Friday, February 24, 2006

Italian-American Smile of the Day.

You wouldn't understand. It's a goomba thing.

New Hampshire Union Leader: Retailer apologizes for 'wife beater' shirt ad

Discount retailer Building 19 has apologized for an advertisement in a recent flier that offered three “wife beater” undershirts for $5.98.
The tank-style T-shirts are called “wife beaters” because of a stereotype that physically abusive men wear them.

The ad, which appeared in a Feb. 19 flier, outraged women’s groups and led to a quick apology from Building 19 co-founder, Jerry Ellis, who took responsibility for the ad, the MetroWest Daily News of Framingham reported.

“The mistake was mine,” Ellis told the paper. “I was either too dumb or too lazy or too distracted, and I let it go by. It certainly was insensitive . . . and I’m sorry it happened.”

Ellis said the initial ad copy described the shirts as “A-shirts,” but a man in advertising said, “Oh, no, you mean a wife beater shirt.”

“I saw it and . . . I questioned it, and (the male employee) said that’s what everybody calls it,” Ellis said.

Interestingly, She Who Must Be Obeyed has a slight thingee for these things. Naturally, being a modern fella who is sensitive to the needs and desires (no matter how silly) of his gal, I bought some. She calls them "wife beaters" too.

Not to worry, ladies. My lady owns a couple of guns and knows how to use them. (She was the best shot on her high school rifle team.) Equality courtesy of
Smith and Wesson.

Building 19 officials said the company’s Hingham headquarters was deluged with critical calls and e-mails. Ellis said he hopes the apology will reduce some of the damage.

Toni K. Troop, spokesman for Jane Doe Inc., a Boston-based coalition against sexual assault and domestic violence, said the group’s initial response to the ad was “shock and disbelief.”

My goodness! She's got herself a case of the vapors! Give her room!

Troop said the chain’s quick response has helped.

“Taking responsibility is the best thing that they can do,” she said.

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