Friday, June 16, 2006

How many bits of propaganda can you find in this antique media story?

AP: House GOP (1) nears vote on Iraq withdrawal

WASHINGTON - House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi decried the Bush administration's "strategic blunders" in Iraq on Friday as the House headed toward a GOP-engineered vote (2) on a resolution that forces lawmakers to take a position (3) on withdrawing American forces.

(1) Actually, Herr Goebbels, the entire House of Representatives will be able to vote on this Resolution.

(2) The House leadership (which just happens to be R at this time) brings bills and resolutions to the floor for votes, not the Republican Party.

(3) The Jackasses can always abstain.

Ack! One sentence in and my poor old brain hurts from the blatant mind-control attempts. Read the rest at your own risk!

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