Monday, October 22, 2012

Can a Pompadoured Pussy actually have coattails?

From The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News:

Gallup Has Romney Up by 7

"No, that cannot be! Quick, discredit Gallup!"

Even with Gallup, This Race is Tight

As other polls show tight race, Gallup stands apart
The election between President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney looks like it will be a knuckle-biter - unless you go by one of the United States' most respected public-opinion polls. As most surveys show Obama and Romney locked in a virtual dead heat, Gallup finds that the Republican would win by a comfortable six percentage points if the election were held today...
- Roto-Reuters via Yahoo! News

It gets worse, kiddies. Things must be absolutely horrible in the commies' private polling for them to publicly go after something as big as Gallup...

Obama Thugs Rough Up Gallup For Polls They Don't Like


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