Thursday, July 14, 2005

Q: What do you find on Page A16 of the NYT or the WP?

A: Proof the Koranpot Dome scandal does not exist. (Thanks to The Buffalo News via Yahoo!News.)

Military investigators examining alleged abuse of inmates in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, say they found treatment such as leashing a suspected terrorist and forcing him to behave like a dog. But they say they found no evidence that there was torture or that senior leaders imposed unlawful interrogation policies.

A few individual interrogators and military personnel are facing punishment, but a recommendation by investigators to admonish the former prison commander because of the treatment of one prisoner was overruled by a senior general.

In all, the findings track what the Bush administration has said, and what subsequent military self-investigations have found: The excesses with prisoners were the work of a few mid- or low-level personnel acting beyond their authority.

Investigators assigned to look into FBI agents' allegations of abuse at Guantanamo presented their findings to the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

They were unsatisfactory to some Democrats and human rights groups.
"I am deeply concerned about the failure - indeed, outright refusal - of our military and civilian leaders to hold higher-ups accountable for the repeated reports of abuse and torture of the prisoners at Guantanamo," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.

Earth to Ted...Earth to Ted...

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