Friday, January 19, 2018

More #HimToo!

HLN host slams Aziz Ansari's sexual misconduct accuser | Page Six
In the piece, the accuser claimed that the “Master of None” star ignored numerous non-verbal
“cues” (Ladies, you need to start wearing placards saying "GET OFF ME!" or not going into
the domiciles of men who aren't your husband, brother, or father. Unless of course, you're
planning on holding a business meeting there.) indicating that she “wasn't interested” in
having sex; the accuser admitted that she willingly engaged in oral sex with the comedian
afterward. “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling …

Speak clearly dearie. Say "I wouldn't fuck you if you were Lennie Bruce." A lady
never mumbles. Of course, she had his dick in her mouth. Big placards are what is called for.

Wait a minute... I thought homosexuals were the nice ones.

From NBC:

The replacements: Who took over for men ousted over sexual ...

Here's a look at the people who grabbed the reins after sexual misconduct claims felled their predecessors.

Hey, look, kiddies! Rolling Stone is still a thing:

E?Online reports that Liam Neeson is going with the witch hunt theory:

Ann, that begs the question "Why didn't YOU try to stop him?"


Joel Kramer Subject Of Two More Sexual Misconduct Allegations ...

Two veteran stunt women have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct
by famed stunt coordinator Joel Kramer. One involves a 10th grade girl who came to
the North Carolina set of Virus in the spring of 1997 to see how movies are made,
while a second woman claims that more than 30 years ago Kramer ...

Seriously? A stunt coordinator? Isn't he supposed to make sure people don't get hurt?


[Warning: This article includes descriptions of sexual misconduct.] 
(Well, that certainly was nice of them. - F.G.)
A little more than a week ago, Deadline posted a piece about actor Michael Douglas,
who was attempting to get out ahead of accusations of sexual harassment that he
was expecting to see emerge into the public space ...

Enough! I need to take a shower...

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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