Monday, November 12, 2007

Best (as well as Worst) Idea of the Day.

Business Wire: Jones Soda Co. Bottling the Flavors of Christmas and Chanukah to Benefit Charity

Jones Soda Co. (the “Company” or “Jones Soda” or “Jones”), announces today that it is tossing aside the Turkey & Gravy and bringing Christmas Ham and Latke Sodas to the table this year with two new limited edition holiday themed packs. The Christmas Pack includes flavors such as: Sugar Plum, Christmas Tree, Egg Nog and Christmas Ham Sodas. While the Happy Chanukah Pack includes: Jelly Doughnut, Apple Sauce, Chocolate Coins and Latke Sodas. As always, both packs are kosher and contain zero caffeine.

Consistent with limited edition packs of past years, Jones Soda is teaming up with two great children’s charities donating a portion of proceeds from the sale of the Christmas Pack and Chanukah Pack to Toys for Tots and Vitamin Angels respectively this year.

The Christmas Pack provides everyone with a variety of Christmas flavors, both delicious and obscure. And through the creation of this pack, Jones is able to partner with Toys for Tots for the fourth consecutive year in a row helping children around the country have a merrier holiday. Jones Soda will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the Christmas Pack to this charity with a minimum contribution of $10,000. Toys for Tots is one of the nation’s flagship and most visible Holiday Season charitable causes with local Toys for Tots campaigns conducted from October through December each year, in 456 communities nationwide.

The Chanukah Pack, complete with dreidel, was created with an audience of Rabbis and in the true spirit of the Jewish tradition. In continued support of this charity, Jones Soda will be donating a portion of the sales of the Chanukah Pack to Vitamin Angels with a minimum contribution of $10,000. Vitamin Angel Alliance is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization created in 1994 to fight malnutrition and childhood blindness around the world. For more information, please visit

”With the anticipation of a child at Christmas, our team here at Jones looks forward to this tradition every year. Not only do we get to make some fun holiday flavors, but we get to raise money for some great charities,” said Peter van Stolk President & CEO. “How often do you get to sit back with family and friends and toast the season with Christmas Tree Soda?”

These limited edition packs will be available in select stores through the Jones Soda distributor network the week of November 11th. They will also be available for sale on The packs will only be available in limited quantities, and on a first come, first served basis.


  1. As a recovering Catholic, I greatly enjoy your blog. It's so deliciously wacky. By the way, have you ever done any commentary on the church's latest stance regarding limbo? I've long considered the whole concept of limbo to be one of the nuttiest things the Vatican has ever come up with. Anyway, keep up the good work. Your stuff is great fun to read.

  2. Thanks, but I think you have a whole bunch more recovering to do. I suggest you spend less time reading idiot blogs like mine and more time with the writings of the Church Fathers.

    Keep The Faith, baby.
