acting director, said that the DOJ is "circling the wagons to protect its political appointees."
Though Holder told the House Judiciary Committee his office was working "tirelessly to identify, locate and provide relevant information" to Congress, Republican representatives and senators say he and his department have been stonewalling their investigation. Sen. Charles Grassley said that Justice was withholding some 74,000 pages of relevant documents from the investigators.
The ongoing investigation also reveals a disturbing lack of coordination and cooperation among the ATF, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the FBI, all of which are under the domain of Holder's DOJ. One deputy attorney general, upon being confronted with this issue, just casually replied, "We will look into it."
The committee's report said that everyone involved was blaming others: The ATF pointed the finger at the Justice Department for encouraging the operation, and Justice blamed the U.S. attorney's office in Arizona for implementing it. DOJ officials who could have stopped the operation blamed their staffs for not bringing critical facts to their attention. Making matters worse, U.S. attorney's office personnel have taken the Fifth Amendment in refusing to testify before Congress, or the DOJ has prohibited them from appearing before Congress at all.
Katie's book is a real reporter's book, loaded with interviews with inside sources, including conscience-stricken government agents who are appalled by the politicization of the ATF. She quotes ATF agent John Dodson, who says, "I have never heard an explanation from anyone involved in Operation Fast and Furious that I believe would justify what we did."
This book, which is the best reporting yet on the Obama administration's bloodiest scandal -- and its most unconscionable one -- will make your blood boil. You should purchase and read it.
*Huh? Look here.
Posted by
1:52 PM
Labels: Book of the Day
Massa Okhrana's trillions are finally stimulatin' sumthin!
The New Math: How many $800 a night Colombian hookers can we get for $5 trillion?
From ABC via Yahoo! News:
Posted by
1:31 PM
Labels: Obama-rama
America's first dog-eating and fourth baby-eating President doesn't want you to notice the economy behind the curtain and down the crapper.
I think this means Kim Jong-un is now eligible to be our Fearful Leader.
On Twitter, campaigns dog each other with insults
Posted by
1:22 PM
What do you get when you cross the Health Nazis and the Fun Police?
From Men's Health via Yahoo! Health:
Eleven worst burgers in America
11. Worst Classic Fast-Food Burger
Burger King Whopper with Cheese760 calories
47 g fat (16 g saturated, 1 g trans)
1,410 mg sodium
With 200 more calories than a McDonald's Big Mac, the Whopper is the clear loser in the battle of the burger icons. Blame it on the jumbo patty and globs of mayo (160 calories worth to be exact). And get this: If you add medium fries and a medium coke—a likely scenario—you're looking at a 1,500-calorie meal. The best way to "have it your way" at BK? Order a standard cheeseburger and call it a day, or try Cook This, Not That! Easy 350-Calorie Meals and save calories, time, and cash.
Eat This Instead!
Burger King Cheeseburger
300 calories
14 g fat (6 g saturated, 0 g trans)
710 mg sodium
SINISTER SALADS: The Whopper may be bad news for your gut, but some salads are even less healthy! Beware of the 20 Salads Worse Than a Whopper.
10. Worst Burger Kids’ Meal
McDonald’s McDouble Mighty Kids Meal with Fat-Free Chocolate Milk Jug765 calories
30 g fat (9.5 g saturated, 1 g trans)
1,215 mg sodium
I applaud McDonald's for its recent move to offset fries with fruit in all its kids' meals, but—apple slices or not—this "mighty" menu option remains the worst children's choice at the drive-thru. The chain created the Mighty Kids Meal for "in-be-tweens" (kids aged 8 to 12). Problem is, it packs more fat and calories than an adult's meal should. A standard Happy Meal is plenty of food for your kid—no matter their age—and chicken nuggets trump burgers any day. (Find hundreds of other tips to help your family eat better in Eat This, Not That! For Kids!)
Eat This Instead!
McDonald’s Chicken McNugget Happy Meal with 1% Low-Fat Milk Jug
405 calories
19.5 g fat (4 g saturated)
555 mg sodium
9. Worst Basic Burger
Five Guys Bacon Cheeseburger920 calories
62 g fat (29.5 g saturated)
1,310 mg sodium
This burger bomb landed on the list for one reason: false advertising. At Five Guys, regular burgers are doubles and "Little" burgers are singles. And the burgers aren't the only serving size rip-off the chain serves up. The "regular" fries have 620 calories—double that of most standard fry orders. The takeaway: Go "Little" or go elsewhere. And for more perpetrators of serving-size scams, check out the 9 Biggest Serving Size Rip-Offs.
Rats! Fyodor loves Five Guys!
Eat This Instead!
Five Guys Little Bacon Burger
560 calories
33 g fat (14.5 g saturated)
640 mg sodium
8. Worst “Healthy” Burger
Ruby Tuesday Avocado Turkey Burger 968 calories
61 g fat
1,601 mg sodium
It's entirely common for restaurants to top their turkey burgers with so many greasy calories that they completely nullify the small savings you get by choosing turkey over beef. Ruby Tuesday's Avocado Turkey Burger, for example, has more calories than the chain's Classic Cheeseburger. The lesson: Turkey doesn't always mean healthier.
Eat This Instead!
Asiago Peppercorn Sirloin
401 calories
20 g fat
1,023 mg sodium
HEALTH-FOOD FRAUDS: Turkey burgers aren’t the only wannabes of the health-food world. Restaurants often disguise tons of fat and calories behind healthful-sounding menu items. Don’t unwittingly ruin your diet: Avoid the 10 Worst “Healthy” Foods in America!
7. Worst Burger Melt
Red Robin All-American Patty Melt1,254 calories
94 g fat
1,951 mg sodium
Melts are notoriously high in calories, thanks to copious amounts of butter and cheese, and Red Robin takes the diner classic from poor to preposterous by adding 350 calories of Thousand Island dressing. This "All-American" monstrosity is the highest-calorie burger on the menu, but unfortunately, the others are close behind. In fact, the Keep it Simple Burger is the chain's only burger that falls below 800 calories, which makes it your only sane option.
Eat This Instead!
Red Robin Keep It Simple Burger
569 calories
24 g fat
991 mg sodium
6. Worst BBQ Burger
Chili’s Shiner Bock BBQ Burger 1,300 calories
74 g fat (24 g saturated)
2,840 mg sodium
An average burger at Chili's packs 1,400 calories, and the Shiner Bock is among the worst of the lot. The burger's main calorie culprit: crispy onion strings. Last time I checked, deep-fried onions were a side dish—and a shoddy one at that. This dish also comes standard with 380 calories of fries, so all said, you're looking at nearly a day's calories in one sitting. If you want to get your red-meat fix at Chili's, steak's the only way to go.
Eat This, Instead!
Chili’s Custom Combinations Classic Sirloin with Sweet Corn on the Cob and Steamed Broccoli
520 calories
21 g fat (7 g saturated)
1,770 mg sodium
5. Worst Sliders
Applebee’s Cheeseburger Sliders with Applewood Smoked Bacon1,340 calories
87 g fat (75 g saturated, 3 g trans)
2,550 mg sodium
Sliders are particularly sneaky diet traps. First, despite their diminutive stature, they tend to pack as many—if not more—calories as their full-size brethren. Second, they're often listed as appetizers, which means you risk wolfing down more than a meal's worth of calories before you even set eyes on your entrée. My advice: Go with a leaner appetizer like the Grilled Chicken Wonton Tacos—the only Applebee's option under 600 calories—and consider sharing with a friend.
Eat This Instead!
Applebee’s Grilled Chicken Wonton Tacos
590 calories
24 g fat (4.5 g saturated, 0 g trans)
2,150 mg sodium
4. Worst Double Cheeseburger
Denny’s Double Cheeseburger1,400 calories
87 g fat (41 g saturated, 2 g trans)
2,680 mg sodium
Some things are better in pairs: skis, wings, Super Bowl tickets. But burgers? Not so much. An extra patty adds little flavor and costs you big on the bathroom scale. Take this double whammy from Denny's: double patties, double cheese, double a day's saturated fat, and 2 grams of trans fat. What do all these twos add up to? Double chins. The 540-calorie Veggie Burger is the chain's only safe burger option, but if you're an unabashed carnivore, you'll appreciate the Prime Rib Skillet.
Eat This Instead!
Denny’s Prime Rib Skillet
585 calories
38 g fat (12.5 g saturated)
1,460 mg sodium
3. Worst Crazy Burger Creation
Friendly’s Grilled Cheese Burger1,540 calories
92 g fat (35 g saturated)
2,490 mg sodium
American chains are constantly dreaming up wacky dishes designed to get your novelty neurons firing at the speed of light. Perhaps the single best example of this frankenfood effect: the Grilled Cheese Burger from Friendly's. It's a giant burger wedged between two grilled cheese sandwiches. Need I say more? If you're craving grilled cheese, order grilled cheese.
Eat This, Instead!
Friendly’s Grilled Cheese Sandwich
800 calories
37 g fat (14 g saturated)
1,280 mg sodium
2. Worst Fast-Food Burger
Sonic Ring Leader Loaded Burger Double Patty1,660 calories
120 g fat (44 g saturated, 4 g trans)
1,450 mg sodium
The recent unveiling of this menacing half-pound burger marks a new low for a chain that already suffers from an iffy reputation. The bacon strips and onion rings will receive much of the criticism, but it's the less flashy components that hold the hidden danger. In fact, the two slices of cheddar cheese and the double slather of mayo account for a third of the fat. (Then there's the "bun oil" Sonic squeezes on.) If you need a burger fix, there are less perilous ways to get it.
Eat This Instead!
Jr. Deluxe Burger with Bacon and Green Chilies
425 calories
25 g fat (8 g saturated, 0.5 g trans)
705 mg sodium
1. Worst Burger in America
Chili’s Jalapeño Smokehouse Bacon Burger1,910 calories
126 g fat (43 g saturated)
5,290 mg sodium
This tricked-out number is the worst of the worst of Chili's' burger behemoths. It comes saddled with tortilla strips, bacon, cheddar, mayo, and jalapeno-ranch dressing, the combined impact of which is more than 2 days' worth of saturated fat and as much sodium as you'd find in 6 pounds of McDonald's French fries. No wonder it made our list of the 8 Scariest Restaurant Meals in America!
Eat This, Instead!
Chili’s Margarita Grilled Chicken
550 calories
14 g fat (4 g saturated)
1,870 mg sodium
Posted by
12:56 PM
Labels: Animal Flesh Recipes
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