This is a violation of their tax-exempt status. What do you think arch-conservative CowardlyCuriousGeorge FlyingBushMonkey and the Repansycan leadership in the House and Senate will do about it?
Exactly! Nothing.
Planned Parenthood Vows to Help Elect 'Progressive Voices'
( via - The head of the largest abortion provider in America declared Tuesday that she and her organization -- which accepts taxpayer funds -- intend to use their resources to "swing the vote" and "help progressive voices win" elections across the country.
A spokesman for a conservative group called the decision "outrageous."
"We're going to channel our strength, our outreach, our power, and work with our pro-choice allies to help progressive voices win across America," said Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Richards, the daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, made the comments at the liberal "Take Back America" (Ha! It never was and never will be yours. - F.G.) conference.
"The skies are looking better for progressives this November, but the threat to Roe v. Wade and the threat to family planning in this country are probably as great as they have been for the last 30 years," Richards said.
"And with Sandra Day O'Connor gone and Samuel Alito now sitting on the Supreme Court, anti-choice extremists have the bit in their mouth, and they're ready for action," she added.
Richards blamed the situation on politicians such as U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) and President George Bush, "who have abandoned public support for family planning, birth control and sex education.
"The debate, she said, is being driven by "a bunch of ideologues who have not done a single thing in their lives to help children or to improve women's health-care access in this country," she noted.
"Had enough?" Richards asked. "Well, I have."
She noted that Planned Parenthood has 860 health centers around the country in 50 states and has more members, employees and staff than the 50 state Democratic parties combined.
"We have the potential to swing the vote in 2006, 2008 and 2010, and that's a lot of power," Richards said.
"The question is: What are we going to do with it? And the answer is: We're going to use it," Richards declared. "We're going to marry our current reality as the largest reproductive health-care provider in this country with our opportunity to be the largest kickass advocacy organization in this country.
"We're taking on the opponents of choice in the states and the districts where they live," she said. "Planned Parenthood has got to become more political so that health care can become less politicized."
As proof of the need for such action, Richards pointed to the situation in South Dakota, where "less than a month after Alito was confirmed," the legislature passed a bill banning abortion (or "criminalizing abortion," she said).
"I'm very happy to report that last week, the people of South Dakota filed nearly 38,000 signatures in that state, more than twice what was needed, to put this law on the November ballot so that the people of the state can vote this law down," she said.
"At Planned Parenthood, we provide safe and legal abortions in this country, and thank God we do," Richards said. "But that is only 10 percent of what we do. The other 90 percent of our work is to prevent unintended pregnancies and provide vital health care to 5 million women and teens every single year.
"If the far-right legislators in South Dakota are so concerned about the number of abortions, I invite them to link arms with Planned Parenthood -- because for 90 years, we have done more to prevent unintended pregnancies than any other organization in America," she added.
"The battle we're fighting about is not abortion," Richards stated. "It's about the most fundamental question of whether women or families should be able to plan their pregnancies and their families.
"So let me put it to you this way: I'll be damned if we're going to stand by and let George Bush or Sam Alito or Rick Santorum dismantle a woman's right to choose in this country," she said.
"I look forward to building a progressive America and taking back America."
As Cybercast News Service previously reported, Richards assumed leadership of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in mid-February even as the organization faced the possibility of curtailing services in her home state of Texas.
Jim Sedlak, executive director of the conservative American Life League's STOPP International, called Richards' comments "outrageous."
"Planned Parenthood just released its latest annual report showing it received $272.7 million in taxpayer money, and now, its president exclaims that she is going to use the 'power' of the organization to get people she likes elected to office," Sedlak said. "It appears then that our tax money is going to be used to elect public officials."
Sedlak said the Internal Revenue Service should immediately revoke Planned Parenthood's tax-exempt status.
"Planned Parenthood has always tried to hide its political activity behind its lobbying group -- the Planned Parenthood Action Fund," Sedlak noted. "But when its president clearly states that Planned Parenthood will use its 860 health centers and all its employees and staff to do political work, it has clearly positioned itself as a political organization and violated the basic rules of a 501 C-3 organization.
"Now that Ms. Richards has said, in her own words, 'Planned Parenthood has got to become more political,' people all across the country should bring any PP political activity to the attention of the IRS and to the attention of elected officials," he added.
"It is time we cut off its tax-exempt status and stopped giving it our tax money."
More death-dealing vanity from our moral and intellectual superiors at Big Babykilling:
Planned Parenthood to hold ‘Daddy’s Dead Little Girl’ program
Boca Raton News - For a typical father, the idea of speaking to his adolescent daughter about sex might be a conversation he would avoid due to fear or embarrassment.
Planned Parenthood Wants More Money from Feds - One of the leading pro-life groups in America is wondering why the nation's largest abortion-provider, Planned Parenthood, continues to beg for government funds -- even though the non-profit is just coming off one of its best years ever in terms of income and 'excess revenue.'
Crouse Laments Planned Parenthood’s $63 Million in Profit from Abortion
Christian News Wire - Planned Parenthood (PP), supposedly a non-profit organization, made a profit of $63 million last year. Planned Parenthood has net assets of more than $784 million. All that money is drawing interest and making more profit for Planned Parenthood.
Watch them pretend to care about women's health. Like nobody knows half of their murder victims are innocent little girls:
Planned Parenthood chief lauds new vaccine
The Kalamazoo Gazette - Cecile Richards, president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, got some very good news on Thursday afternoon during a stop in Kalamazoo.
Planned Parenthood Rapidly Nearing One Billion Dollar Annual Budget
Christian News Wire - “If the current trend continues, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. will command a budget of more than $1 billion in three years,” warned Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of Life Decisions International.
How sick is this next one? You contribute to breast cancer research and your money kills little kids!
Guest Column: Race for the Cure money reaches Planned Parenthood
Quad-City Times - Quad City Right to Life has learned that some of the money raised by Komen Quad Cities Race for the Cure is still going to Planned Parenthood. This money is funneled through the Louisa County Health Department to Planned Parenthood of Southeast Iowa to serve Muscatine County residents.
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