Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Left-fascists fear real men.

Just search "Santorum and fanatic". Here's a sample:
  1. For a modestly attended small-state caucus that ended with three candidates within 4 percent of one another, Iowa clarified a great deal about the GOP ...
    www.salon.com/2012/01/04/rick_santorum...free_market_fanatic - Cached
  2. I have heard the name Rick Santorum ever since my husband and I decided to say goodbye to birth control and trust the Lord for the number of children we ...
    fanaticforjesus.blogspot.com/2012/01/rick-santorum-and... - Cached
  3. POLITICO CLICK: People-watching in Washington ... (Photo Credit: Reuters) If Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum ends up in the White House, Sean Penn ...
    www.politico.com/.../sean-penn-rick-santorum-is-a-fanatic... - Cached
  4. SANTORUM RADICAL RELIGIOUS FANATIC HERETIC. Santorum as the leader of this country will set women back to the age of when women were considered property of men with ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/...santorum...fanatic-heretic.html - Cached
  5. Speaking of fanatics, here’s Sean Penn making a jackass out of himself for the thousandth time. Via Politico: If Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum ...
    weaselzippers.us/2012/01/...penn-rick-santorum-is-a-fanatic - Cached
  6. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse Rick Santorum has gone off the rails. While pandering his special brand of zeal to the Ohio Christian ...
    bluefieldstars.blogspot.com/.../santorum...fanatic_18.html - Cached
  7. The number one enemy of a fanatic is an idea that challenges their core ... And how did Rick Santorum show me today that the story about the LDS Church ...
    www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/26/what-do-a-radical... - Cached
  8. "Rick Santorum, like millions of other Americans, has been emersed in hate-radio and FOX News for years, for decades and now this is the result of it. He's the Tea ...
    www.breitbart.tv/grayson-santorum...party-fanatics-candidate - Cached
  9. You would think Piers Morgan would follow up with a question about Sean Penn’s admiration and support of Hugo Chavez, but instead, Morgan ignores this glaring ...
    bighollywood.breitbart.com/...penn...fanatic-rick-santorum - Cached
  10. Grayson: Santorum Demonizing Obama For The Hate-Filled Paranoid Tea Party Fanatics
  11. Home » “The Republican Party is About a Half-Step Away from Handing its Presidential Nomination to an Out-and-Out Religious Fanatic
    boxofupticks.com/2012/02/rick-santorum-theology-on... - Cached
  12. Originally Posted by mary54mi Original topic title: Santorum is an idiot religious fanatic and needs to go! Being anti catholic is not going to stick.
    www.city-data.com/...santorum-idiot-religious-fanatic... - Cached
    More results from city-data.com »
  13. Will Rick Santorum's 2008 'Satan warning ... are you a religious fanatic and/or would you govern as one?" question will dictate the future of his campaign. "If Santorum ...
    news.yahoo.com/rick-santorums-2008-satan-warning-haunt... - Cached

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