Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The mainstreaming of Martin Luther King Jr. Day continues apace.

Exhibit A: Meaningless image-burnishing stunts.

AP: With Russell's Help, Shaq, Kobe Make Peace
Bill Russell still has a big impact on the NBA. Following the Hall of Famer's advice, Shaquille O'Neal made peace with Kobe Bryant before their Martin Luther King Day game.

Exhibit B: Afternoon matinee hockey.

Monday, Jan. 16
Anaheim at Boston, 1 PM
Washington at Phoenix, 4 PM

Exhibit C: A white totalitarian politician makes crude racist remarks in a condescending Weezie Jefferson patois on MLK Day and nobody notices.

"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run, it has been run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talkin' about."
-- Sen. Hitlery Clinton (D-NY), in Harlem. (Thanks to Laura Ingraham for the heads up.)

Memo To My Melanin-Rich Brothers and Sisters: All you need to do to complete the mainstreaming process is to convince retailers to hold Pre-MLK Day sales. How about this for a slogan? "Can't we all just get a bargain?"

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