Thursday, May 18, 2017

FREE SPEECH FOR EVERYONE! (Except you, you, and you. And you over there. Yeah, you...the one who believes in God.

Parkland students demand to form anti-abortion club | lehighvalleylive ...

Ah, fascism...thy name is headline writing...

See, kiddies? People who don't want babies to be chopped to pieces and thrown in the trash are always "anti-" and they dare to "demand" their rights to assemble and speak freely.

Golly, fascism sure does suck.

A pair of Parkland students are demanding the high school allow them to create an anti-abortion club, after initially being denied.

District spokeswoman Nicole McGalla said the district Wednesday received a letter from the pair's attorney, demanding the club be allowed to form.

The district was consulting with its solicitor, but McGalla said because it is a legal matter, the district would not have a comment at this time.

Senior Elizabeth Castro and junior Grace Schairer proposed a student group called Trojans for Life, a branch of Students for Life of America, a nonprofit organization based in Virginia whose stated mission is to abolish abortion.

The teens said they approached the high school's administration about starting the club, and were told they would need an adviser and would have to submit a club proposal.

The girls found an adviser and submitted their proposal in March, but said the proposal was denied by Assistant Principal Jude Sandt, who reportedly said the group was too "political" and "controversial."

Baby eating sodomite.

Sandt did not immediately respond to a phone message asking about the proposal.

Schairer said she sent an email in April asking what the group could do to overcome the denial, but allegedly received no response.

"As a club, our purpose is to create a life-affirming culture at our school, educate our peers on the issue of life, hold diaper drives to support pregnant and parenting students, and become a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves," Castro said in a news release. "The school is not only denying our right to start a group but also denying the opportunity for others at our school to learn about the greatest human rights social injustice of our time."

The students are now represented by the Thomas More Society, a nonprofit law firm. Their attorney says the school's denial is unconstitutional, violating the group's First Amendment rights.

A letter that demands the club be permitted was sent Wednesday to Superintendent Richard Sniscak and high school administrators:

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