Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Eerie similarities: The foundation of the vast you-know-what?

Brian Tiemann of Peeve Farm (via Little Green Footballs) sends a shiver up and down my pseudo-slavic spine.

I honestly don’t know what to do or think when confronted with these earnest pledges, by people who claim to be the vanguard of compassion and understanding and peace, to beat the life out of me for the opinions I hold.

I’m no Christian, but I know what it is to feel the sadness of watching someone willingly damn himself. It’s born of love, and pity, and a wistful wish to be able to bridge the gap and bring the person back from the brink. Despite Kos’ insistence that the Religious Right thrives on hatred and lives to damn those with which it disagrees, I have to say that after some four years now of dwelling primarily on the right-hand side of the aisle, I haven’t even seen anything that comes close to the truly frightening level of murderous rage that emanates from what claims to be the country’s rightful moral guide. I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone on the pro-war/pro-Bush side even say or type the words “I hate...”

But I’m probably just not paying attention. Kos’ people aren’t just our moral guardians, they’re our intellectual superiors, too. (Emphasis mine.)

If he used a few more ellipses and stuck "get it" in every two minutes...

Hitlery Clinton, call your office...

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