Tuesday, August 23, 2005

From The Violation Of The Natural Law Department:

It's time to get your kids out of California. Assuming, of course, they aren't somehow owned by a lesbian.

In three separate cases, the California Supreme Court yesterday ruled a child legally can have two mothers, effectively expanding the make-up of a family in the state.

The rulings are the first in the nation to grant full parental status to both members of same-sex couples who participated in planning and rearing a child.

In Elisa B. v. Superior Court., the court held that a lesbian who had agreed to raise the children born to her partner, but then split up with her partner, was required to pay child support for the children as a parent.

In K.M. v. E.G., the court held that the existence of a written waiver of rights was no bar to a lesbian woman who had donated ova to her partner to assist in an in vitro fertilization from asserting rights as a parent.

And in Kristine H. v. Lisa R., the court found that a stipulation signed by the natural mother conferred a legal right to her lesbian partner to exercise the role of a parent over the child.

"The California Supreme Court is determined not to be outdone in the aggressive fashioning of new social policy under the guise of deciding legal cases," Stephen Crampton, chief counsel for the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, said in a statement. "These cases, read together, demonstrate beyond question the social and political agenda of the court. They have little or nothing to do with law."

Continued Crampton: "The arrogance of the California court in attempting to redefine the family by the mere stroke of a pen is nothing short of extraordinary." (Thanks to WorldNetDaily for the heads up.)

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