Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Crawling on their hands and knees toward a true national collegiate football champion.

Ok, as a Steelers fan I am obligated to give Bradshaw a free pass on everything and anything for all time except the serial adultery, of course. I pray he never robs a bank. I'd have to help him get to Mexico.

That said, all these guys should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this traveshamocracy. We want a playoff just like they have in every other NCAA sport and we want it now.

Our intellectual and moral superiors who run the NCAA must be too busy insulting American Indians by punishing teams who honor the courageous warrior spirit of their ancestors.

Former star players Terry Bradshaw, Boomer Esiason, Steve Largent and Anthony Munoz are among 114 voters for the new Harris Interactive poll that will help decide which teams play for the Bowl Championship Series college football national title.

The list, released Monday, is a collection of former players, coaches, administrators and media representatives. It replaces the Associated Press media poll and becomes one-third of the BCS formula for ranking teams. Also in the formula are the USA TODAY coaches poll and an average of six computer rankings. (Related item: Full list of Harris Interactive voters)

The AP poll had been used by the BCS since its inception in 1998, but after last season the AP asked BCS officials to stop using its rankings in their formula.

Names were selected at random by the Harris polling group from a pool of more than 300. Nominations came from the 11 Division I-A conferences and Notre Dame. No women were picked to vote. According to BCS spokesman Bob Burda, some women were in the pool.

"Harris Interactive has been diligent in creating a voting panel that is balanced, statistically valid, and representative of all I-A conferences and independents," BCS coordinator and Big 12 Conference commissioner Kevin Weiberg said in a statement.

Other voters include: Lou Holtz, former coach at South Carolina, Notre Dame, Minnesota and Arkansas and now an ESPN analyst; Dick Schultz and Harvey Schiller, both former executive directors of the
NCAA and the U.S. Olympic Committee; former athletics directors Andy Geiger, Jake Crouthamel and Bob Frederick; former players Pat Haden, Rocket Ismail and Craig Morton.

Bradshaw works the NFL for Fox, while Esiason works the NFL for Westwood One/CBS radio. Their availability for the poll because of that work was not a factor, said Burda.

The voters were chosen to give equal representation to all 11 conferences.
The first Harris poll will be released Sept. 25, four weeks into the college football regular season. Harris poll voters will not be required to make their ballots public until the final poll Dec. 5.

Voters in the coaches' poll agreed for the first time to release their final ballots this season.

The first BCS standings will be released Oct. 17.

Big 12 commissioner and BCS administrator Kevin Weiberg, in a statement, called the new poll "balanced, statistically valid."

(Thanks to USA Today via Yahoo!News.)

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