Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit Update.

This thing looks like one of those aliens from one of those Star Trek spinoffs who gets killed in the first 30 seconds without uttering a single word.

Hillary, Busted
by Kathryn Jean Lopez

Believe me, I would not ever make this up:

Senator Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Bust To Be Unveiled at the Museum of Sex

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- New York, NY- July, 26 2006—- A presidential bust of Hillary Clinton is set to be unveiled at the Museum of Sex on August 9, 2006 at 10 am. Accentuating her sexual power and bolstered by the presidential seal, The Presidential Bust of Hillary Rodham Clinton: The First Woman President of the United States of America will be officially open for public viewing on August 9 for a limited six week run.


Artist Daniel Edwards describes this new sculpture as capturing Clinton “with her head held high, a youthful spirit and a face matured by wisdom. Presented in a low cut gown, her cleavage is on display prominently portraying sexual power which some people still consider too threatening.”...

Power? She can't even manage to have sex with herself anymore. She's so repulsive, her own libido slit its wrists.

This whole thing sounds like some weak-minded lesbian fantasy...or a plot by the vast you-know-what.

...Edwards’ inspiration for the piece was derived from actress Sharon Stone’s controversial quote earlier in the year about challenges that would most likely be encountered should the Junior Senator from New York run on the ’08 ticket. “I think Hillary Clinton is fantastic,” Stone said. “But I think it is too soon for her to run. This may sound odd but a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs. Hillary still has sexual power and I don’t think people will accept that. It’s too threatening.”

Ha! Remember this one, kiddies? If the words of Sharon Stone are your artistic inspiration, you need to get a job as a garbageman.

“Displaying a sculpture to encourage discourse about the sexual power debate surrounding the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency is very much in line with our mission as a museum,” noted Daniel Gluck, Executive Director. “We are wholly dedicated to the exploration of the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality.
Historically, leaders are often expected to possess an exceptional amount of virility or fertility with displays of that sexual power often tied to their success. The artist’s portrayal of Hillary Clinton as a president who also happens to be a sexual being conveys the message that a woman need not squelch her sexuality in order to succeed as leader of the free world.”
(Thanks to National Review Online for the heads up.)

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