Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A Star From Mosul

The musings of a 17 year old citizenette from the old Babylon province of Bloggerdom.


I am bored.. It's been a long time since I said I'm bored in this blog, although I am most of the time.. Bored.

We woke up at 8 AM today, just as the police were declaring that they (NGs and American soldiers) will search the neighborhood.. Thus, dad didn't go to the hospital, and Aya and her mom cancelled their visit to our house.. Two hours later, the street was open again and everything returned to normal. Aya came, but dad didn't go to the hospital in case the police decided to show up (He didn't want us to be alone like last time).. However, the declaration made me clean and arrange my room (It was messed up after a new maid came and cleaned it)..

Way before Saddam came to rule Iraq, people (Including my parents families) used to have maids working full time at the house, although women didn't have jobs at that time and had time to clean their own house.. Till now, some people are still used to that. We had a maid who came a couple of times a week to clean the house and do what we can't do. This maid (Who is also the maid of all the family; uncles and aunts) grew old and is now incapable of doing what she used to do.. It was time to change the maid, especially that the old one had come through a lot just to reach our house.

Just the idea of a new maid scared the hell out of us, but mom was determined that we can't do without one, especially when school starts.

People recommended a woman who works only with her daughter.. Although all the cousins seemed not to like it at all, we gave her a chance. She cleaned, though not well, but she cleaned.. But, nothing comes back to its real place after she cleans it.. Everything is messed up, including the book-case in my room.. It took me a week to notice that she's cleaned it and re-arranged it, but I was stunned by the ugly arrangement..

Anyway, I was saying that when the police said they're going to search the houses, I cleaned my room in case they got in. I also cleaned up my laptop (I deleted all the blog related stuff).. Who knows, maybe the soldiers would search the computer and find about my blogging, I don't think they'd like my blog, although none of the e-mails from the soldiers showed so.

Then I checked the SMSs in my mobile and removed all jokes about the government!

Last week, on Friday, we went out to my uncle's house.. All my uncles and aunts (From dad's side) gathered there (5, excluding an uncle in Australia, an aunt in Baghdad, and a dead uncle but the latter's family was there). Since last time, the number of babies on the ground increased a lot!

HNK took videos. My uncle gave her a lecture about keeping good memories. Most of the video was of babies..

One of the things I learned from war is that I shouldn't and would never wait for the Eid to come to hug my uncles.. I should never miss an opportunity to do so, to cherish every minute with them. I've lost an uncle once, and I'd do anything to get another minute with him.

Looking at the garden in which we were sitting made me think of the day in which my uncles were kids.. They'd still fill the garden ;)

Have they thought that 40 years to come, they'd be sitting in the garden with children and grandchildren talking about life..? Have they ever thought what life might bring to them? Have they ever thought of war..? Hearing dad telling me his memories, makes me feel like dumping all I have and going back 40 years to have a pleasant life. Everyone remembers the past, dad, mom, grandpa and grandma, the Arabic teacher, the Chemistry teacher.. Everyone liked it!

After my sister and her husband finished their dinner, they took Aya and left the house reminding us that they'll bring her back to us in about 12 hours.. They said "This time, you won't have time to miss her", I told them it never happened, an hour after Aya leaves, the family starts remembering every cute move she did.. And this is exactly what happened :)

PS: This is another "What's happening?" post, but for a change, I changed the title!

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