Monday, August 06, 2012

America's all-time favorite whore, Marilyn Monroe, is still dead. OR IS SHE?

Yes, kiddies, it seems the dumbass drug-addled sex goddess and procurer of at least ten abortions [Oops! I mean "career preservation procedures".] is un-dead and kicking fifty years after her predictable and perfectly timed self-immolation. And guess what? She's coming to eat your dollars! 

LOS ANGELES, Calif. - There is a career after death, at least if while alive you wielded star power like Marilyn Monroe.
Associated Press via Yahoo! News

London, August 6 (ANI): Marilyn Monroe is about to get the biggest " marketing comeback" in history on the 50th anniversary of her death.
- ANI via Yahoo! India News

You kiddies know ol' Fyodor has nothing against hot babes and Marilyn was a certifiable smoke show. It's just that there's a hot babe born every minute. [Well, maybe not quite that many nowadays. With about 400 abortions every minute around the world, the number is probably lower. I know Huge "Tiny & Limp" Hefner has been working on an in-utero hotness test for decades so the uggoes can be weeded out of the gene pool and we'll have nothing but hot blonde blue-eyed chicks in the world...just like Margaret Sanger and Hitler wanted. BTW, can you imagine how many tens of millions of gorgeous Chinese babes have been chopped up and thrown in the trash? This may be the Slave Chinese regime's greatest crime out of all the millions it has perpetrated. Chinese women are soooooooo hot.] It is time to move on, boys.

Monroe honored on 50th anniversary of her death
Some 300 Marilyn Monroe fans gathered at the Los Angeles cemetery where she is buried, commemorating the iconic sex symbol on the 50th anniversary of her death.
- AFP via Yahoo! News 

For years I've been waiting for some crazed fan to dig her up and masturbate onto whats left of her...wait, that's what her photographs are for, right?
Fifty years ago Sunday, Norma Jeane Mortenson--the actress, model and singer better known as Marilyn Monroe--died in Los Angeles of a drug overdose. She was just 36. Yahoo contributors were asked to share their memories of Monroe, whose tragic death, while unsurprising to those that closely followed her tumultuous career, was nonetheless shocking. Below, recollections [...]
- Yahoo! News 

Marilyn Monroe 50 Years Later … Beauty Experts Scream, “We Don’t Care!”
On the 50-year anniversary of Marilyn Monroe’s death, the last of the 5-part series on the legendary icon by permanent makeup artist Sally Hayes, reveals what leading beauty experts care about Marilyn 50 years later and what they don’t. They also share professional cosmetic advice on how women today can be like her. The complete Modernizing Marilyn Monroe Series is exclusively found on http ...
- PRWeb via Yahoo! News

 Ritu Beri showcases Marilyn Monroe inspired collection at LFW
New Delhi, August 6 (ANI): Celebrated Indian designer Ritu Beri has revealed that her collection, which was showcased on runway at the 13th Lakme Fashion Week, was inspired by the "Marilyn Monroe of today".
- ANI via Yahoo! India News 

Marilyns from around the world meet for Monroe tributes
When a faux Hugh Hefner, clad in his trademark smoking jacket, finishes his karaoke song, he turns to Marilyn Monroe and asks: "Do you want to marry me?"
- AFP via Yahoo! News

 Will this long hot zombie summer never end?

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