Friday, May 05, 2017

It looks like Fyodor's Rules need a little tweaking.

Nothing has really changed in all these years, my brothers and sisters, but I feel an Appendix needs to be added.

First, the ten oldies but goodies:

Fyodor’s Rule # 1(a): The Lord thy God is one God. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind and with thy whole strength.

Fyodor’s Rule # 1(b): Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.Fyodor’s Rule #2: Conservative is as conservative DOES. (If it spends like a fascist, corrupts the family like a fascist, and excuses fascism like a fascist, IT’S A FASCIST!)Fyodor’s Rule #3: Israel and Judaism are NOT the same thing. (Regardless of what you may have heard.)Fyodor's Rule #4: Always believe the worst about commies. (It helps prepare you to face the horror.)Fyodor’s Rule #5: You can always spot a totalitarian because he is the one doing that which he accuses others of doing. Only worse.Fyodor's Rule #6: Get your kids out of the government indoctrination centers! [Formerly known as public schools]Fyodor's Rule # 7: There is no such thing as "born as" except for male and female.
Corollary A: Our destinies are not determined.)Fyodor’s Rule # 8: All sins are related.Fyodor's Rule #9: If you are going to fight, then fight until you eliminate your enemy, because the only thing remembered longer than power is weakness.Fyodor's Rule #10: You do not need a conspiracy if everyone thinks the same way.

And now for Appendix A:

"Populism" is nothing more than buying enough votes to grab power.

"Patriotism" is true love of country.

"Nationalism" is hatred of others fomented by elites to distract the Clumpentariat from the fact they are slaves.

"Fascism" is the rule of men instead of the rule of law.

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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