Friday, November 10, 2006

The Jewish crackup continues apace.

This is the kind of nonsense I expect from the goat rapists.

KSAT: Crucifix Over Ballot Box Upsets Jewish Voter

MIDDLETON, Wis. -- In Wisconsin, a Jewish man whose polling place was at a Catholic church said he was disturbed to see a crucifix hanging over a ballot box.

Where's Jackie Mason when we need him? He'd put this pansy in his place.

Dr. Zeev Bar-Av of Middleton said issues on Tuesday's ballot such as gay marriage and the death penalty "are essentially on the national divide on religion and non-religion."

Grow up and get over it, Doc. It's obvious something that smells like fascism is getting in the way of your Judaism.

The 65-year-old Middleton man said, "If there is a place where church and state should be separated, the polling place should be it."

Wisconsin Elections Board executive director Kevin Kennedy said the state and municipalities struggle to come up with adequate polling places, and churches have plenty of parking. He adds that polling places don't have to be redecorated to protect voters from feeling uncomfortable, and voters who are bothered can always vote absentee.

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