Friday, November 10, 2006

A loss for BIG SODOMY.

AP: Israel sodomite parade canceled amid opposition; rally planned

JERUSALEM - Gay leaders on Thursday canceled a parade in Jerusalem amid security concerns and pressure from fundamentalist religious leaders who called such a public display in the holy city offensive.

The Gay Pride parade scheduled for Friday drew opposition from Jews, Christians and Muslims, while hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews vented their disapproval by clashing with police and burning trash bins in the streets several nights over the past week.

Be very careful where you place your pride, kiddies.

Police had planned to post 9,000 officers to protect marchers, but authorities asked organizers to scale back the gathering amid reprisal threats after errant Israeli artillery shells killed 18 Palestinian civilians in Gaza on Wednesday.

Organizers agreed Thursday to turn the public parade into a rally, held inside a closed stadium.

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