1 in 88 American kids is born with autism.
1 in 166 American kids is born with autism.
1 in 12 American kids have ADHD.
Odds of your child dying in a car accident are 1 in 23,000.
1 in 6 Americans lives in poverty.
1 in 6 American kids is starving.
1 in 9 elderly Americans is abused.
36,000 Americans die annually from the flu.
12,000 Americans die annually from the flu.
1 in 160 American kids is born with autism.
1 in 150 American kids is born with autism.
1 in 110 American kids is born with autism.
60 million American adults are obese.
1 in 4 girls is sexually abused by age 18.
1 in 6 boys is sexually abused by age 18.
Featured Post
It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Friday, May 11, 2012
At this rate, we'll all be autistic in 20 years.
Posted by
1:05 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2012
It's not child pornography 'cause Time is run by leftists, and they get to define our words, you prudes.
Posted by
2:55 PM
Fortuitously Timed Story Of The Day
********** UPDATE 5/11/2012 **********
- ABC via Yahoo! News
From ABC via Yahoo! News:
Romney Offers Apology for High School Pranks, Says Homosexuality Was Not On His Mind
Mitt Romney today offered an apology after a Washington Post piece alleged pranks the candidate pulled during his years at an all-boys high school in Michigan targeted his gay peers.
"I don't remember that incident," Romney said, laughing, before adding that whether someone was "homosexual, that was the furthest thing from my mind back in the 1960s, so that was not the case."
The Washington Post report quotes four students who do recall the incident.
"As for pranks that were played back then, I don't remember them all, but again you know, [in my] high school days I did of stupid things. I'm afraid I gotta say sorry for it," Romney said.
Romney asserted several times during the radio interview that the Washington Post article noted that the students who reported having pranks played on them "didn't come out of the closet until years later," suggesting that the pranks could not have been targeted at gay students.
Regarding one story in the article that described Romney encouraging another student who was known for teasing another gay student by remarking, "Atta girl."
"I can't remember, you know my guess is a lot of time in my years in my boarding school where boys who do something and people say he say 'atta girl," said Romney.
"As for the teasing and the taunts that go on in high school, that's a long time ago, for me that's about what 48 years ago, if there's anything I said that was offensive to somebody I'm certainly sorry about that, very deeply sorry about that," Romney said.
Posted by
2:50 PM
Labels: Sodomy: The New Black
Wortwhile Charity Of The Day
Biking for Babies
In our 4th year of the ride, Biking for Babies will attempt to complete over 1100 miles in hopes of raising $40,000 for eight pro-life organizations in the Midwest. The ride will begin on May 21 in New Orleans and conclude in Chicago on May 29.
The team will be larger than ever–with ten riders each hoping to
complete the entire distance under their own power. The riders come from
all parts of the Midwest and share a common hope in creating a greater
respect for human life.
Please be a part of the riders’ preparation by following their weekly
blogs, learning about the charities they will be supporting (see
“Charities” tab), learning about their personal backgrounds (see “Meet
the Riders” tab), “liking” our group on facebook, or donating to the
cause via the tab on the right of the website.
Thank you for your interest in helping the 4th annual Biking for
Babies ride. Your financial and spiritual support means a great deal to
the whole team!
God Bless!
Meet us on the ride!
The Biking for Babies ’12 team will be making stops in towns along the way. But, the BIG party will be when we finish in Chicago on May 29th. The event will be held as follows:
Dinner/Our Arrival: begins at 5p.m. at Blue Star Restaurant at 1209 North Noble Street, Chicago, Illinois
Reception with nationally-known pro-life speaker, Jason Jones: 6p.m.
Mass to follow at 7p.m. at St. Stansislaus parish (1300 North Noble Street, Chicago, Illinois)
Posted by
2:42 PM
Student Newspaper Of The Day
From The Paisano of the University of Texas at San Antonio:
Trade in your soul for a porn magazine at UTSA By Dylan Crice
Much like an annoying colony of fire ants after heavy rain, a mound of radical, extremist atheists frequently pop up on the university grounds espousing their nihilistic dribble at public meetings. Each year, a small group of very vocal individuals known as Atheist Agenda (AA) burst forth upon the UTSA campus, desperately seeking attention by trying to coax countless students to trade in religious texts for pornographic magazines. Creatively, AA has titled this obnoxious appearance “Smut for Smut.” However reprehensible, AA’s convergence upon the UTSA campus is protected by freedom of speech, but at what cost?
Many students and onlookers are noticeably distressed by this attempt to vilify what they believe to be sacred and the cornerstone of American society. These “Smut for Smut” events generally create an overtly hostile atmosphere within the university and play out as carefully orchestrated publicity events that are designed to gain attention by offending the sensibilities of the majority. Many students go to school to focus on academics solely. These students can sometimes find these AA gatherings to be very disruptive and emotionally upsetting. Often, students momentarily forget the tenets of their religious beliefs and lose their temper, while others seek to understand and challenge the collection of malcontents and their radical belief system.Consequently, UTSA police officers and security personal must be diverted from their normal security duties to protect this aggravating group of naysayers.
AA does not just target Christian Bibles. The small group also accepts Korans, self-help books (God forbid someone try to help themselves) and other religious texts. If an individual wants to trade in their text, then the lucky person can look forward to receiving a Penthouse or Playboy magazine from wild-eyed AA members.
AA maintains that they want to educate people about the horrors that lie within religious texts and to finally reveal how dangerous these works of fiction are to the masses. Their preferred method for communicating this to students is by trading something of greater value for something they believe to be of lesser value.
I find it very troubling that these young people are willing to devote so much time and energy to a cause that is disruptive to the student population and adversely impacts the image of the university within the community.
I often imagine prospective new students taking a tour of UTSA, exploring the buildings, the faculty and the students that embody the tradition that is so much a part of the this university and then witnessing the degradation that emanates from ‘Smut on Smut’.
Ultimately, it appears as if AA wants to trade their values for the values that the majority of student hold so dear. In other words, the Atheist Agenda wants to trade historic writings that have had a profound impact on countless individuals in exchange for rubbish that most people could care less about.
Posted by
2:37 PM
Even the dumbass commies who voted for him [and will do so again] know he's a thief.
Leftist Hollyweird Funnyman Jon Lovitz Explodes At Obama: 'What AF**king A**hole'
Posted by
1:58 PM
Labels: None dare call it treason, Obama-rama
SNL cuts sketch critical of Obama
The Daily Caller has obtained a scrapped sketch critical of President Barack Obama that was intended for airing at the opening of last night’s “Saturday Night Live” on NBC.
In the skit, President Obama addresses Americans soon after the first anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden — and he makes sure to remind viewers that all credit for the raid on the terrorist leader’s compound belongs to him.“I hope you had a safe and joyous first anniversary of his killing,” the president, portrayed by Fred Armisen, begins.
“Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to be at home this year, as I had to fly to Afghanistan, to remind President Karzai that, exactly one year ago, we killed Osama bin Laden, and that the decision to do so was a gutsy one,” the president continues. “And was mine.”
The president then outlines what gifts are appropriate on the anniversaries of “Killing Osama bin Laden Day,” and reminds his audience that “heavy drinking, and Killing Osama bin Laden Day, are never a good combination.”
The full text of the skit, which was authored by comedian Jim Downey, is viewable below. It is not clear why the skit was scrapped.
The real President Obama has faced harsh criticism in recent weeks for allegedly politicizing bin Laden’s death by taking too much credit for the operation that killed him.
Instead of the skit, NBC opted instead to air a parody of Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends.” That skit, which also featured Armisen, mocked Fox News personalities by portraying them as clueless partisans.
“Shame on President Barack Obama, who is running a campaign ad that argues that Mitt Romney would not have made the decision to launch the raid,” said Taran Killam, who portrayed Fox personality Steve Doocy.
“I can name one person who wouldn’t have launched that raid: Barack Obama!” Bobby Moynihan, playing Fox host Brian Kilmeade, interjected.
Obama Address Cold Open - May 6, 2012
Posted by
1:49 PM
Labels: Bolshevik The Clown
It's simple. Voters can keep a better eye on a criminal who's locked up.
From The "Christian Science" Monitor via Yahoo! News:
Ouch! Obama loses 41 percent of W.Va. primary vote to federal inmate
Meet Keith Judd, who's incarcerated in Texas for extortion. He's also a serial presidential candidate, and in West Virginia's Democratic primary Tuesday, he grabbed 41 percent of the vote from President Obama. Republicans are gleeful.
In an embarrassment to President Obama, Federal Inmate No. 11593-051 – otherwise known as Keith Judd – won 10 counties and 41 percent of the vote in West Virginia’s Democratic presidential primary Tuesday.
In addition to being a convicted felon, Judd is also a serial presidential candidate. In the 2008 Idaho Democratic primary, he finished third behind Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton with 1.7 percent of the vote, per The Charleston Gazette.
According to the website for the secretary of State of West Virginia, the state’s primaries are closed. Major party members are required to “vote the ballot” of their party. But “all the major parties allow members of minor parties and unaffiliated voters to vote their ballots upon request,” the site says.
Posted by
1:35 PM
Labels: Bolshevik The Clown
Emperor Haile Unlikely believes Our Boys to be his Praetorian Guard.
Transcript: Robin Roberts ABC News Interview With President Obama
...But I have to tell you that over the course of-- several years, as I talk to friends and family and neighbors. When I think about-- members of my own staff who are incredibly committed, in monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together. When I think about-- those soldiers or airmen or marines or-- sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf-- [Emphasis mine. F.G.] and yet, feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask, Don't Tell is gone, because-- they're not able to-- commit themselves in a marriage...
Posted by
1:25 PM
Labels: Bolshevik The Clown, Lyin'-ass Bitch in the White House, None dare call it treason, Obama-rama
Dumbo the Presiphant* comes out of the closet as a Confederate slavemaster; Endorses states' rights
Let's dissect the the latest horrorshow, shall we?
From ABC via Yahoo! News:
Transcript: Robin Roberts ABC News Interview With President Obama
Posted by
1:14 PM
Labels: Bolshevik The Clown, Lyin'-ass Bitch in the White House, Obama-rama
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
The truth about Lizzie Warren's ancestry isn't funny. It's sick.
It's the Joseph Goebbels strategy, kiddies - Accuse your enemies of your crimes.
From the truth-tellers at Breitbart.com:
Elizabeth Warren's ancestor rounded up Cherokees for the Trail of Tears
For over a quarter of a century, Elizabeth Warren has described herself as a Native American. When recently asked to provide evidence of her ancestry, she pointed to an unsubstantiated claim on an 1894 Oklahoma Territory marriage license application by her great-great grand uncle William J. Crawford that his mother, O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, Ms. Warren's great-great-great grandmother, was a Cherokee.
This new information about Ms. Warren’s true heritage came as a direct result of a lead provided to me by William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, who in turn had received the information from one of his readers. Jacobson, who has questioned Warren's explanation for her law faculty listing, calls this discovery "the ultimate and cruelest irony" of the Warren Cherokee saga.
Neither O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford, Jonathan Crawford, nor any of their seven other children, apparently ever claimed that O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford had Cherokee heritage.
As recently as two weeks ago, Ms. Warren publicly claimed to have Native American ancestry. In Dorchester, Massachusetts on April 27 at the Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Apprentice Training Center she stated, “I am very proud of my Native American heritage.” Yet, decades after she first made this same claim, it now appears that it is without any foundation.
Michael Patrick Leahy is the Editor of Broadside Books’ Voices of the Tea Party e-book series, and author of Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement.
Posted by
2:05 PM
"Elizabeth Warren" is merely Ward Churchill* in drag.
Wow. The yahoos at Yahoo! actually let some reasonableness slip through. Here's Michelle Malkin to take apart the Bay State's commie cow who dares to slander the heroic Cherokees.
“Sacaja-Whiner”: Elizabeth Warren and the Oppression Olympics
Elizabeth Warren is the Harvard law professor
running for Senate in Massachusetts as a Democratic
populist-progressive champion. But don't call her "Elizabeth Warren."
Call her "Pinocchio-hontas," "Chief Full-of-Lies," "Running Joke" or
* See Fake Indian Update.
Posted by
1:41 PM
Non-perverts strike a blow against the forces of sodomite fascism.
From AFP via Yahoo! News:
North Carolina bans gay marriages
BTW, why not have the report filed by someone actually in North Carolina?
Posted by
1:25 PM
Coservatives landslide a Repansycan dinosaur into extinction!
Watch as the AmericaLast media does everything possible to ignore the obvious - people are pissed off.
From AP via Yahoo! News:
Lugar loss has lessons for Republicans, Democrats
Veteran Sen. Richard Lugar's loss in the Indiana GOP primary provides warnings for President Barack Obama and his Democrats as well as Mitt Romney and fellow Republicans six months before the November election.
A few hours after conceding, Lugar slammed Mourdock for embracing "groups whose prime mission is to cleanse the Republican Party of those who stray from orthodoxy as they see it."
"This is not conducive to problem solving and governance," Lugar said. "And he will find that unless he modifies his approach, he will achieve little as a legislator. Worse, he will help delay solutions that are totally beyond the capacity of partisan majorities to achieve."
Broadly, Lugar's defeat may create an opportunity for Democrats working to hang onto a narrow four-seat majority in the Senate. National party leaders vowed to help centrist Democrat Joe Donnelly, a three-term House member from South Bend, compete against Mourdock, the conservative state treasurer, in a Senate race the party otherwise would have bypassed.
"He's a good and decent man," Valparaiso Republican Bruce Garrison said of Lugar after casting his vote for Mourdock. "But how can the country keep going on the path it's on? And how can we send the same people back to fix it?"
It's that reject-the-status-quo strain among voters that incumbents up and down the ballot will find themselves having to fight against over the next six months.
That Lugar — an establishment candidate if there ever was one — fell to a tea party-backed Republican made clear that the divisions within the GOP that were on display in 2010 primaries across the country had not yet healed.
Posted by
1:08 PM
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- TheChurchMilitant
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05/06 - 05/13
- At this rate, we'll all be autistic in 20 years.
- It's not child pornography 'cause Time is run by l...
- Fortuitously Timed Story Of The Day
- Wortwhile Charity Of The Day
- Student Newspaper Of The Day
- Even the dumbass commies who voted for him [and wi...
- From The Daily Caller: SNL cuts sketch critica...
- It's simple. Voters can keep a better eye on a cri...
- Emperor Haile Unlikely believes Our Boys to be his...
- Dumbo the Presiphant* comes out of the closet as a...
- The truth about Lizzie Warren's ancestry isn't fun...
- "Elizabeth Warren" is merely Ward Churchill* in drag.
- Non-perverts strike a blow against the forces of s...
- Coservatives landslide a Repansycan dinosaur into ...
- ► 04/29 - 05/06 (2)
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