From The College Fix via one of my favorite blogs, Instapundit:
A renowned University of California-Riverside professor recently
advised students to save Mother Earth, eat vegetarian, only have 1.5
kids - two at the most – take up social justice causes, and “lower your
standard of living.”
Biology Professor Richard Cardullo – recently tapped by several federal agencies
to assist with redeveloping how college students across the nation
study life science – offered the advice to a room full of middle school
students as part of the university’s online science lecture series,
recorded on the campus earlier this year. A video of his talk is posted on YouTube.
He began his 50-minute lecture, “Is Earth Overpopulated,” by painting
a picture that the planet doesn’t have the room or resources for more
and more humans, yet that’s the direction in which it’s headed.
“What is the carrying capacity of the planet?” Cardullo said. “As the
population goes up we are using more and more resources at a faster
rate. … Most people think (Earth’s carrying capacity is) in the range of
nine to 13 billion. And remember – no matter what we do – we believe we
are going to be at nine billion by 2030 anyway.”
Apparently famine, disease and war do not have the ability to
effectively roll back the burgeoning human population and save the
planet’s resources, the professor noted.
“If you want to minimize environmental impact, perhaps you should
consider lowering your standard of living, for instance,” Cardullo told
the students.
But that won’t cut it entirely, he said.
“Ultimately … the argument is, we have got to do something about
population as well. The United States, we are very affluent. … We
currently have a population of 313 million people. … Altogether we gain
one person every 15 seconds. … If we want to take the population down to
150 million, all it would require in the next 100 years is to lower
that birth rate – because we are not going to do it through any other
method, right? That would be horrible.”
Cardullo ultimately advocates family planning for the task.
“That means your generation and the next generation, if they are
committed to doing this, would mean having family sizes that on the
average are 1-and-a-half children, or two,” he said. “Some would have
one, some would have two. It would be 50/50.”
Cardullo’s lecture then morphed into somewhat of a sexual education
seminar, explaining to the students on a cellular level how sperm
fertilizes an egg, and how scientists study new ways to stop that from
“Sperm is a vector … which leads to increased populations, so many
scientists want to know, ‘Are there new ways we can control population
or fertility rates?’ … so individuals can make the decisions to keep
those rates low,” he said. “We are talking about controlling human
He cited Gossypol, a cotton derivative that can cause sterility in
males, as something under scrutiny by the scientific research community.
Apparently in large doses it has the unfortunate effect of killing
people, however.
“That’s one form of birth control, but probably not a good one,”
Cardullo said, then chuckled. “So ultimately the World Health
Organization argued against using it. But interestingly enough, there
are countries in the world (such as China now investigating) using it as
a permanent method for controlling fertility in males, which is an
Cardullo turned to some advice from renown conservationist and Professor Joel Cohen, who oversees the Laboratory of Populations at Rockefeller and Columbia Universities, to conclude his speech to the kids.
“So what are we going to do? What are you going to do is the real
question, because my generation is about done, we’ve left this for you,”
Cardullo said. “We have talked about fertility control, we have talked
about the environment, we clearly have to start making some smart
choices, there are a few solutions.”
For one, continue to use technology and innovation to increase
production of resources, he said. But there are some other ideas as
well, he said, citing Cohen’s work.
“ ‘Put fewer forks on the table,’ meaning reduce the numbers and
expectations of people through such means as family planning,” Cardullo
He also suggested not eating meat.
“One of the things we know is the production of meat is incredibly
expensive,” he said. “You are going to start hearing more and more about
humans’ carbon footprint, and one of the biggest contributions to that
carbon footprint is the production of meat. … We could do a lot simply
by just becoming more vegetarian.”
Finally, change attitudes, he said.
“We could teach better manners … enhance social justice,” he said.
“What are we going to do about continents like Africa. Is it fair to say
we are going to be affluent, but other parts of the world are not?
These are all decisions you are going to be making.”
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