How much would a Hollyweird big shot pay to do it with 12 year old Dakota?
Louisville Courier-Journal: Dangerous territory
Brooke Shields and Jodie Foster both played child prostitutes in the movies when they were kids.
But a new flick starring 12-year-old Dakota Fanning calls for the youngster’s character to endure a rape and “appear naked or clad only in underpants in several other horrifying moments,” reports the New York Daily News.
Fanning is currently in North Carolina filming “Hounddog,” also starring Robin Wright Penn, 40, who’s an executive producer.
No, no, no! You gotta give it a title like Sheena: Queen of the Pre-teen Prostitutes!
“The whole story is challenging Dakota as an actress,” said her agent, Cindy Osbrink. “I’ve never been so proud of her in my life.”
With an agent like that, who needs enemies?
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