Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blog of the Day

Hurl's blog takes on William Raspberry (always good for an unintended chuckle or two) and our intellectual and moral superiors in the media.

Earlier today I read a Washington Post column by William Raspberry titled No Clarity on Iraq, but I think what it clarifies most is the fact that the Left in America just doesn't "get it." Like all arguments and articles I have read from the Left, no solution is ever offered other than - Quit. Of course, they usually embellish it a bit with the F word....
Raspberry asks at one point: "In what way does our engagement in Iraq make us stronger and more likely to be taken seriously? Wouldn't an adversary's best guess be that we are less likely than before to use our military to protect our worldwide interests?"
Well, if we don’t Quit Mr. Raspberry, but demonstrate resolve, strength, and courage in helping Iraq become a free, democratic country, how does that make us weak and less likely to be taken seriously? If we push through and succeed Mr. Raspberry, wouldn’t an adversary’s best guess be that we are quite capable, strong, and serious?

Hurl also links to Move America Forward's effort to take talk show hosts to Iraq and the Looney Left's response.

I was just informed about this by one of my readers. I also find it amazing that the reaction of the left is one of derision and disgust - as if they somehow have a monopoly on reporting anything from Iraq. Such arrogance! Why are they so upset that people who don't share their pessimistic ideology are planning to go find out what the truth is? Are they fearful that their agenda will be further undermined if the truth gets out?

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