It seems like a perfectly wonderful devotion. My guess it was "suppressed" because it reminded those endarkened (BTW, this link reminds me Fordham U. is no longer Catholic. At least they had the good manners to make it official.) souls of the 1960's of bad things, like sin and death. And, as everyone alive in the '60's knows, Catholicism musn't be a downer religion, it's all about rainbows, bunnies, and gumdrops. (Yum!)
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
A group of saints invoked with special confidence because they have proven themselves efficacious helpers in adversity and difficulties, known and venerated under the name Fourteen Holy Helpers. Though each has a seperate feast or memorial day, the group was collectively venerated on 8 August. However, this feast was dropped and suppressed in the 1969 reform the of the calendar.
They are invoked as a group because of the Black Plague which devastated Europe from 1346 to 1349. Among its symptoms were the tongue turning black, a parched throat, violent headache, fever, and boils on the abdomen. It attacked without warning, robbed its victims of reason, and killed within a few hours; many died without the last Sacraments. Brigands roamed the roads, people suspected of contagion were attacked, animals died, people starved, whole villages vanished into the grave, social order and family ties broke down, and the disease appeared incurable. The pious turned to Heaven, begging the intervention of the saints, praying to be spared or cured. This group devotion began in Germany, and the tradition has remained strong there.
against headaches
against fever, against sudden death
against ills of the throat
Catherine of Alexandria
against sudden death
against plagues, against sudden death
against temptations, especially at time of death
against headaches
against abdominal maladies, for protection of domestic animals
against family trouble
for protection of domestic animals
against plagues, for a good confession
Margaret of Antioch
for safe childbirth
for physicians, for protection of domestic animals
against epilepsy, for protection of domestic animals
As devotion spread, Pope Nicholas V attached indulgences to devotion of the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the 16th century, but these are no longer attached under the modern norms and grants.
Fourteen Holy Helpers, who served God in humility and confidence on earth and are now in the enjoyment of His beatific vision in Heaven; because thou persevered till death thou gained the crown of eternal life. Remember the dangers that surround us in this vale of tears, and intercede for us in all our needs and adversities. Amen.
Fourteen Holy Helpers, select friends of God, I honor thee as mighty intercessors, and come with filial confidence to thee in my needs, for the relief of which I have undertaken to make this novena. Help me by thy intercession to placate God's wrath, which I have provoked by my sins, and aid me in amending my life and doing penance. Obtain for me the grace to serve God with a willing heart, to be resigned to His holy will, to be patient in adversity and to persevere unto the end, so that, having finished my earthly course, I may join thee in Heaven, there to praise for ever God, who is wonderful in His Saints. Amen.
The Litany of the Fourteen Holy Helpers
LORD, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of Martyrs, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, helper in all needs, etc.
Fourteen Holy Helpers,
Saint George, valiant Martyr of Christ,
Saint Blase, zealous bishop and benefactor of the poor,
Saint Erasmus, mighty protector of the oppressed,
Saint Pantaleon, miraculous exemplar of charity,
Saint Vitus, special protector of chastity,
Saint Christophorus, mighty intercessor in dangers,
Saint Dionysius, shining mirror of faith and confidence,
Saint Cyriacus, terror of Hell,
Saint Achatius, helpful advocate in death,
Saint Eustachius, exemplar of patience in adversity,
Saint Giles, despiser of the world,
Saint Margaret, valiant champion of the Faith,
Saint Catherine, victorious defender of the Faith and of purity,
Saint Barbara, mighty patroness of the dying,
All ye Holy Helpers, etc.
All ye Saints of God,
In temptations against faith,
In adversity and trials,
In anxiety and want,
In every combat,
In every temptation,
In sickness,
In all needs,
In fear and terror,
In dangers of salvation,
In dangers of honor,
In dangers of reputation,
In dangers of property,
In dangers by fire and water,
Be merciful, spare us, O Lord!
Be merciful, graciously hear us, O Lord!
From all sin, deliver us, O Lord.
From Thy wrath, etc.
From the scourge of earthquake,
From plague, famine, and war,
From lightning and storms,
From a sudden and unprovided death,
From eternal damnation,
Through the mystery of Thy holy incarnation, etc.
Thy birth and Thy life,
Through Thy Cross and Passion,
Through Thy death and burial,
Through the merits of Thy blessed Mother Mary,
Through the merits of the Fourteen Holy Helpers,
On the Day of Judgment, deliver us, O Lord!
We sinners, beseech Thee hear us.
That Thou spare us,
We beseech Thee, hear us.
That Thou pardon us, etc.
That Thou convert us to true penance,
That Thou give and preserve the fruits of the earth,
That Thou protect and propagate Thy holy Church,
That Thou preserve peace and concord among the nations,
That Thou give eternal rest to the souls of the departed,
That Thou come to our aid through the intercession of the Holy Helpers,
That through the intercession of St. George Thou preserve us in the Faith,
That through the intercession of St. Blase Thou confirm us in hope,
That through the intercession of St. Erasmus Thou enkindle in us Thy holy love,
That through the intercession of St. Pantaleon Thou give us charity for our neighbor,
That through the intercession of St. Vitus Thou teach us the value of our soul,
That through the intercession of St. Christophorus Thou preserve us from sin,
That through the intercession of St. Dionysius Thou give us tranquillity of conscience,
That through the intercession of St. Cyriacus Thou grant us resignation to Thy holy will,
That through the intercession of St. Eustachius Thou give us patience in adversity,
That through the intercession of St. Achatius Thou grant us a happy death,
That through the intercession of St. Giles Thou grant us a merciful judgment,
That through the intercession of St. Margaret Thou preserve us from Hell,
That through the intercession of St. Catherine Thou shorten our Purgatory,
That through the intercession of St. Barbara Thou receive us in Heaven,
That through the intercession of all the Holy Helpers Thou wilt grant our prayers,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us, O Lord.
V. Pray for us, ye Fourteen Holy Helpers.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promise of Christ.
Let us Pray.
Almighty and eternal God, Who hast bestowed extraordinary graces and gifts on Thy saints George, Blase, Erasmus, Pantaleon, Vitus, Christophorus, Dionysius, Cyriacus, Eustachius, Achatius, Giles, Margaret, Catherine, and Barbara, and hast illustrated them by miracles; we beseech Thee to graciously hear the petitions of all who invoke their intercession. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.O God, who didst miraculously fortify the Fourteen Holy Helpers in the confession of the Faith; grant us, we beseech Thee, to imitate their fortitude in overcoming all temptations against it, and protect us through their irttercession in all dangers of soul and body, so that we may serve Thee in purity of heart and chastity of body. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!
It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...
"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
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8:39 AM
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- I get mail...
- Crackup update.
- Every once in a while, something sweet, beautiful,...
- Senator Dick details.
- Un-art update.
- From The Unknown History Department:
- Paul Johnson: Europe has turned its back on both t...
- Sunday is Father's Day.
- John Derbyshire spits into the wind.
- NR: The Terri Schiavo autopsy changes nothing.
- Roberto deserves better than this.
- Durbin's disciples descend into dementia.
- Books of the Day
- Ann Coulter: Gitmo-A-Go-Go
- Henry Hyde comes through again.
- Adopt an embryo, save a life.
- I'll bet you $20 he gets an NEA grant.
- Mexico: Trotsky murder weapon reappears?
- Catholic Bishops renew their opposition to death p...
- Apathy shadows Iranian election...
- Scriptural Snippets
- Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings
- SPC Jorge Estrada: Requiescat in pace
- Blog of the Day
- Why We Fight.
- The abuse of eminent domain.
- Another step toward ending WWII.
- From The Continuing Protestant Crackup Department:
- Another rap related tragedy.
- From The Joys Of Cultural Diversity Department:
- From The Dumbass Schools Department:
- More good news from Italy.
- You know The Church is in trouble when...
- Scriptual Snippets
- Brain-dead mother lives for unborn child
- Dick Morris: Personal attacks on Hillary will only...
- Boys from Africa are being murdered as human sacri...
- Senator Dick of Illinois thinks he's a real man.
- Today's updated forecast from Peking.
- Real Nazis then and now.
- Whatever happened to...
- Website of the Day
- Gadget of the Day
- Battle of the Day
- Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings
- Warning: Your clever little blog could get you fired
- Presbyterians: Pull kids from public school
- Congress to restore funding of 'gendercide'?
- What makes you think Libya was a "win"?
- Just a whiff of fascism from the heartland.
- Brit gay gab not funny to nag.
- Unclean! Unclean!
- You know The Church is in trouble when...
- First, le fils. Next, le pere.
- US Catholic Bishops refuse to be bugged by buggery
- Autopsy Report: Schiavo Did Not Starve To Death
- Crying wolf By Rabbi Shea Hecht
- Supreme Court short list alert: James Harvie Wilki...
- Thomas Sowell: Liberals and Class (part 3)
- Joe Sobran faces his mortality, and that of his son.
- Dick Durbin: Insane simpleton or Leninist-Leninist...
- Buchanan: 3rd world bailout bull
- Abortionist accused of eating fetuses.
- An economist claims the WTC was blown up from the ...
- Where have all the decapitations gone?
- The Fourteen Holy Helpers
- Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings
- From The Very Helpful Medical News Department:
- The AFL-CIO crackup.
- Golly. I thought they just wanted to rip out the c...
- It looks like Andres and a buddy on a play date.
- A roundup of the past three weeks' good news from ...
- Steyn: Quran desecration crock a win for Jihad spi...
- Voices of the Damnable.
- Schools defend polling 6th-graders on oral sex;
- Website of the Day
- The continuing protestant crackup...
- What is the Natural Law, you ask?
- Albertsons agrees to respect pharmacists’ right of...
- Krauthammer: Why Clarence Thomas is right and Scal...
- The Feds have finally caught up with Your Humble S...
- On the hideously deformed mind and soul of Michael...
- Happy Birthday US Army!
- Today is Flag Day
- Saint of the Day and daily Mass readings
- Tomorrow, June 14, is Flag Day.
- From The My Beautiful, Wacky Italian Cousins Depar...
- Katie Holmes, 26 year old self-proclaimed virgin, ...
- You know The Church is in trouble when...
- And for our Jewish listeners...
- The sickest kind of unintended irony...
- Whatever happened to...
- Meet the real GULAG
- The end of Mike Tyson.
- At the risk of appearing to be a teenaged nerd...
- Band of the Day
- Non-compensated Plug of the Day
- ► 06/05 - 06/12 (75)
- ► 05/22 - 05/29 (49)
- ► 05/15 - 05/22 (52)
- ► 05/08 - 05/15 (38)
- ► 05/01 - 05/08 (65)
- ► 04/24 - 05/01 (8)
- ► 04/17 - 04/24 (2)
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