Monday, September 17, 2012

The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion sees Nazis EVERYWHERE except the mirror.

From Newsmax:

Anti-Defamation League rges Dems to Stop Making Nazi and Holocaust Comparisons

The Anti-Defamation League on Wednesday asked candidates and officials to stop trivializing the Holocaust after the third Democratic Party official in three days made a Nazi-related reference in a political context.

South Carolina State Democratic Chairman Dick Harpootlian on Wednesday made a reference to Adolf Hitler’s companion Eva Braun when discussing press briefing given by Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina from a basement studio at the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Harpootlian was quoted as saying, “She was down in the bunker a la Eva Braun.”

“This analogy to Eva Braun only serves to trivialize the Holocaust and is deeply offensive to Jews and other survivors, as well as those Americans who fought valiantly against the Nazis in World War II,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor, in a press release. “I have said this repeatedly, but it bears repeating again that inappropriate Holocaust analogies simply have no place in politics. The Holocaust and Hitler should not be part of the discussion over which party is best equipped to lead this country for the next four years. Politicians and their supporters and surrogates should stop invoking Hitler and trivializing the memory of the six million and millions of others who perished in the Holocaust.”

Earlier this week, the ADL wrote a letter to the California Democratic Chairman John Burton after he compared GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s speech to the Republic National Convention to the big lie promoted by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

"John Burton made the remarks Monday in an interview with San Francisco station KCBS while in Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention. Burton said the Republicans lie and don't care whether people know they lie and that, quote, 'As long as you lie, Joseph Goebbels, the big lie, you keep repeating it.' ... Burton later issued a statement saying that he 'humbly apologized' to anyone offended by his comparison,” according to the Associated Press.

A similar sentiment was echoed by the president of the Kansas Democratic Labor Committee, Pat Lehman.

According to the Wichita (Kan.) Eagle, "Lehman said her biggest concern about the election itself is voter-identification laws that Republicans have pushed through in a number of states, including Kansas. She said the purpose is to suppress the vote, especially among Democratic-leaning constituencies such as elderly voters. And she scorned the Republicans’ contention that the laws are designed to combat voter fraud.

"'It’s like Hitler said, if you’re going to tell a lie, tell a big lie, and if you tell it often enough and say it in a loud enough voice, some people are going to believe you,' Lehman said."


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