Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fyodor endorses Green Party candidate Carl "The Truth" Romanelli for US Senate!

Hey, with a name like Romanelli, he's got to be good, right? The most important thing about Carl is he's a babykiller through and through. And proud of it. Never met a murdered child he didn't like.

I know what you're thinking: "Say it ain't so, Fyodor"!

It ain't. Besides, I typed "endorses", not "votes for".

Let me explain the US Senate race in Pennsylvania.

Incumbent Rick Santorum is a mostly unapologetic Catholic and conservative. His Democrass opponent, Bobby "My Dad was opposed to abortion too, you know" Casey, is an empty suit who, if elected, will immediately forget his Catholicism and vote for Big Babykilling's interests as
Senator Social Moderate commands him.

So, I want all you little left-fascist lamebrains in the Keystone State to vote for the Green Weenie on the ballot. Not only does he want those pesky babies dead, he's a certified dirt and rock worshipper who loves tax hikes, wind farms, sunsets, and long, slow walks to the Gulag. After all, you can't be sure Bobby "My Dad didn't get any national power saving babies" Casey won't grow a spine, become a real man, and vote according to the dictates of The One True Faith, can you?

Then right thinking Pennsylvanians like me will re-elect Mr. Santorum. In potential boost for Santorum, GOP aids Green candidate

HARRISBURG - Thanks to the generosity of GOP donors, a Green Party candidate is expected to make it onto the ballot in Pennsylvania's Senate race and siphon votes away from Democratic front-runner Bob Casey in his bid to unseat Republican Sen. Rick Santorum.

While Santorum said Monday that he would welcome another candidate on the ballot, Casey's campaign accused Republicans of "trying to steal the election."


Green Party candidate Carl Romanelli, making his first bid for statewide elective office, acknowledged Monday that Republican contributors probably supplied most of the $100,000 that he said he spent gathering signatures to qualify for the Nov. 7 ballot.

Romanelli said he expects to turn in far more than the required 67,070 signatures by Tuesday's deadline.

He made it, but guess who is challenging the signatures in court?

"I have friends in all political parties. It's just that my Republican friends are more confident about standing with me than my Democratic friends. And as a group, my Republican friends are a little better off," he said in a telephone interview.

Romanelli, a Wilkes-Barre resident, supports abortion rights, while both Santorum and Casey (HA! - F.G.) oppose them. Political observers say Romanelli's candidacy would likely draw votes away from Casey, the state treasurer, who has held a double-digit lead over Santorum for months.

Records on file with the Federal Election Commission show the Luzerne County Green Party received $66,000 in June from 20 contributors who gave between $1,000 and $5,000 apiece.

The Luzerne County Green Party in turn reported paying $66,000 in June to a Florida company called JSM Inc. for work that Romanelli described as an integral part of his signature-gathering campaign, which also could help Green gubernatorial nominee Marakay Rogers get on the ballot.

An analysis showed that at least $29,000 came from donors who also have given to Santorum's campaign, and nearly all the donors had given to Republican candidates in recent elections.

Santorum said he hopes Romanelli makes it onto the ballot.

"This is politics," the second-term senator told reporters Monday while campaigning the Pittsburgh suburb of Greentree. "It's no surprise when you're an incumbent, it helps to have more people on the ballot."

A Casey campaign spokesman accused Santorum of "earmarking" GOP contributions for an ostensible opponent.

"He's been the biggest supporter of the Green Party candidacy," said the spokesman, Larry Smar.

Welcome to the real world, princess.

Virginia Davis, Santorum's campaign spokeswoman, declined to answer questions about whether he solicited the contributions.

"One thing (Santorum and Romanelli) do share is a commitment to sharing their views" with voters, she said.

Romanelli, a consultant who spent 20 years working as a family-court officer for Luzerne County, said he was surprised by Casey's opposition to his prospective candidacy.

"I don't think I'm that big a threat to Bob Casey like his campaign is acting like I am," he said.

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