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It seems Pope Francis needs to brush up on his Tertullian!

It has been reported (in The ChristLast Media, I must note) that the current Pope does not like the phrase "lead us not into temptation...

"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We have co-winners in the Sick Twisted Ghoul of the Year contest!

Behold! A victory for the rights of Fetal-Americans and those who love them!

WND: Parents kidnap daughter to force abortion on her
Couple tie up, gag woman to drive her to clinic, 19-year-old calls police from cell in restroom

The parents of a pregnant 19-year-old have been arrested after she told police that they kidnapped her and tied and gagged her, and were taking her to New York for a forced abortion.

If only Jang Keum-Song had had a cell phone...and someone to call.

Authorities in Maine said federal investigators may get involved in the case since it allegedly involved kidnapping someone to take them across a state line.

They should be charged with attempted murder, too.

According to a report in the Manchester Union-Leader, arrested were Nicholas Kampf, 54, and Lola Kampf, 53.

My struggle, indeed. Smell that, kiddies? Irony.

They were arrested by Salem, N.H., police Friday after a 911 call came in to police from the couple's daughter, Katelyn, when she reported she had been kidnapped.

Police told the newspaper that Katelyn had convinced her parents to untie her and allow her to use a restroom at a shopping plaza, and she escaped, using her cell phone to call for help.

Sgt. Ron Peddle said Katelyn Kampf was found by officers behind the shopping plaza, and her parents were arrested while driving around the parking lot, apparently looking for her. Police said they found duct tape, a .22-caliber rifle and rope in the couple's vehicle.

Wow. They're regular Dillingers, they are.

"No matter what the case is, this is not a rational way to deal with a family issue," Cumberland County Sheriff Mark Dion told the newspaper.

You think? But if the mother wants to kill her baby, that is the epitome of modern rationality.

The couple each was being held on $100,000 bail and facing up to 15 years in jail.

Authorities reported Katelyn Kampf had been living in Portland with her boyfriend, and when her parents found out about the pregnancy they attacked her, tying her up and bundling her into the car.

Dion told the newspaper it was unclear how the parents thought they could convince a doctor to perform an abortion if their daughter wouldn't cooperate.

Oh, puh-leeeeeeeze! Remember, abortion is a good thing. Any baby butcher worth his salt has probably handled a couple dozen bound and gagged mommies.

According to a report in the Boston Globe, the young woman had red marks left by the duct tape, but no other injuries.

The Globe said she had been attending Boston College, (A Catholic school. If these psychos are Catholic, there will be an especially nasty spot in Hell waiting for them if they don't get themselves right with God soon. - F.G.) but was forced to move to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where her parents paid for an apartment.

However, authorities said her parents reportedly found out she had quit, and that led them to Maine where they found her with the family of a man they had prohibited her from seeing.

Betty Jo Kampf , an in-law of the Kampfs, told the Globe from Maryland she was stunned when she learned of the situation.

"I can't imagine a doctor who would perform an abortion on someone who is bound and gagged," she said. "I understand being upset if your daughter is pregnant, but to force her abortion?"

The Union-Leader report said the Kampfs used to own the State Theater in Portland.

How about that? From State Theater to State Pen! (Unless the Feds get 'em first.)

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