Tuesday, February 14, 2017

SEX IS DEATH [Part 95: Sexual perversion - the sin that keeps on taking and taking and taking...ad nauseam...ad infinitum]

I came to Carthage, where I found myself in the midst of a hissing cauldron of lusts. I had not yet fallen in love, but I was in love with the idea of it, and this feeling that something was missing made me despise myself for not being more anxious to satisfy the need. I began to look around for some object for my love, since I badly wanted to love something.

 — St. Augustine, Confessions

Not literally ad infinitum, of course. All of us will have to pay the price one day.

You remember Jerry Sandusky, [In Plain View - The New Yorker] don't you, kiddies? How much horror must you endure before you realize there really are such things as sins.

Happy Secular Fucking Day. May God have mercy on our black, bloody souls.

From WGAL:

Jerry Sandusky's son faces child sex assault charges

HARRIS TOWNSHIP, Pa. — Jeffrey Sandusky, the son of convicted child molester and former Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky, is facing child sexual assault and child pornography charges, according to Pennsylvania State Police.

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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