Thursday, March 11, 2010

What do Renoir and Dos Passos have in common?

...or, what did each man eventually learn?

Kiddies, if you can discover the what and the why, there may be hope for you [and all of us] yet.

Here are a few hints:

BTW, all of you good little kiddies who have recently realized that Benito Hussein Okhrana and the rest of The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion are in the process of completing a coup d'etat are a bit late. Our Constitution died the moment we let the Supreme Court "interpret" it. That is pretty much our entire history, kiddies. The lesson to be learned is this: You can't build anything good on the foundation of The Endarkenment.

Well, good luck kiddies. I have to get back to hoarding incandescent light bulbs. Those compact fluorescent thingees are a left-fascist plot to ruin our eyes [along with movies, TVs, and the internet] so we won't be able to read books with the truth in them.

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