Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I get mail from people who do not see the method to my idiocy.

Responding to my annihilation of the so-called Catholic Democrasses

Jamie Beu said...

Thank you for your post - although a little derogatory at times (e.g., "dago" for Italians), it was amusing and informative, especially for the link to the Dems press release.

I made sure to include a link to your page in my post "Catholics in Congress", which includes the states they are from, as well as a few statistics you (and their bishops) might find interesting.

God bless.

To which I replied thusly:

Jamie, you must be new here. Those left-fascist murderers who dare to call themselves Catholic should consider themselves lucky to be merely ridiculed. If there were any justice in this world, they would be in a very dark, very dank, prison.

I shall always reserve the right to insult my idiot Italian cousins as I see fit.

Which is ridiculous. If there were justice in this world, they would all have been executed by now. They should consider themselves lucky to be alive.

I apologize to all you kiddies out there who expect better from me.

Oh, yeah, I also meant to say "wop".

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