In response to my post in which I took Billy Graham to task for canoodling with Bill & Hitlery instead of ho's and IRS thugs like Jesus did:
Jami said...
judge much?
Mon Jun 27, 05:40:18 PM EDT
At first, I thought Citizen Jami was simply a member of Mr. Graham's considerable flock who had missed the link to my original, more sympathetic (Too sympathetic, it turns out. Ol' Billy seems to be a media whore just like Bill & Hit.) post on the news of Graham's imminent retirement. (Those links are there for a reason, kiddies. One doesn't get it just like that. It requires some effort if you are not already among the cognoscenti.)
Then I visited the blog of La Jami and discovered she was the type who would be upset with anyone who dared to apply any constant standards (even leftist ones) of behavior to America's once and future First Fascists.
Nota bene, baby: Hiterly Now is a dangerous blog name for someone who reads books (or even claims to). You are precisely the kind of Menshevik who will be on the first cattle car to The Chappaqua Hilton.
Happy judging, baby.
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