Friday, September 28, 2012

Frausun: Nazi porn and the exploitation of the vertically challenged from deep in the heart of Texas.

Have you ever wondered to what depths a man will sink to get his rocks off? [I was going to type "to get laid", but everybody knows that's not going to happen.] Here's AmeriKKKa's least favorite Nazi poet and intellectualoid chanteur with a couple of examples:

Note how its the naked hot chick with her face removed [like on Criminal Minds, or Dexter for those of you with cable] who gets faux masturbated upon and not the thoroughly modern "empowered" little person. [All you naughty kiddies who thought "midget" or "dwarf" will get a spanking from The Dark Lord Of Dumbass Himself. But not the hot chick. Sorry.] Or am I reading too much into it and all Kurtzey And His Kooky Krew are guilty of is a love of dessert? [He did mention pie in a previous plaintive missive...]

Ah, talk about self-explanatory! Just remember, kiddies, that all tough guys [both real and pretend] eventually come face-to-face with someone or something tougher and discover [in the hardest way] that Power is a real bitch.

In Kurtzey's defense, he hasn't sunk to the 2 girls 1 cup level [I know you kiddies are going to look it up 'cause you want to be cool like your ol' Uncle Fyodor, but I'm begging you to read the description of the video on your Gogol, yes I said Gogol machine before you decide to watch it. Bells cannot be unrung.] yet, so there may be hope for him and his victims. [I'm thinking of the poor dumb bastards who fork over their dwindling OkhranaBucks to watch and allegedly listen to this silliness. Of whom are you thinking, kiddies?] Of course, it could merely be a case of Youtube not allowing that kind of art to be posted there. 

Do you think any non-moderate mohammedans will "riot" [hee-hee] after watching this? If they were smart [a big, big if] they'd sit back and let our brains rot from all this kultur we got gong on.

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