Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What are those evil Bush twins up to now?

Jack Army finds something that won't get much airtime or many column inches.

Not a party-party weekend

h/t Wizbang, this article from

CAPE TOWN -- At the Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, children sit on their mothers' laps in waiting rooms, waddle down hallways, and wail inside the burn unit, where nurses carefully wrap gauze around their arms, legs, and heads.

It is here, say some doctors and nurses, that Barbara Bush, one of President Bush's twin daughters, has been working in near anonymity as a volunteer.


''Isn't it charming that everyone here in Cape Town has pretty much left Barbara all alone?" said Dr. Mitch Besser, who works with pregnant women infected with HIV. He said he heard about Barbara from a young associate in his program.

''You don't hear about her partying, or being out around the town," Besser said. ''All you know is she is here and volunteering at Red Cross Children's Hospital. I think it is great that the kid of a president can do that quietly."

Speaks for itself.

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