Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Religion of Peace and Joseph Goebbels Wannabes Update.

Fabulous right wing hottie Michelle Malkin on the good guys of Bloggerdom battling the left-fascist press and the goat rapists:

How dare they be questioned!
By Michelle Malkin · August 01, 2006 06:16 PM

***update: Charles Johnson obtains a self-congratulatory AP email***

Via LGF:

Three news agencies on Tuesday rejected challenges to the veracity of photographs of bodies taken in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike in Lebanon, strongly denying that the images were staged.

Photographers from The Associated Press, Reuters and Agence
France-Presse all covered rescue operations Sunday in Qana, where 56 Lebanese were killed. Many of their photos depicted rescue workers carrying dead children.

A British Web site, the EU Referendum blog, built an argument that chicanery may have been involved by citing time stamps that went with captions of the photographs...

...The AP said information (ed: what information? please
) from its photo editors showed the events were not staged, and that the time stamps could be misleading for several reasons, including that web sites can use such stamps to show when pictures are posted, not taken. An AFP
executive said he was stunned to be questioned about it. Reuters, in a statement, said it categorically rejects any such suggestion.

Yes, the gall.

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