Monday, July 24, 2006

Dumbass Congressthing of the Day.

Why, it's Bob Wexler, Democrass of Florida! Sit back and enjoy his comedy stylings, kiddies.

Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune: Congressman Jokes About Cocaine on TV's 'Colbert Report'

Backed into an uncomfortable corner, Rep. Robert Wexler stared straight into the camera and proclaimed that he enjoys cocaine and prostitutes "because it's a fun thing to do.''

Colbert, saying "this is just kidding,'' prodded the congressman to "say a few things that would really lose the election for you if you were contested.'' He asked him to complete this sentence: "I enjoy cocaine because ... "

Caught off guard and squirming a bit, Wexler said, "I enjoy cocaine because it's a fun thing to do.''

A follow-up led to this comment: "I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons because it's a fun thing to do. If you combine the two together, it's probably even more fun.''

I wonder if the congressthing knows any Dakota Fanning: Pre-Teen Prostitute jokes?

The Democratic congressman, who is unchallenged in November's midterm election, appeared on the Comedy Central show "The Colbert Report'' on Comedy Central at the urging of his younger staffers.

Let us hope the voters of Florida's 13th district strip this jackass of his day job in November. (Ha! I knew I couldn't type that with a straight face.)

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