Thursday, August 17, 2017

"An Incontinent Fascist 2: No Electricity 4U Boogaloo" - Dumbass propaganda at its worst.

First, let's hear from our special guest reviewer, Heat Miser:

Hang on to your shekels, kids. This one's a snore-fest of a Gorefest. Chicken Obese is back and he's grayer, fatter, and much, much richer than the last time he pretended to be a scientist. (Just like Bill Nye Only An Engineer Guy!) Sadly, Chicken Little (a personal friend of mine) couldn't monetize her Doomsday scenario, but then again she's not a professional fascist like The Gorehound is.

Take it from a guy who's been around a couple of million years: The weather comes and goes, but it always sucks when you want to play a round of golf.

Heat Miser out!

And now, another opinion:

An Inconvenient Sequel - National Review

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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