Monday, August 06, 2012

The big list of economic terrorism perpetrated by America's first domestic terrorist president.

From The

70 Facts About Our Economy Obama Probably Doesn’t Want You To See

A stunning collection of 70 facts about the U.S. economy just posted on the web is probably not going to make it into the next campaign ad from the folks at Obama for America. However, you might want to read it.
TheBlaze has culled 10 from the list of 70 here:
  • Speaking of “no faith in the US Dollar” – The price of gold when Obama was inaugurated, $850 an ounce. Today, gold is over $1500.
  • A stunning amount spent on stupid studies like Why do chimps throw their poop? – Almost $600,000 of your tax dollars was sent to the folks who studied chimpanzee poop tossing, plus $198,195 paid to find out if “tweeting” makes people happy… It’s all HERE.
The full list, complete with links to the supporting stories, can be found here.

h/t Brian Wilson (not the Beach Boy)

 Terror is a form of social control.

You are being controlled.

Don't let yourself be controlled.

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