Monday, May 02, 2005

Nazis = Stalinists

National Review Online brings us this update on the idiotic British professors' union, helpfully entitled The Stalinists of the AUT:

Israel, alone in the family of nations, earns the undivided attention of such initiatives. But please don't call these zealous unionised scholars Nazis. Call them by their true name: Stalinists. Theirs is not a blanket boycott. The AUT is ready to offer a waiver to scholars on the condition that they publicly state their willingness to conform to the political orthodoxy espoused by those academics who sponsored the motion. In their crusade for academic freedom, this minor detail clarifies their own definition of the concept of liberty: the freedom to agree only with the views espoused by the AUT itself; the freedom to endorse only one opinion; the freedom to conform; the freedom to be ostracized if you do not conform; the freedom to accept what otherwise would be imposed on you, under pain of boycott; the freedom to see your research set aside, censored, and denied publication if you do not embrace the spirit of the age; the freedom to remain silent and dissimulate your views if you disagree; the freedom to take an oath of allegiance to the dominant ideology of our times, and stand courageously loyal to the opinion nobody dares to challenge for fear of retribution; the freedom to harass, silence, oppress, discriminate against those who disagree. And of course, that typical Marxist tool of self-vilification, the freedom to publicly denounce your deviant views, make an act of contrition, and embrace the orthodox doctrine the executive committee of the AUT has sanctioned to be welcome back into the family of scholars. No book-burning, just Selbstkritik, please: We are British, after all...

Remember, this stuff is nothing new. The 20th century just made it more efficient. Who knows what new horrors the 21st will bring? Also please note this is happening in an enlightened liberal democracy (you heard me, SinnIRA).

And for you democrat wanna-bes out there in the unfree world, just remember the recipe for Leninist-Stalinism (Leninist-Leninism to the cognoscenti): Take a nascent liberal democracy, add a few thugs willing to kill absolutely anyone for any reason, and in no time at all you have totalitarian rule and 34 million murder victims.

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