The Old Gray Whore witnesses the madness it helped create:
ESPN Pulls Announcer Robert Lee From Virginia Game Because of His Name...

Mr. Lee, who is obviously of Asian descent, ("Why 'obviously' you evil racist?") should sue the Disney pervs for as big an amount as his lawyer can imagine. This is as extreme an example of left-fascist racial discrimination as the eight years of Okhrana were.
Unless a jury believes Mr. Lee's ancestors anglicized their surname in order to insult and terrorize every black person in their adopted country, he will win in a walk-over.
BTW, if you believe that, you suffer a particular kind of stupid and evil known as left-fascism.
Memo to everybody named Lee: You better go ethnic ASAP and change to Li before you get fired or beaten up by the always fascist "anti-fascists" of the left.
TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.
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